AJAX :: PasswordStrength Does Not Work After Partial Postback In Safari?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a Panel, which contains some form elements and is Visible=False on page load. When a button is pressed the Panel is made visible (the button and the panel are inside the same UpdatePanel). I have a PasswordStrength control within this Panel and on Safari it does not work once the Panel is made Visible=True. All other browsers work perfectly.

I've tried adding the PasswordStrength control at runtime but the same thing happens...

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Button In An Updatepanel Does Not Work With Safari 3.2.2?

Mar 3, 2010

Has anyone ever been able to get a button to work in an updatepanel for safari?

Clicking on the button does nothing.

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AJAX :: Get The MaskedEditExtender To Work With Safari Or Chrome?

Dec 4, 2010

Is there anyway to get the MaskedEditExtender to work with Safari or Chrome? Any kind of hack or workaround?

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MVC Ajax.ActionLink Example Doesn't Work In IE... But Does In Firefox, Chrome, Safari

Feb 14, 2010

I have the following controller:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; [code]....

When I click the action link in IE the controller code runs but the div is NOT updated. Do it in ANY other browser and it works just fine. Is this (yet another) known problem/bug with IE??

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AJAX :: PasswordStrength, How To Change The Language For HelpStatusLabelID?

Nov 3, 2010

Im using the PasswordStrength control included in the AJAX control toolkit. Ive set the HelpStatusLabelID property and it show the following text:"6 more characters, 1 more numbers, 1 symbol characters" Is there some way to change the language for this text or maybe replace the text for something else?

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AJAX :: Partial Postback And Update Panel?

Dec 4, 2010

i have one label out of update panel and one button inside update panel. in button click event i update the label text. when i run the code and click on button then partial postback occur and button click event fire but label value is not change. if i put the label too in the update panel then label value change at the time of button click. i do not understand why label value is not getting updated. suppose if i want that label should stay out of update panel and label value should change at the time of partial postback then how to write the code. i dont want put the label in any update panel.

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AJAX :: Partial Page PostBack Not Firing?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a few Link Buttons on my AJAX enabled page, all basically the same:


Here's the OnClick method they're attached to:


I ensure these LinkButtons trigger Async in my Page_Load method:


Then on the page there are three UpdatePanels (as called in the btnCampus_Click method). All are similar to this (only the ContentTemplate changes):


why the UpdatePanel's aren't triggered when clicked. I've been using UpdatePanels for a long time, but I can't seem to figure this one out.

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AJAX :: Partial Postback Not Clearing Control's?

Feb 20, 2011

After Partial Postback i am trying to clearing my textbox'e with value's but it's not clearing ??

if i don't want give another button for resetting the value

my code


My Mrkup-


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AJAX :: Implementing IHttpAsyncHandler With Partial Postback?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a web app which implements IHttpAsyncHandler for handling web service calls asynchronously, done according to this web page:


Now, my page is rather complex with many update panels, so when I initiate the AsyncHandler with BeginProcessRequest, the page does a partial postback, then when EndProcessRequest is called, another partial postback, everything is fine so far...

But when I navigate around my page and causes a partial postback between BeginProcessRequest and EndProcessRequest, nothing gets updated when EndProcessRequest is called...

In debug, EndProcessRequest IS CALLED in the server codebehind, but nothing updates clientside... I'm not even sure if it even caused a partial postback...

I'm a pretty big noob when it comes to this Async stuff, and I just followed the site above, so I'm guessing it maybe something behind the principle of how IHttpAsyncHandler works.

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AJAX Partial Postback / Dynamic JavaScript Values?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working with a user control which is inside an UpdatePanel. The user control uses swfobject to add a flash object to a div in the user control. Part of the functionality of the user control is it allows the user to change 'channel'. The channel is set and handled in the code behind hence the call in the JavaScript below to <%=channel%>.

The problem I have is that when the new channel is saved, the JavaScript code below is still pointing to the old channel. The only way I can fix this is to refresh the page via the code behind, but I'm thinking there must be a better way to do this..


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Ajax - Wiring Up JavaScript Handlers After A Partial Postback?

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to use LinkButtons with the DefaultButton property of the ASP.NET Panel in an UpdatePanel. I have read and used the various other answers that are around describing the wiring up of the click event so that a full postback is not done instead of a partial postback. When the page loads, I wire up the .click function of the LinkButton so that the DefaultButton property of the ASP.NET panel will work.

This all works fine, until you bring an UpdatePanel into the mix. With an UpdatePanel, if there is a partial postback, the script to wire up the .click function is not called in the partial postback, and hitting enter reverts to causing a full submit of the form rather than triggering the LinkButton.

How can I cause javascript to be executed after a partial postback to re-wire up the .click function of the LinkButton? I have produced a sample page which shows the problem. There are two alerts showing 1) When the code to hook up the .click function is being called, and 2) When the .click function has been called (this only happens when you hit enter in the textbox after the event has been wired up). To test this code, type something in the textbox and hit Enter. The text will be copied to the label control, but "Wiring up Event Click" alert will not be shown. Add another letter, hit enter again, and you'll get a full postback without the text being copied to the label control (as the LinkButton wasn't called). Because that was a full postback, the Wiring Up Event Click event will be called again, and the form will work properly the next time again.

This is being done with ASP.NET 3.5.

Test Case Code:


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AJAX :: Hammering Partial Postback With A Slider And Javascript?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a JavaScript slider which calls the follow functions:

var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

The ZoomButton1 is tied to an UpdatePanel and does a partial postback. In this case, when the Slider is constantly be dragged left and right, the value is changing/updating and JavaScript is hammering the postback extremely fast. It is so fast, the server sometimes but not always reports a pagerequest manager error, I believe.

I know that I can set it to just update my data (updatepanel) on a button_release or a mouse-up.. but occasionally, I still encounter the pagerequest manager error.

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AJAX :: Textbox Not Writable After Partial Postback Of Updatepanel?

Mar 4, 2010

i got a strange problem. my project was ok before implimenting ajax. i have just implimented ajax in one page only with Tabcontainer and updatepanels only nothing else. almost all controls are devided into different Tabs with respective update panels.

mostly it is working ok. but the problem is :

1. in some controls i am not able to write anything even the control is "Enabled=True" and focus is on the same control after partial postback.

2. and as soon as i press Tab control goes to Address bar.

3. some time tab key is also not working.

here some code :


Here the Logic :

as soon as i type inception date; expirydate is automatically calculated and focus should come to sumassured. after this it should allowed to enter sumassured amount, which is not allowing to write.

As soon as i change tab and come back to original tab then i can write values normaly.

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AJAX :: Button Not Preserving ID After Partial Postback In Updatepanel?

Oct 8, 2010

I've created a dynamic button from another control outside of the update Panel. The button is given an ID and such. When the button is click, a postback occurs and I've re-created this button during Page_Init, Page_PreLoad, and Page_Onload and NONE of them is preserving the value.

The only way for me to find the control was to look at the Page.request.form's allkeys and compare the string with a any text string that contains: Button. Because I ID'd teh button as: ButtonRow_0Col0. But the actual ID is null. However, when traversing through page.request.form, the allkeys shows that ID with no problem.

So how come the actual ID is lost after a partial postback yet, the page.request.form's allkeys can pull out its allkey's value??

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AJAX :: Display Popup With Partial Page Postback?

Oct 7, 2010

I am using an updatepanel and a grid is placed within the same.Now,I have a checkbox corresponding to each row of the grid.If I check it,say corresponding to one row and click a button(placed outside the panel), a popup will be opened which is a separate aspx page having its own functionality.

The requirement is like I need only the panel to refresh not the whole page.

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AJAX :: How To Hook Dynamically Created Controls To Do A Partial Postback

Oct 7, 2010

So I have two UpdatePanels. I am dynamically creating server-side buttons in UpdatePanel2. When the buttons come out, they are not hooked to the asynchronoustriggers of updatePanel1.

So how can I dynamically add these triggers of these newly dynamically created buttons so that clicking these buttons will only cause a partial postback to UpdatePanel1 ? Right now, when I click these buttons, it causes a partial-postback refresh to UpdatePanel2 (the panel itself that which the controls reside in)

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AJAX :: Jump To Newly Visible Panel When Making Partial Postback?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a GridView control inside one Update Panel and a detail section inside another Update Panel. Initially, the detail section is hidden and when a GridView row is selected, the Detail panel becomes visible. Everything works fine except that if the GridView contains more rows and covers most of the user's screen, screen doesn't shits to the start of Detail section.I can use anchor but was just wondering if there is any other way of achieving this. Also the Detail section has multiple nested Update Panels and if I use anchor, then any of the child Update Panel's update will move the screen to the beginning of the detail Section.

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AJAX :: Use FileUpload Control With Partial PostBack To Avoid Page Refresh

May 7, 2015

Here is the sample code am trying.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="conditional">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" />

[Code] ....

This upload is working. But why the page is getting refreshed? this is not partial post back and instead it 's full post back. i have read the articles for the fileuplaod with issue inside the update panel. is there any way to achieve this asynchronous upload on button click?

I don't want to use the Ajaxtoolkit  Asyncupload because that will upload (Ref : [URL] ....] the moment when we seelct the file itself which i don't want to do that. i need to do on the button click event. 

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AJAX :: Call JavaScript Function After UpdatePanel Refresh (Partial PostBack) Is Completed

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... am using this functionality in my project and it is working very fine but i am facing very strange issue while using this.

The above functionality is not working when we place dropdownlist and textbox inside updatePanel and ModalPopupExtender

The .aspx page where i am using ModalpopupExtender and UpdatePanel for DropDownList and Textbox is below

<%-- *************************** MODAL POPUP EXTENDER ***************************************************** --%>
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField3" runat="server" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField4" runat="server" />
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" PopupControlID="Div6" TargetControlID="HiddenField3"
BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" CancelControlID="bclosemodalpopup" >

[Code] ....

The above code is not working with UpdatePanel but it is working if we remove DropdownList and Textbox from updatepanel.

The javascript code which i am using is below

<script type = "text/javascript">
var ddlText, ddlValue, ddl, lblMesg;
function CacheItems() {
ddlText = new Array();

[Code] .....

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AJAX :: JQuery MultiSelect DropDownList With CheckBoxes Not Working After UpdatePanel Partial PostBack?

May 7, 2015

In my previous question mentioned below.

My previous question mentioned


Now i am having two dropdown one is asp dropdownlist and 2ND is MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes. 2nd dropdown is populating on selected value of first.On page load it works fine. Now, on change of value in dropdown, selected index change 2nd dropdown (MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes) fills but i see a list box instead of dropdown.

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload And GridView - Getting The Partial Page Postback To Fire After The File Upload Has Completed

May 28, 2010

I have two controls, each placed in their own <div> and <UpdatePanel> on my form. I am having trouble getting the partial page postback to fire after the file upload has completed. I have not used the __doPostBack approach before so I'm not sure if I am heading in the right direction.

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AJAX :: Using Multiple TinyMCE Rich TextBox Editor Inside UpdatePanel Across Partial PostBack

May 7, 2015

I saw article [URL] .... that is working fine 

I have a page with multiple textbox multiline 

When I apply your code for three textbox then it show only one editor and remain same as simple textbox and if i click on button it flickering ...
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" />

[Code] ....

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AJAX :: Handle And Display Exception Error Message During Update Panel Partial PostBack

May 7, 2015

I want handle exceptions in update panel control with c#.

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AJAX :: Bootstrap Tabs Maintain Selected (Active) Tab On Partial PostBack Inside Update Panel

Jun 16, 2015

My bootstrap tab is inside update panel now on postback it loses its active tab state . I referred this article :


But it didn't worked for me. How to maintain bootstrap tab active on postback inside update panel.

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Web Forms :: Is There A Trick To Gettting Listboxes To Work Right With Safari?

Mar 2, 2011

All of my listboxes seem to work right in all browzers but Safari. Any trick to getting them to work with Safari?

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