AJAX :: Show GridView Current Selected Row Data When Clicked In ModalPopupExtender

Jun 18, 2012

I am using Ajax toolkit first time ... I don't know how to use it 

in girdview I am using Ajax : ModalPopupExtender 

if I click on studnetid then Student info pop up page should come

  <asp:TemplateField  HeaderText ="StudentID" SortExpression="StudentID"   >
                   <ItemTemplate  >
                        <asp:LinkButton ID="StudentIDlinkButton" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("StudentID") %>'   OnClick="ShowPopupwindowforStudentID" />

[Code] ....

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Display GridView Selected Row Details In AJAX ModalPopupExtender

May 7, 2015

In a gridview there is 4 columns i.e. application no,name,couse,more.. (linkbutton). When we will click more.. button of any application no, then in a popup window all information of that particular application number will show.

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AJAX :: How To Show A ModalPopupExtender Triggered By A GridView Button From Server-side Code

Jul 8, 2010

I have a gridview that displays items awaiting supervisor approval. The supervisor clicks the Review button and a modal window should popup with the results of a database query on the record. I am using a dataketname param on the grid. Here are the ASPX elements, The gridview and the modalpopup code


I am using mpeApproval.Show() in the codebehind but it isn't firing. I've been at this literally all day and am feeling pretty stupid at the moment. Have I provided enough for you to make a determination?

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting Row Value When A Row Is Selected Or Clicked In Gridview

Sep 11, 2010

I have a gird view,which has only one field displayed,and a text box. (Grid view has 2 data rows.)

On the gridview i have a button field named "Detailed View" which has command name "Detailed".

When i click on the row 1 i wanted to display the value on the text box

How will I execute it?

I have given the following code but its not giving me the expected result.

textbox1.Text = datagrid.Rows(e.CommandArgument).Cells(0).Text) and on the gridviews _RowCommand event

Its showing null

I am using VS 2008 (.net version 3.5) AND MS ACESS DB

In visual studio 2005(.net 2.0) the same code is working absolutely fine

View 21 Replies

Show Data In A GridView Only After A Button Is Clicked?

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to display data in a GridView, only when a button is clicked.

Below is my HTML:

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="DeronPage.aspx.vb" Inherits="DeronPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Select All Emails!" Width="139px" />
<br />
<br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
<asp:BoundField DataField="email" HeaderText="email" SortExpression="email" />

Below is my VB code-behind:

Partial Class DeronPage
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT Email From login"
End Sub
End Class

What do I need to do to make this work?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Panel When Row Is Clicked In GridView

Nov 5, 2010

I have a gridview control and right now I have it going to another page when a row is clicked. I changed the code and added a Select column to it. I want to click this first column and show a panel to enter notes for the customer on that row. Then submit it. Is it complicated to do this? Or would I need to do a postback when clicking the row and use another form for this? They want a panel on the grid to show for notes. I do the following now to show a detail page if a row is clicked and column is greater than 0.


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How To Get Current Selected Data In Datalist From Gridview Inside It

Mar 24, 2010

i have a datalist and inside it there is many rows and in one of these rows i have a gridview,. i can say that it's like the following


my problem is when i'm in gridview RowCommand handler i want to get the data that exist in [textbox1 control] and [textbox1 control]

i do the following

DataListItem dataListItem = (DataListItem)((GridView)sender).Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent;
string txt = ((TextBox)dataListItem.FindControl([textbox1 control])).Text.Trim();

but is this the only way to ?

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Data Controls :: Show Modal Popup And Redirect To Another Page When Button Is Clicked Inside GridView

Apr 22, 2014

There is a Gridview in my web page with a Hyperlink & ImageButton inside it.HTML code:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" PageSize="5" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="GridView1_PageIndexChanging" BorderColor="#e5e4e2" BorderStyle="solid" BorderWidth="2px">
<RowStyle CssClass="Grid" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Id" DataField="id"/>


I wat to know 2 different things, using above Gridview Layout:1) when I click on only Gridview "Hyperlink", it should open a modal Popup with 1 Gridview inside modal Popup. And close modal Popup when clicking on cancel button.2) How to navigate to other ".aspx page", when clicking on Gridview "Hyperlink" OR "ImageButton" inside above Grid.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Current Selected Row In The RowCommand Event Of A GridView

Mar 7, 2010

get the current selected row in the RowCommand event of a GridView in asp.net. The GridView has a button in an Item Template as shown below,


that I can pass values from GridView to a page. I tried following code but I could
not get the row number.

View 4 Replies

AJAX :: Selected Value Of Dropdownlist Inside ModalPopupExtender Is Always Default Value

Jul 8, 2010

I have a form in which I have a gridview with a LinkButton culumn in which when the user clciks a modal popup extender shows up. In the modalpopup I have a dropdownlist which is filled from DB in code behind. but when the user clicks on Add button in modalpopup panel, the selected value of the dropdownliast is always its default value.


here is my code behind:


I traced my code behind, the fillData() which fills up dropDownList is called only once in page load's first time.

PS. I understood the problem exists only when the modal is poped up by linkbutton click of gridview. when It is poped up by a button outside the grid it workes fine.

View 5 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Don't Show Panel By Code

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to do a simple thing using asp.net. I wanna show a modal popup panel from a server procedure with vb.net.

The error is: The popup don´t show when I click cmdTest Button.

OBS: I used cmdTest just to call the procedure. In my project, one button call a procedure that will or not call other procedure that will or not show the panel.

what´s wrong with the following code ?

-- aspx --


-- css --


-- vb --


View 3 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Appears And Then Disappears On Show()?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a modalpopupextender and I want to show a panel after a postback which works but once the panel is shown it disappears immediately. Upon reviewing the markup, it seems as though some inline styles are being set.

style="display:none; position:fixed"

If I edit the display attribute and change it to block then the panel will displayed with all its rendered content but I need it to display after a postback. After troubleshooting the only conclusion i have is that the modalpopupextender is setting the inline styles, because when I turn off the modalpopupextender, then the Panel will show correctly.

<asp:ModalPopupExtender ID="modalPopupExtender1" runat="server"

View 10 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Calling .Show() Does Not Work?

Jul 15, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and working on an ASP.NET web application targeting .net 4.0.I am using the Ajax control toolkit version 4.1.40412.2In my .aspx page I have the following:


In the server side code for the lbAddMember_Click event I have the following:


If I click the lbDummy button the popup will show as expected however if I click the lbAddMember button I can trace the server side code and it is being called but the modal popup does not ever showThis works if running with FireFox but does not work when running IE. Here is the other stange thing. This has been working in IE for last few weeks but just started not working this week.

View 4 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender.show() Doesn't Works In AsyncFileUpload_UploadedComplete?

May 27, 2010

I don't understand why ModalPopupExtender.show() doesn't works in AsyncFileUpload_UploadedComplete.

I seach through the forum, I'm not sure those asnwers are what I'm looking for.

here is my code


Code below is working on the same page


View 3 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Allows Content Panel To Show, But Everything Is Disabled?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a user control (ascx) vs 2010 that contains a modalpopup extender thats popup control is an asp:panel. In that Panel I have an update panel and a contenttemplate inside the upd panel. It is a pretty simple example of its use, in that I have list box allowing the users to create a new row in a table.

However, when I click targetcontrol, the background changes to the expended modal background, but instead of being able to use the listbox, everything in the content panel is the same as the background and none of the controls on the panel are enabled. In other words, the entire page is loaded dimgray, including the updatearea.

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Show Condition Not Working As Expected

May 4, 2013

I use ModalPopupExtender in my page

I have 2 imagebutton


Below are my imagebuttons event code

protected void Imgcap_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlEncode(Txtbeh.Text);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("housepass", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;


when I click on ImgEnter it show popup menu ModalPopupExtender.Show();

It is correct problem is that when I click on imgcap if it run first ELSE condition it does Session["MessageError"] = true; and it show popupmenu (it show ModalPopupExtender)

I want it just show popup menu (ModalPopupExtender.) just when I click on imgEnter button ....

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AJAX :: Select Row On A Gridview And Open Data In A Modalpopupextender?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a Gridview which has x amount of rows. I have an selectIndexChanged method which when a user clicks on the row capture the id of the row and execute a query and populate a table with the data returned from the query. I want this table open in a modalpopupextender once the user click the row in the gridview , I want the selectindexchange method to run n show the modalpopup.

View 7 Replies

AJAX :: AjaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender To Show A Modal Window Panel

Feb 25, 2010

I use ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender to show a modal window panel. The panel among other things contains a "Submit" button. I would like to call a code behind function on Submit. First I tried this:


But btnSubmitOnHold_Click() is never called. Then I replaced OnClick="btnSubmitOnHold_Click" with OnClientClick="SubmitPutOnHold" and added

<script type="text/javascript">
function SubmitPutOnHold()

This alert also never shows up. Finally, I tried

<ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="OnHoldModalPopupExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnPutOnHold" PopupControlID="pnlOnHold" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" DropShadow="true" OkControlID="btnSubmitOnHold" CancelControlID="btnCancelOnHold"
OnOkScript="SubmitPutOnHold" >

View 2 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender -- Fetch Data In Modalpopupextender

Apr 7, 2010

I would really appreciate if someone can find out what's wrong with this code.

Here is my question. I have textboxes in a modal popup extender (City, state, zip) and there is an image button search for searching the address from the database. All this functionality is within a control (.ascx file). This control is added to the page where it needs to be displayed and is being displayed when a user click the Address button (the code for it is not shown here). The method ShowAddressSearch() in the control is being called from the page and it displays the popup.

When the user enters any of the 3 values and hits search a server event is fired up and the result should be displayed in a grid. What is happening is, when the user hits the search button the server call is made and the data fetched from the db but the modal popup closes itself here is the code for this. I would really appreciate if someone can find out where and how popup is getting closed.


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AJAX :: Show Processing When Button Clicked In The Updatepanel?

Aug 17, 2010

I have below code to show processing when button clicked in the updatepanel. But it does not disable the page and processing icon is not showing in the centre. How to disable the page and put the processing icon in the centre when button is clicked according to below code?

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Template.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="TESTForm.aspx.cs" Inherits="Reports_TESTForm" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Flan.Controls" Namespace="Flan.Controls" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<asp:Content ID="ContentMain" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" Runat="Server">
<div>TEST Form</div><p></p>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"><ContentTemplate>

// .........Coding...............

<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="btnExport" />
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="udProgress" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" DisplayAfter="100" Visible="true" DynamicLayout="true">
<img border="0" src="../Images/Global/ProgressIndicator.gif" />
<cc1:UpdateProgressOverlayExtender ID="UpdateProgressOverlayExtender3" runat="server"
CssClass="updateProgress" TargetControlID="udProgress" OverlayType="Browser" />

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender: After Postback, Client-side Show() No Longer Works

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using what I believe is a pretty common/boring/generic implementation of a ModalPopupExtender. I'm using client-side JS to show the dialog when the user clicks a link, and hide it if they click "cancel". I only do a postback if they truly want to save the data.

I can click the link to show the dialog, then click the cancel button to hide it, then click the link to show it... ad infinitum. If I decide to save the data via a postback, everything works well, and the dialog is hidden as a result of the postback, all as expected.

However, once the postback completes, my client-side JS show() never works again. Any attempts to click the link fail quietly; no error messages, the dialog just never shows again.

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AJAX :: Open (Show) ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup On DropDownList Change (selection)

Nov 22, 2015

I want to generate a modalpop by selecting the item either from menu tool or the dropdownlist tool using asp.net c#.

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AJAX :: ModalPopup Does Not Show If The Target Control Is Clicked By Regisered Script

Jun 21, 2010

The target control is a Button (ID = "btTest");

The following is in code-behind:


The click has been verified, but the popup does not show. Of course, if btTest is manually clicked, the popup will show without any problem.

Is there any way to show a popup window from code-behind?

View 20 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Set Current Gridview Page To Selected Row's Page After Sort / Edit?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm new to ASP.net (and coding in general) and I was very impressed about how easy is to learn enough to create something useful :)

Unfortunately, now I'm stuck on a problem involving gridview sorting and paging: I created a master gridview bound to an sqldatasource, I enabled sorting and paging and then I linked it to a detailsview to enable editing and inserting.

In addition, I set up two other gridviews whose datasources depend on the master gridview.

When a user selects a row and modifies it in the detailsview, the sort takes place and the row is often moved to another page. This can be a little confusing, especially because there are other controls relying on the selected row of the master gridview.

There's a way to find and select the page of the selected row after gridview's databind and sort take place? I tried creating a dataview to search the index of the selected datakey in the databound event of my gridview, but it doesn't work, because it seems that the rows aren't sorted yet. Maybe I should choose another event?

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Row Details Inside AJAX ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup

Sep 20, 2015

I saw guide on here [URL] .... 

Which I found useful to create gridview with dropdown filter. What my gridview differs from your one is based on ID, a modal is loaded. E.g. there is a column called "review" and in that column there is image that when clicked it loads a modal with details. My question is, how do i do this using the code provided by you. So ID is passed back to code. (So backend knows which row is clicked).

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