AJAX :: How To Show A ModalPopupExtender Triggered By A GridView Button From Server-side Code

Jul 8, 2010

I have a gridview that displays items awaiting supervisor approval. The supervisor clicks the Review button and a modal window should popup with the results of a database query on the record. I am using a dataketname param on the grid. Here are the ASPX elements, The gridview and the modalpopup code


I am using mpeApproval.Show() in the codebehind but it isn't firing. I've been at this literally all day and am feeling pretty stupid at the moment. Have I provided enough for you to make a determination?

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender: After Postback, Client-side Show() No Longer Works

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using what I believe is a pretty common/boring/generic implementation of a ModalPopupExtender. I'm using client-side JS to show the dialog when the user clicks a link, and hide it if they click "cancel". I only do a postback if they truly want to save the data.

I can click the link to show the dialog, then click the cancel button to hide it, then click the link to show it... ad infinitum. If I decide to save the data via a postback, everything works well, and the dialog is hidden as a result of the postback, all as expected.

However, once the postback completes, my client-side JS show() never works again. Any attempts to click the link fail quietly; no error messages, the dialog just never shows again.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Don't Show Panel By Code

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to do a simple thing using asp.net. I wanna show a modal popup panel from a server procedure with vb.net.

The error is: The popup don´t show when I click cmdTest Button.

OBS: I used cmdTest just to call the procedure. In my project, one button call a procedure that will or not call other procedure that will or not show the panel.

what´s wrong with the following code ?

-- aspx --


-- css --


-- vb --


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AJAX :: Run Javascript When A ModalPopupExtender Is Shown Server-side?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a panel extended by the ModalPopupExtender that is sometimes shown using the .Show() method in my code-behind. I have a javascript function that resizes the popup and am able to get it to run when I use the client-side show function but how do I run the same javascript function when using the server-side Show() function?

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Server Side Event Handling?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm using a ModalPopupExtender in my website, to show "accept/cancel" messages, and catch the user selection at the server side. I put two buttons (ok/cancel) at the panel that will be shown as a modal popup, add them a server side event handler, but it does not fire.


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AJAX :: Display Messages From Server Side Using ModalPopupExtender

May 7, 2015

I'm using asp.net and c# to build a web application. I'm trying to display a popup message using the ModalPopup extender. The message displays fine only if it sets in client side or in server side but inside Page_Load. Otherwise, it displays as empty. the popup comes up without the message.

The thing is that i want to change the meesages when i call its show() method.

client side:

<asp:Panel ID="pnlMsg" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup">
<asp:Label ID="lblModalMsg" runat="server" ></asp:Label>
<asp:Button ID="btnOk" runat="server" Text="OK" />
<asp:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="hidForModel"


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AJAX :: Can Send An Object From Client-side JavaScript To Server-side Code Via AJAX

Mar 16, 2011

I know that I can receive an javascript object from the server via ASP.NET AJAX using Json. But I am not sure how can I send an javascript object from my client-side javascript to my server-side code. And if I can, how can I extract this object in my server-side code and access its members?

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First Invoke Server Side Code Then Client Side Script Without Using AJAX?

May 18, 2010

in a form i have a buttoin, when click both OnclientClick and postback should happen. on clicking the "Email" button a client side "mailto" tag should do the work and pull a new message window on the client's machine.

whereas, the email addresses should be invoked by the post back. so , when clicking the button the server side post should happen and on return the client side script should be invokded with the values read during post back, and populate all the email addresses.

i need know how to first do a server hit take the values and then execute the client script with those values without using AJAX

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AJAX :: Show GridView Current Selected Row Data When Clicked In ModalPopupExtender

Jun 18, 2012

I am using Ajax toolkit first time ... I don't know how to use it 

in girdview I am using Ajax : ModalPopupExtender 

if I click on studnetid then Student info pop up page should come

  <asp:TemplateField  HeaderText ="StudentID" SortExpression="StudentID"   >
                   <ItemTemplate  >
                        <asp:LinkButton ID="StudentIDlinkButton" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("StudentID") %>'   OnClick="ShowPopupwindowforStudentID" />

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: How To Fire Server Side Event After Client Side Event Is Triggered

Sep 12, 2012

I have a scenario where i have 4 asp buttons , on click of each button there are 4 labels inside 4 seperate divs where each displays seperate data.

Now if i click second button i need to display second label text inside 2nd div and hide all other divs.How can i achieve this ?

 OnClientClick event of each button calls displayAlternate() which displays repective div and hides other.

displayAlternate('second'); return false; --> if i do this server side event is not fired ...

If I return true div second label is not getting displayed..

How can I achieve functionality where all divs expect 2nd is hidden and i get server side event also..

Below is code.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function displayAlternate(id) {

[Code] .....

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Design - Show A Dojo (or Jquery) Popup Via Server Side Code?

Dec 31, 2010

i want to create an Asp.Net application (not mvc) that seems desktop like. I know that i can use a javascript framework like jquery or, better, Dojo.

But i don't know how to approach for doing this !!!

For example: how to populate a dojo grid via server side code that retrive database data ?

Or: how to show a dojo (or jquery) popup via server side code ?

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How To Execute Server Side Code From This Button

Mar 22, 2010

I have a button where I use an Animation Extender. When I click the button I have to set OnClientClick="return false;" otherwise the Animation Extender closes.
So that causes my problem. How do I execute server side code from this button?
I have tried this code in my code behind, but there is an error:

Dim strScript As String
strScript = "<script>"
strScript = strScript & "return false;"
strScript = strScript & "</script>"
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(Page), "MyScript", strScript, False)
This is my code for the Animation Extender:
Open data"></asp:Button>

View 3 Replies

AJAX :: Show Server Side Yes No Confirmation Box Using Script Manager

Feb 5, 2014

I am throwing a alert box using scriptmanager like this based on some condition.

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Would you like to be put on the wait list?')", true);

But it has only "ok" button. Is there a way to display a message box which has yes/no buttons so that I want to check some more conditions in the code behind.

something like this.

DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you wanna do something?", "Warning",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if(result == DialogResult.Yes) {
//code for Yes
} else if(result == DialogResult.No) {
//code for No
} else if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) {
//code for Cancel

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Web Forms :: Can Execute Server Side Button Event After Executing Javascript Code

Mar 10, 2010

I have buttion on web page and client side java script ConfirmResetPassword() for confirmation message which return true or false

if (confirm("Are you sure you want to reset password of this user?")) {
return true;
return false;
}with Telerik AjaxSetting[Code]....
<input type="button" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$btnResetPassword" value="Reset Password" onclick="javascript:return ConfirmResetPassword();__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$btnResetPassword','')" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnResetPassword"
/> ?

View 5 Replies

Javascript - Show ModalPopupExtender From Buttons Created In Code-Behind?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a modalPopupExtender in my aspx web page pointing to a Panel and in Code-Behind I create buttons which I want them to show the modalPopup, so I have:

buttonX.OnClientClick = "javascript:$get(" + modalPopup.ClientID + ").show();";

but instead it just does a PostBack, even if I put "return false;" at the end of the past code.

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AJAX :: Google Maps Marker Show Popup From Server Side?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm using google maps in my site with markers.

When a marker is clicked, I'd like to display a popup.

this is easy, my problem is that the popup needs to be updated from the database before and the popup has some links that should be inside an UpdatePanel to avoid refresh.

I can use the marker function to display a popup (with a given html) how to get the html with the updatepanel .

I thougt about using the ajax popup control but I don't know how to position it on the marker.

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AJAX :: Button Does Not Get Triggered In Modal Popup?

Dec 8, 2010

I have requirement to show alert with cancel and continue button just before two minutes when session is about to get over.Once user clicks continue button session should get extended for 20 minutes and if user clicks cancel then he should logout.I used modal popup to do this..

runat="server"> [code]...

I get modal popup at 18 th minutes which is fine.But two button within modal popup does not get fired when I click button.I figured out problem that if the TargetControlID is set to pnlAlert then buttonwithin modal does not work.However if I use another extra button like as follow


This button I use to click it to get modal pop up and set TargetControlID to button instead of pnlAlert then OK and cancel button within popup works.But my problem is that I should not explicitly fire this modal popup by clicking button.I should get this popup just before two minute before session is going to expire.So I don't know what should TargetControlId should I set.However complete logic works if I use another button

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In Server Side - Determine ModalPopupExtender Is Currently Hidden?

Jan 6, 2011

M - RI have a page like that and the control structure is like that.


ModalPopup Content Container

Initially, ModalPopup Content Container is an empty control.After user clicks on the Button, a async postback will be triggered. During the postback, the server generates the content and appends to ModalPopup Content Container.Also sets the properties of ModalPopupExtender. Finally, calls ModalPopupExtender.Show() method and UpdatePanel.Update() method to show the modal popup.

This method works fine if all controls in ModalPopup Content Container contains simple control. If a control is a button that needs to postback to server side, that is a problem.Since the controls in ModalPopup Content Container is dynamically created. If a control in ModalPopup Content Container triggers a postback event, the control must be created before RaisePostBackEvent is called in server side.

My idea is to determine whether the ModalPopupExtender is hidden or shown in client side in order to re-generate the dynamic control in ModalPopup Content Container.So my question is how to determine a ModalPopupExtender is hidden or shown.

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AJAX :: Update Progress Does Not Displaying If Updatepanel Triggered By An Outside Button

Jul 22, 2010

Update Progress does not displaying if updatepanel triggered by an outside button


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AJAX :: How To Dynamically Set Page Scrollbars Through Server Side Code

May 11, 2010

The scenario is this. I have a long page that has a scroll bar. I'm us an Ajax ModalPopupExtender and that too is very long and has a scroll bar.

The problem I'm seeing is that in IE when a user scrolls the modal popup window, when it reaches the bottom it also scrolls to main window which has a really ugly user experience.

So what I want to do is, through server side code, I want to dynamically change the body css overflow from auto to hidden and I can't seem to find a way to make that happen. I've tried a number of approaches and none of them seem to work.

<body style="overflow:hidden;">

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How To Open A Modalpopupextender And Trigger The Server Side Function At The Same Time

Mar 9, 2011

I have a print button and I want to trigger the modalpopupextender and trigger the server side Button1_Click Sub.The print button calls a function that constructs a html table with the values of the gridview selected row.How can I open the modalpopupextender and trigger the server side function at the same time with the same button?

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Based On Server Side Code Condition?

Mar 31, 2011

How can I show an AJAX modal popup based on some code logic and NOT based on a button to be clicked? For example:

if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
Show a modal popup here which says: 'This process is only available to users who are logged into the system.'

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Is Not Updating After Delete Button Triggered?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a grid control and i want to delete a row dynamically and update the gridview when i have click on submit button, but am getting issue,when am clicking the sumbit button the grid retain the deleted rows(while deleting its disapper).

here the code(the delete event triggerd from command args)and the gridsource am using the list which loads the exisiting datas


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AJAX :: Save/update Webform Through A Server Side Button Control?

May 6, 2010

am looking to save/update my webform through a server side button control. On button click, I'd like to disable the save/update button and show a progress bar of the save through a modal or some other trick disabling the form being saved.How can I implement this

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AJAX :: Navigate Tabs Next Previous On Button Click Server Side

Sep 4, 2013

I am using ASP.Net AjaxControllTookit Tab Container and I have 9 tabs , on each tab panel i have some asp elements and a "prev" and "next" asp buttons. How to navigate next or prev on these asp buttons clicks.

I already try the c# code :

TabContainer1.ActiveTab = TabContainer1.Tabs[2];

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