AJAX :: Setting Timeout For The Webservices?

Jun 2, 2010

Is there any way to stablish a global timeot when calling webservices from Javascript in an ASP.NET application?Now the only way I know is setting the timeout manually for each service: service1.set_timeout=100000;

I'd like to do it globally.

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Web Services - Does The Server Timeout Setting Affect The Client Timeout Setting

Oct 15, 2010

I'm working with ASP.Net web services and am having a problem with a long-running process that takes about 5 minutes to complete, and it's timing out. To fix this, I was able to set the executionTimeout on the server's web.config to 10 minutes, and then set the .Timeout property on the Web Service object to approximately 9 minutes. Now, I'm worried that this may possibly cause some other web service calls to sit there for 10 minutes before they time out rather than the previous 90-100 seconds. I know the default on the client side is 100 seconds, but wasn't sure if updating the server's timeout setting would affect this.

Bottom line is - Is it safe to update the server's timeout setting to a long amount like 10 minutes, and rely on the default timeout on the client, or could this end up causing some problems?

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AJAX Timeout Although Request Is Completing Long Before Timeout Duration

Feb 15, 2010

I have an ASP.Net application that makes an AJAX request to retrieve at report. The report can run for a long time so I set the asyncpostbacktimeout in <asp:ScriptManager /> to 600. However, when I try to run the report, if it runs for longer than 90 seconds it fails to come back. I can see in the IIS logs that the POST request succeeded with a 200 status and I can see the time taken is much less than 600.

The web page dutifully waits for the entire 600 seconds before returning with a timeout error:



The server request timed out.

Is there any setting I should be checking in IIS? Connection timeout is 900 seconds.

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Security :: Dynamically Setting The Timeout?

Jul 21, 2010

have a website which as far as I know has the following timeout settings:1) In Web.config, FORM's authentication timeout="10"2) In Web.config, MEMBERSHIP's userIsOnlineTimeWindow="10"3) Assigned in Global.asax on Session_Start(): Session.Timeout =10;In the past I had problems because at least 1) and 3) weren't in sync, not sure about 2).

Do these 3 have to be in sync and if so, is there a way to set the timeout once and to have it applied to all 3? I deploy my website to many clients and each may want a different timeout, so I'm looking for a dynamic method to set this, perhaps after loading the timeout period from the db or settings file.

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Setting The Timeout Period On A Site?

Apr 20, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. IIS 6.0. Forms Authentication.My web site uses forms authentication (in case that makes a difference). Folks who are using the site indicate that it is timing out on them (logging them out) before they can finish some entries. How can I increase the timeout period? The following is my web.config file in my root directory:


Here is the web.config in the subdirectory to which all users are directed at login:


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Setting Timer And On Timeout Submit The Webpage?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using Asp.net 2.0 and C#.I have 2 webpages, which contain lot of questionnaires. I have a submit button in my 2nd web page. I want to set a timer in the page, so that after 2 minutes, if the user has not completed the questionaire, i want to click on the submit button automiatically.

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Setting Session Timeout At Page Level?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a site that when a user logs in it sets their initials into a session variable and sets the timeout value like so:


I want the user to be logged in for 3 hours. This does not work, the session expires after a short period of time, maybe 20 minutes. What do I need to change to make this page level validation work?I have tried setting in web.config also, but this doesn't work either.

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true" timeout="180" />

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C# - Setting A Timeout Using A Manually Created Forms Authentication Ticket?

Dec 29, 2010

The constructors for manually creating FormsAuthenticationTicket objects force us to set an "expiration" value, and this value overrides the "timeout" setting in web.config in my tags, which is not what I want, because now the user doesn't timeout. The "session" just expires at the given time.I need to manually create my ticket for UserData reasons, and it is just the way I decided to build my app. I guess I could spend a whole lot of time and redo the way my app. authorizes, and store the "userdata" elsewhere... but this seems extremely tedious for something so small..Is there anyway to manually create an Auth Ticket and still maintain timeout settings?! And by timeout, I mean resetting the timer on user activity. Not a fixed timeout!

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Setting Auth Cookie Timeout Length Based On Role?

May 18, 2010

I want to allow admins to be logged in for longer than normal users. I don't see a hook for setting the cookie timeout programmatically or in a role-based way. Is this possible in ASP using Forms Authentication?

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IIS Configuration :: Web Config Session Timeout Setting Not Working In Server

Jul 17, 2015

i am working on an application ,i have hosted on server. everything going fine  . i have added a code to set session timeout in webconfig . but its expire default time .

<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="524601"/>

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Aug 13, 2010

Hey I have a XML Feed which is sometimes slow to connect to making my front page quite slow to load sometimes.I load it as follows Try


How Can I set a timer on these i.e give it 5 secs if it doesnt load, just forget it and go straight to catch for example

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State Management :: Form Timeout Vs. Session Timeout Vs. Connectionstrings Timeout?

Jan 27, 2011

We have the timeout value set to 120 in our <form> tag within the web.config. We do not have a session timeout set.. and we have various connection strings.

We are having a problem where a session variable will disappear (become NULL) .. but, the form evidently remains 'open'.. or no re-login is required..... so, my question(s):

1. what is the relationship between form timeout and session timeout

2. how do I set session timeout

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AJAX :: Calling Webservices From Javascript: OnError Method, How To Identify The Method

Aug 26, 2010

I have an application that has JS calling ASMX files to do asyncronous requests, using ASP.NET AJAX.

The problem is that I use always the same "onError" function, and now I don't know how to identify the method that rised the error, and it is giving me a lot of problems to debug errors. The parameter "data" of the onError method does not give enough information, for

en System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeInternal(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeMain(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToType(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.StrongTypeParameters(IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData, IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)

Is there any way to know the webmethod that raised the error?

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Statement Timeout / System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout Expired?

Jan 20, 2010

Hopefully I am posting this in the correct forum.

I am having a problem with my ASP.Net Web application. The application is developed using vb.net and is linked to a SQL Server database. Let me explain how the application works and the problem I am experiencing. The system is an online web app which allows registered users to create a CV online. One of the pages within the app gives users the chance to add a cover note to their CV. The page that allows them to do this consists of only a textarea control and a button control. The textarea allows users to input up to 4,000 characters.

Once the user clicks the 'Save' button to save their cover note info, the following code then executes.This code checks to see if the CV already has cover note info, if it does, then the application runs an update statement, otherwise, it runs an insert statement.The table within the database which records the cover note information is called tbl_covernote and has three columns, covernote_id (int and autoincrement), cv_id(int), covernote_text (nvarchar(max)).

The error which occurs sometimes is as follows:

Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim param(0) As SqlParameter
Finally [code]...

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Differences In Forms Auth Timeout And Session Timeout?

Feb 1, 2010

The session state timeout is set using this web.config element

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="120" />
The forms auth is configured using this web.config element
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx"
enableCrossAppRedirects="false" />

What is the difference between the timeouts specified in each of these elements? If both are different, how would it work?

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Javascript - Sync JS Timeout And Session Timeout?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a page of each every click has ajax call to my server (hence, the ASP extends the session)

I have ASP.NET session set to Xmin. I want when X+1 min expires, I have expiration page. what I did was to set the JS timer to validate every x+1min to see if the session expired (the problem is that the JS and the ASP session timeouts are not synced)

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Configuration :: Forms Timeout Vs Sessionstate Timeout?

Mar 10, 2011


I have an issue to where my users are logged into my system but thier session is null so when they try to do something in the system after 20 minutes, i get null reference expceptions because my session is gon
What is the best practice for handleing the session, should i kick the users out before thier session ends and when they log back in thier session will return or atleast a new one will be created right? How should I handle this?

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AJAX :: Timeout Redirect To Login Again?

Oct 12, 2010

I have some problems whereby sometimes my application redirects to the login page if the users sessions timesout.

What I'm finding though is that pages that are ajaxified with update panels etc don't appear to redirect to the login correctly.

Meaning that my users come back and click a button and a horrible 'object not set to an instance of an object' error appears.

I was wondering if anyone has a fix for this - or if they recommend some javascript on the page to return the user to login (and therefore load session stuff).

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How To Handle Session Timeout In Ajax Calls

Mar 8, 2011

I'm making an ajax call using jquery to an asp.net mvc controller action:

public ActionResult GetWeek(string startDay) {
var daysOfWeek = CompanyUtility.GetWeek(User.Company.Id, startDay);
return Json(daysOfWeek);

When session times out, this call will fail, as the User object is stored in session. I created a custom authorize attribute in order to check if session was lost and redirect to the login page.

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Can Use Ajax To Get Current Time Remaining To Session Timeout

Oct 18, 2010

I would like to pop up a box that warns the user of session timing out in 5 minutes. There are lots of examples of this on the net and I can figure something out. My question however is how to get the time remaining.All examples I read about set a client side timer to countdown from last postback. I would like to do something different. I would like to make an AJAX call to the server and get the time remaining from the server. Is this possible?Since an AJAX call will not reset the session timeout timer can I read the number and send it back to the client?

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How To Use AJAX To GET Information From Server Without Resetting The Session Timeout

Jul 15, 2010

I would like to make a periodic background request from JavaScript on the client to my web application (ASP.NET, IIS 7), but I don't want the request to affect the ASP.NET session timeout

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Extender..session Timeout?

Sep 13, 2010

actually want to give a popup 2 min before the session timeout,i have actually found out a way to do that but i want to use modal pop up extender instead of javascript.......how should i use this,how do i create the pop up window first and then how do i call it from page load of each page, what should be the targetcontrolid,please help me out.

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Security :: Authentication Timeout While Making AJAX Call?

Sep 13, 2010

I tried to take advantage of jQuery AJAX call to enhance user experience but I am facing a tricky problem.

When the user does nothing for a period of time, e.g. 30 minutes to reach authentication timeout, making AJAX call becomes the problem. The server side will return login page and display in my target div section. The simplest solution I can think of is to inject a dummy tag in login page, and when detecting such dummy tag then use javascript to redirect to login page. But this means that I have to do that every time I make AJAX call.

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State Management :: Session Timeout Redirect In Ajax Calls?

Oct 25, 2010

If a normal session timeout occurs we could handle the session timeout.

But say we are using a lot of ajax calls, webhandlers etc. How would we catch session timeout here and redirect to error/login page.

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AJAX :: Setting Focus On 2.psotback With Ajax And Usercontrols?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a problem setting focus on a usercontrol in asp.

I have a masterpage with a script manager and a few contentpages. On two of the contentpages I have a usercontrol. Inside this control I have a updatepanel that has another usercontrol that has a asp:textbox, aka TheTextBox. I need those pages to set the focus to TheTextBox.

The innermost usercontrol sets focus in page_prerender: ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page).SetFocus(TheTextBox);

Now this works on the first pageload, and the second. But not on the third load! And i cant really understad why, but I'm guessing that its because the 2nd postback is renderd inside an updatepanel and somehow that cause the setfocus to not trigger propperly after the 2nd postback.

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