AJAX :: RadioButtonList And UpdatePanel / Update In Async Mode?

Nov 10, 2010

Am I missing a trick here ???

I am using VWD 2008.. I have a RadioButtonList with two options.


I also have an UpdatePanel


When the LoadingOption change it then has some code behind that at the moment changes the <asp:Literal ID="ItemName" runat="server" /> text.

If I don't have a Radiobutton selected when the page loads then all works fine. i.e. I can select either radiobutton and the ItemName updates correctly.... Whats the problem you may ask ????

Well I want to have one of the Radio buttons selected when the page has been loaded (like a default setting). So I do this <asp:ListItem Text="1kVA" Value="1kVA" Selected="True" />........ Here is my problem, When I select the other option (7kVA) the ItemName updates fine BUT if I then select the first option (1kVA) the ItemName does not update. I added another button that just does a postback. When the button is clicked the ItemName updates correctly. OK, fine but I don't want that. I want to be able to click on one option and the ItemName updates then click on the other option and the ItemName updates.

Have I missed something out ??

By the way if I set the <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="LoadingOptions" /> to <asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="LoadingOptions" /> then it works how I want it apart from the reloading of the page, I would like it to update in Async Mode so it is seemless and no page reload.

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The demo shows the hovermenu working until you click the update button then it stops showing the content, although it is still calling the WebMethod onhover.

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Master Page:


Content page:


Standalone page:


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Is there something i need to look at to find out what is going on?

Here is my code on the page and code behind


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'Loop through the update panel controls on the page and find the one that is involved in the postback (isInPartialRendering)

'Try to find the user control as a child of the update panel

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I've exempted the irrelevant bits of code. Essentially, I am trying to change the URL of an image control inside of an update panel inside of a custom user control from a function called inside an update panel from my main page. Using UpdatePanel.Update() isn't working: I end up waiting for the next full page POST to occur before all the updates I make to CustomControl from buttons within the main page's update panel are visible. I verified that Update() was being called via the debugger: there are no issues in that department.

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<cust:CustomControl runat="server" ID="CustomControl1">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="DoStuff" />
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>

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The issue here is on changing the selection on dropdown, the onselectionchanged event is triggered, new data is grabbed, bound to gridview..but does nt update the update panel even after the updatepanel.update();


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.net : Exclude Control In Updatepanel From Doing Async Postback

Dec 8, 2010

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<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upPnlAnswerList" runat="server">
// another code that required to placed inside updatepanel
<div id="miancontainer" class="containerr"
<klmsuc:Share ID="shareUserControl" runat="server" />

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Jan 29, 2011

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My UpdatePanel:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false">

This is my call to the server:


When the page loads again, the multiview is not showing the assigned view.

I have noticed that the call to the server doesn't set Page.IsPostback = true, it remains false. Perhaps this is somehow related?

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AJAX :: Can't Get The UpdatePanel To Refresh After DB Update

Mar 29, 2010

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Tab control which has X# of Tabs, each Tab has a various labels and a Rating Control.

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The DB Update does take place but the NEW contents are not displayed



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Apr 18, 2010

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Jul 5, 2010

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Does Not Update New Image?

Jan 30, 2011

I am using an updatepanel. Inside this updatepanel I have a LinkButton with the clickevent below.

When clicking this button the Image does not update to a new image. As seen I am assigning the Session variable a new Image path(Session["showThisImage"]) which I am getting in the Page_Load event.

Now I am putting this path in a public variable that is set to the HTML control "Img1" with help of Page.DataBind().

However the Image does not change which is the problem, the image is still there. But other things as labels, links etc do get updated with new data which I haven´t put in this example which means that the updatepanel works except changing the Image here? Also to mention is that if you uncomment: "Response.Redirect("ThisPage.aspx");" the image will change but this will mean a FULL postback which I dont want.


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AJAX :: Can Not Update UserControl Having Updatepanel?

Mar 20, 2010

ScriptManager exist in MasterPage. I registered trigger by timer.I want to update color of rectangle in Map.aspx. but It is not update. If use Label instead of Image Control, update is done. - structureDefault.aspx have table. table have cell. cell have usercontrol. usercontrol have updatepanel.updatepanel have image control. image control have Draw.aspx in ImageUrl.- Code Sample1. MasterPage behind Code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolkitScriptManager1.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(Timer1); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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