I'm trying to publish a website using VS 2010 but keep getting the following error:
Unable to add 'bin/AjaxControlToolkit.dll' to the Web site. The Web server does not appear to have FrontPage Server Extensions installed.Error: The operation could not be completed. Unspecified error
I am able to publish other websites without any problems but for a handful of them, I'm getting this error.
I've been following the tutorial from (hxxp://mattberseth.com/blog/2008/04/masterdetail_with_the_gridview.html), and trying to implement it in my web app.
I get details view showing up with right data and in edit mode, but when I try to update I get following error:
Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Could not find a row that matches the given keys in the original values stored in ViewState. Ensure that the 'keys' dictionary contains unique key values that correspond to a row returned from the previous Select operation'Source File: http://localhost:60402/ScriptResource.axd?
i have an issue running JavaScript inside an updatepanel,
i'm using a script as follows:
and each time the update panel updates i load a new variables for the FlashFileName to display a different movie.
outside an update panel this works, but inside the script doesn't run, i have read on other posts that there is an issue with running javascript inside an updatepanel.
Acctually I have done lots of coding on Page_Load of a page which comming from other page. So for that i tried to use ModalPopupExtender. but problem is that its working fine for button but how can i use it for Page_Load.
My scenario is:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PleaseWaitPopup.Show(); //Lots of code and queries;
i have a religion dropdown1 , on this selectedindexchange i have to populate castes into the listbox(not dropdownlist).
i am unable to use cascadingdropdown as it is tightly binded with dropdowns.
please guide me how do i update listbox items based on the dropdown selected value using ajax.
i tried with pagemethods getting the dictionary object using JS function and thought of binding it.
but i am unable to bind the list.
//html code Religion <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlReligion_RS" runat="server" TabIndex="6" onchange="GetCastes_RS(this.value);"> </asp:DropDownList> <br /> Caste <asp:ListBox SelectionMode="Multiple" ID="lstBxCst_RS" runat="server"> </asp:ListBox> //js function function GetCastes_RS(relgnID) { abc.BLL.Services.AjaxService.GetCastes(relgnID, function (resp) { var ddlCaste= document.getElementById("<%=lstBxCaste_RS.ClientID%>"); ddlCaste.length=0; var castesList = resp; alert (resp); if(castesList.keys.length >0) { for(var i=0 ;i< castesList.keys.length;i++) { op=castesList.keys[i]; ddlCaste.options[ddlCaste.length]=new Option(castesList.values[i],op); } } }, function(val) { alert(val.get_message()); } ); }
i could call the webmethod, but i am getting this error in javascript.
Type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]' is not supported for serialization/deserialization of a dictionary, keys must be strings or objects.
when gone thru few links i have seen few examples supporting dictionary object , why not in my case?
My problem is that I have tried to update my gridview which is inside my updatepanel but the data in the gridview does not update or change when I change the data in my database.
I have used the basic method of using timer to change the label like this Label1.Text = DateTime and with trigger <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Timer1" EventName="Tick" />. Timer is <asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="1000" Enabled="true" OnTick="Timer1_Tick"> .
I'm having trouble with a web application in IIS 6.0 that doesn't seem to be able to run Ajax Control Toolkit that is in the Global Assembly Cache. I thought I had installed it correctly using GACUTIL /I etc., but perhaps I am misunderstanding the process. Is there more to it than just running GACUTIL? Is there a custom installer that I should be using? The web application complains that it cannot find System.Web.Ajax ... is this a separate dll download? If so, where would I get System.Web.Ajax 3.0.31106.0 , there doesn't seem to be a download available on the Codeplex pages.
I currently have the following showing as installed in my GAC:
I was trying to use CssClass="WindowsStyle" with the following CSS. Its working fine if WindowsXP theme is selected but when the theme is changed it looks odd (different from other controls).
I wish to have the ComboBox similar to the style used by other controls. Please give me the solution for this issue.
I understand the issue is with the button(background-image: url(../images/windows-arrow.gif);) but what could be the alternate solution?CSS used
I know this issue has been up here before, but I could not find any answer for it.Is there anyway to add a custom button / control (dropdown or whatever) for H1, H2 tags to use with the HTMLEditor.Where can I add such funtionality? Is it possible to use some custom overriding i a separate .cs class.Please provide some example how to do this.
I'm running ASP.NET 3.5 and using the AjaxControlToolkit.dll version 1.0.20229.42809 (reference locally in the in). This works fine on my machine. When I deploy to a server and the DLL in the bin is replaced with a newer version such as 3.0.30930.28736 I get the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=1.0.20229.42809, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' or one of its dependencies ...
This is fixed by using the bindingRedirect in the Web.config.
I like to know why ASP.NET doesn't automatically use the newer version of AjaxControlToolkit and needs the bindingRedirect to force it? I thought these DLLs are built to be backward compatible?
I have a number of .NET websites that I have to FTP to the same server from time to time. They all make use of AjaxControlToolkit.dll.Is there a way I can register AjaxControlToolkit.dll on the server somehow so I don't need to keep FTPing AjaxControlToolkit.dll to the server for each of the websites that gets built/published.
Since I published my project to production box I can't drag anything from AJAX control toolkit to design view. I am getting the message"Can not find assembly 'C:usersadminDocumentsVisual Studio 005ProjectsTestingPrecompiledWebTestinginAjaxControlToolkit.dll'. However it allows me to copy Ajax control from other page. What did I screw up an how do I fix it?
I like to use the ajaxcontroltoolkit, but i'm missing the H1,H2,H3 possibilities.How can i add it to the editor?With a override class i can add some buttons, but how can i add the posibility to set <h1></h1> on the selected text?And what if i change the H1 to H3... I'll got stuck in this, i know how to add a button and javascript to it, but don't know how to add the H1 to it.Also would a dropdownbox be better i thinkCoding to add a button:
My file based ASP.Net 3.5 website was working fine. For the pastcouple of days I am getting the following error.Unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll" Cannot findassembly c:Program filesMicrosoft ASP.NetAjax LibraryWebformsReleaseAjaxControlToolKit.dll.Project : c:mis.My ASP.Net 3.5 website root folder is c:mis. I browsed to subfolder Bin and looked atBinAjaxControlToolkit.dllAjaxControlToolKit.dll.refresh. The following was the reference...Program FilesMicrosoft ASP.NET Ajax LibraryWebFormsReleaseAjaxControlToolkit.dll
I use only some controls from the AjaxControlToolkit (eg. Tabs and ModalPopupExtender), and I would like to be able to reference/load only those parts from the DLL.
I have been struggling with this issue for a couple of days now. I followed the creating a custom control extender for VB shown here http://www.asp.net/ajax/tutorials/creating-a-custom-ajax-control-toolkit-control-extender-vb. However, I receive the following error when I try to load the page:Uncaught ReferenceError: AjaxControlToolkit is not definedThe error references line 74 in the DisabledButtonExtender.js file.Here is the Default.aspx page where I am using the Custom Control Extender
I have been experiencing some issues with the new AJAX binary on IE8. It works fine on other browsers like Firefox 3.0 and Chrome, but on IE8, it gets errors.
Here's what IE8 reports,
Invalid Character - ScriptResource.axd
'Sys' in undefined.
My server is ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and my website is also built for 3.5 framework.
As soon as a revert to an older version of the binary, everything starts working again.
I am trying to install AjaxControlToolkit in VS2008. Everytime I try to get it in the Toolbox I get this error:AjaxControlToolkit.dll is not a Microsoft .NET moduleThe only thing I can find on the net is to make sure the dll is in my Bin folder. When I first create the web project the dll is never in the bin folder I have to add it. But that still does not get rid of the error.
What is this warninghow can i solve it'AjaxControlToolkit.AutoCompleteExtender.CompletionListElementID' is obsolete: 'Instead of passing in CompletionListElementID, use the default flyout and style that using the CssClass properties.
I'm trying to use a simple Custom AJAXControlToolkit Control Extender.I made it in a class library.
However when I add this custom extender to a textbox and open the webform in IE7 I got the client error:AjaxControlToolkit is undefined.
I opened the same webform in FireFox to use FireBug and it shows me the error AjaxControlToolkit is not defined and it points to the following line in the behavior javascript file:
The other webforms in the same website has extenders (not custom extenders) and they are working fine so I think the problem is in the custom control and not the website.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008+Framework3.5+AjaxControlToolkit last version