The div's height is auto-sized by javascript to match the height of the window; the width is 100%
The body is overflow:hidden
The div is overflow:auto
The CssClass for the Accordion is just "accordion," and the only property in the css is "overflow:hidden;"
When the page renders, however, firebug shows the rendered HTML to be including the following div which appears to be a container for the entire accordion:
I have tried setting AutoSize = false on the Accordion...
but what I end up with is a horizontal scrollbar from my div which contains the accordion, but then I end up with a vertical (and sometimes also horizontal) scrollbar for the div whose class above is set to "accordion"
What is adding all these overflow:auto tags? How do I get rid of them?
I run into this problem while playing with accordion for a project. Sometimes VS 2008 auto generates code, without me wanting to!!!. Less generally I have an Accordion with 2 Accordion Panes in it. When modifing properties of the Accordion VS 2008 adds an Accordion extender and duplicates the two Accordion Panes!
My original code
My code after pressing space between the properties of the Accordion
The scenario is this. I have a long page that has a scroll bar. I'm us an Ajax ModalPopupExtender and that too is very long and has a scroll bar.
The problem I'm seeing is that in IE when a user scrolls the modal popup window, when it reaches the bottom it also scrolls to main window which has a really ugly user experience.
So what I want to do is, through server side code, I want to dynamically change the body css overflow from auto to hidden and I can't seem to find a way to make that happen. I've tried a number of approaches and none of them seem to work.
I want to create an accordion inside a gridview with the following functionality:
The user will only see one field of the gridview initially, the ProductCategoryID. When the page loads it will only query the ProductCategoryID and this will be the only field displayed.
Next when the user clicks on the accordion to expand it inside the gridview I would like to query the database to get all Products that are part of the ProductCategory. I will query using the ProductCategoryID that is being displayed.
I need to do this for performance issues. The main thing I am looking for is how to query the database once the user expands a given ProductCategoryID.
but now I think of it one thing I need to know: when you bind an accordion to a dataset will it create one pane for each record returned? It might be better to put the gridview inside the accordion. I'm willing to do either, as long as it works
i am creating a menu which has the below structure. what i would like to do is use a jquery ui accordion control.
can i place an accordion in an accordion?... i.e. menu 1 expands out in an accordion and then the sub menus in menu 1 need to expand out in another accordion.
menu 1 sub menu of the menu 1 menu item menu item menu item sub menu of the menu 1 sub menu of the menu 1 menu 2 sub menu of the menu 2 menu item menu item menu item sub menu of the menu 2 sub menu of the menu 2
I m using ajax accordion control to display the information of my company branches. Now it always displays one pane at a time. But i want that it should not display any pane at a time. Only a single pane should be displayed when user click on header of that pane.
I followed a video tuturiol for the Ajax Accordion control and also created it manually using VWD2010ExpressAlthough the source code I downloaded works fine, mines dosen't. The links for the panes will not respond. Everything else seems to be ok.
this may be a very simple question, but is it possible to force a div not to have scrollbars? I have a div that i change the size of dynamically, and would like to force it to be fixed in size.
If my understanding is correct, it is not possible to use the Datapager with the Accordion control. So, I am trying to find a way to replicate the functionality and wonder if anyone can recommend a method of doing it.
I am after a control/strategy that is 'pageable' where I can have a 'header' with general item information and with some means of displaying more detailed information, if required, without having to leave the current page.
I am loading an Accorion control dynamically (Used for a menu) and assign the Style in code.
The accordion Header has a default and a hover over style and so does the Content. But it seems like the Content a:hover is used on the Header although i have made sure that i have the Header a:hover also in the CSS. Does any one know if there are something logged like this? Here is my code that dynamically loads the Accordion in the Code Behind
Has anyone ever tried to put a seadragon control in an accordion extender? I just tried and I can't get it to work. The seadragon control dosn't render the image when you open a pane in the accordion. Something like this...
I have a <div> below with a class. I set 802px as a width. Now if the text content inside the div is wider like in this case. I want to shown horizontal scrollbars.The thing is that I cant use a asp:Panel to wrap this with which do works ofcourse because I am setting that <div> by reading in the whole <div> from a textFile and after this set this code, using the InnerHtml property. As I have tested you cant read in an asp:Panel and set that as InnerHtml. That didnīt work. So I wonder how I can solve this for this scenario. I am reading in ALL the <div></div> code from a textfile and need to put horizontal scrollbars here.Is that possible in any way?
How do I set the scrollbars in an page dynamically? When a user comes to certain pages on my site I would like the page to be scrolled down about halfway. Is there a way to do this without using Javascript?
I've got a site that uses an Accordion, it has AutoSize="Limit" and the height is set to 600, however, when rendered, the Accordion div style is set to:"overflow-x: auto; height: 600px; overflow: hidden;"Does anyone know why this is the case? My understanding is that an AutoSize value of Limit should render style of "overflow-y: auto;" if not "overflow: auto;"?I tried setting the width to see if that makes any difference, but it still has "overflow: hidden".At the moment I have a work around which places the Accordion (with AutoSize="None") in a div with a style of "height: 420px; width: 750px; overflow: auto;", but I'm surprised that this issue exists and would prefer if I didn't have to use this work around.
I have my website up and running, and i've got many respones from surfers that the Accordion object that I have on one of the pages won't openpanes. I geuess that it got something to do with old browsers or security settings, but I'm not sure which. Besides, assuming that it does has somethingto do with old browsers to bad settings, what can i change in the Accordion's settings to make sure it will run on old browsers as well?
i want to create accordion programmatically in c#. i want to define how many panes a accordion will have on the basis of count of items present in the dropdown. i dnt know whether anybody gets it or not what i am trying to achieve. here goes again create a accordion which will multiple panes depending upon the no of items present in the dropdown list.
I have a question about the accordion control, I have a listbox with a list of options, the user can select items of the listbox and add this to the accordion, now I want the option to quit items of the accordion, but I can't get the selected pane to catch the ID of the selected item and delete it. I do a checkbox in the headers, but how I can do that the checkbox get the values of the pane selected?
I have a repeater that contains an accordion. Inside the accordion, I have contents that consist of a <table> and text boxes, labels, buttons, the whole shooting match. When my code runs the contents all load no problem. The only problem is that my accordion is not working. There is no accordion function and all panes are expanded and I can't un expand them. Below is my source code.