AJAX :: Unable To Update Auto-refresh Reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll" Cannot Find?

Jul 14, 2010

My file based ASP.Net 3.5 website was working fine. For the pastcouple of days I am getting the following error.Unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll" Cannot findassembly c:Program filesMicrosoft ASP.NetAjax LibraryWebformsReleaseAjaxControlToolKit.dll.Project : c:mis.My ASP.Net 3.5 website root folder is c:mis. I browsed to subfolder Bin and looked atBinAjaxControlToolkit.dllAjaxControlToolKit.dll.refresh. The following was the reference...Program FilesMicrosoft ASP.NET Ajax LibraryWebFormsReleaseAjaxControlToolkit.dll

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AJAX :: Use Auto Refresh Continuously In Update Panel?

Nov 30, 2010

I want to know how to use auto refresh continuously in ajax update panel..What I want is,I've more than 6 update panels on my page and I want to all the panel to refresh toghether,continuously till I close the page.

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AJAX :: Reference Required To Previous Version Of AjaxControlToolkit

Aug 4, 2010

I have downloaded a dll that is for Glowish effects to Buttons. But the problem is that , Extender needs reference to an older version of AjaxControlToolkit, and in my project i have already used many controls based on that recent version. That i cannot change. How can i use this GlowExtender with the latest version of AjaxControlToolkit ?

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AJAX :: Error While Adding Reference To Latest Version Of AjaxControlToolkit

Sep 24, 2010

I am a bit new to ASP.Net Ajax and as such new to Ajax itself. I have a site which uses ASP.Net Ajax. It used the version AjaxControlToolkit version 3.0.30512.0. I have now changed it to version 3.5.40412.2 by deleting the old reference and adding a reference to the latest one . I build the soultion and everything appears fine witjhout any errors. But the site fails to load showing a yellow page with the message AjaxControlToolkit Version="3.5.40412.2" missing reference to 'AjaxControlToolkit.ExtenderBase.Base Scripts.js.BaseScripts.js'. What does this mean ?

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AJAX :: Unable To Initialize AjaxControlToolkit When Published To Hosting

Aug 5, 2010

I just recently uploaded my site in web hosting, soon as it was live, I found out that the Ajax was not initializing or not working.

I look into javascript error log, and its pointing at

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ctl00$ToolkitScriptManager1', document.getElementById('aspnetForm'));Am I missing something, or is this issue can only be resolved by my hosting? My concern is since AjaxControlToolkit is a class DLL, it should not be a problem right?

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AJAX :: Auto Refresh Page But With New Data

Jan 12, 2010

I want to have a web page that shows the first 10 records of data.

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AJAX :: Error In AjaxControlToolkit - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 28, 2011

I regularly run into the following error in my .NET 4.0 web application:


I found that the issue was already reported here: [URL], but there is no solution provided anywhere (at least, I didn't find it).

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AJAX :: Auto Refresh Specific Section At Regular Intervals Of Page Using UpdatePanel

Nov 28, 2013

How to aomatically refresh particular section of a web page Not whole page.

I want to auto refresh 2 different sections of a web page in my website without using javascript.

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AJAX :: How To Use AjaxControlToolkit.dll And Actkit.dll(Modified AjaxControlToolkit.dll) In Single Page

Oct 29, 2010

I want to disable past dates, so i modified AjaxControlToolkit.dll and named as "Actkit.dll".

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender - Unable To Refresh City DDL Depending On New Selected Country

Apr 6, 2010

I'm building a WebControl for user registration. To expedite its use checks I used clientside validation through AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutExtender. The validation is triggered when REGISTER button is pressed and popup information for missing or incorrect fields is showed. But I have a problem about a cascading dropdownlist(DDL) [Country]>>[City], because during the client-side validation I'm no more able to refresh my City DDL depending on the new selected Country. Server side, SelectedIndexChanged event is triggered but the DDL in the browser is not refreshed! (The DDL Country and City are Causevalidation=false) This occurs for each control on the page changed by server during client-side validation. How can I fix?

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AJAX :: Unable To Reference Extender Assembly Toolkit Control

Nov 22, 2013

I have downloaded ajax toolkit from URL....

When I am using control it gives error unable to reference extender assembly "AjaxToolkit control" version = , culture = netural , publickey token=28f01b0e84b6d53e

And when running aspx page it gives unable to get property ui of undifeined or null reference..how it can be removed..

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AJAX :: Customized Calendar "AjaxControlToolKit Undefined" Problem In New AjaxControlToolKit

May 19, 2010

I just downloaded the latest AjaxControlToolKit.dll (3.5.40412.0), and update it in my old project. When I compile the project, it shows sucessful. However, when I used my Customized Calendar, it got "AjaxControlToolKit Undefined"

ps: my old project is developed under AjaxControlToolKit.dll (3.0.20820.16598) . // README

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AJAX :: Can't Get The UpdatePanel To Refresh After DB Update

Mar 29, 2010

I am dynamically ading the following to an UpdatePanel

Tab control which has X# of Tabs, each Tab has a various labels and a Rating Control.

When the user hits the Rating contro, the RATING_Changed fires and runs a stored Proc to update the DB. I want the Panel to then display the newest information back from the DB. I can't seem to get the last part to work. I'm still learning .NET so i may have missed somethign easy, but i've tried setting AutoPopstback, using Triggers, etc.

The DB Update does take place but the NEW contents are not displayed



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AJAX :: How To Refresh Update Panel

Jan 7, 2011

How to refresh the update panel on timer_tick event???whats the code for that..?

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AJAX :: Avoid Auto Update Tab Panel In Design View (VS)

Dec 3, 2010

I use AJAX tab panel for my web site (ver.1.0.2) with VS2005. Previously I use large page and now i it change to tab panel. The problem is when I change the source view to design view it automatically update the content of tab panel and show the 'error creating control' and sometimes it not. So I'm having difficulty on designing that page because always I have to keep the backup of the page.

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AJAX :: Refresh Page On Session Update?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a gridView and on the DataBound event I am assigning a Session variable from one of the gridview results. This session is then used to determine if certain nodes in a menu are visible. One problem is that when the session variable is assigned, the menu is not updating, until either I refresh the page manully in the browser or move to another page.

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AJAX :: Getting Dropdownlist To Update Without Postback / Refresh

Jun 27, 2010

I have a number of cascading dropdownlist controls on a page. The results in dropdownlist2 are dependent on the results in dropdownlist1, pretty basic stuff.

I now would like to eliminate the terrible postback or refresh of the page that occurs after the SelectedIndexChanged event fires on dropdownlist1, is it possible to do that in Ajax?

What I want the results in dropdownlist2 to populate without the obvious refresh of the page.

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AJAX :: How To Refresh Update Panel Using Code

Jan 8, 2011

How to refresh update panel on the tick event on timer..? how to so this thing??What is the code for that..?

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AJAX :: How To Refresh Only Single Update Panel

Sep 23, 2010

I for a page with multiple update panel in parent page, I got a button that will open a child window, after I close the child window, how can I refresh the parent page? And I only want to refresh a single update panel section instead of all other update panel section.

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AJAX :: Refresh Update Panel Content With New Css Styles

Oct 20, 2010

I was working on this last week and took a break from it to 'regroup' and start over. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish.

1. have a web form with dropdowns to allow the user to select font sizes, colors, background image, etc.
2. I want to the form to be updated with the new styles in an update panel.
3. Once the user clicks the apply button, I want the updatepanel to refresh with the new styles.

I tried this by creating an css on the fly, but the updatepanel wasn't picking up the new css without doing a full page refresh, (which we don't want to do). I only want the updatepanel refresh and either use inline styles, a <style> on the web form etc,

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AJAX :: Update Panel Refresh Not Work When Using Combo

Jul 29, 2010

if i use a combo box inside an update panel, the updatepanel's partial postback will not work. instead in a postback the page refreshes whole.

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AJAX :: How To Refresh Update Panel On DropDownList Change

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to refresh updatepanel using dropdownlist but facing problems.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlClass" EnableViewState="true" AutoPostBack="false" class="input-large span10" runat="server" onchange="loadAllDefaults();" Style="width: auto;">

Above is the code of dropdownlist

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="ddlClass" />
<asp:Repeater ID="rep1" runat="server">

[Code] ....

This is updatepanel code. as shown in the code, i am referring to ddlClass in triggers which already calls a javascript function loadAllDefaults();

The problem is, since ddlClass is calling javascript function 'onchange' property, i cannot call any other function of backend code and I want to refresh the updatepanel on the basis of selected value of dropdownlist.

How can i do this? I have created a function in c# code in backend but I am not able to call both functions together!

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AJAX :: How To Refresh Gridview Data From Update Panel In Specified Time

Oct 2, 2010

after filling all criteria when i press search button the result arrives in gridview nw when searchbutton pressed after that every 20seconds i want 2 update gridview data which is in update panel

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel And Update Progress Content When The Page Refresh

Jan 14, 2010

I have a page under MasterPageFile, I try the following code into my page; However, I can't see the update progress content when the page refresh.

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upLN" UpdateMode="Conditional">

<!-- My Web page content here.... -->

<asp:UpdateProgress runat="server" ID="ugLN" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="upLN">
<ProgressTemplate>Image here for showing the progress bar...</ProgressTemplate>

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Ajax Update Panel Refresh And Dropdown Behaviour In Firefox

Sep 30, 2010

I have found an odd bug in my application. I have a dropdown status which is bound to my gridview. On selecting a status from the dropdown the selectedindex then fires and binds the results to the gridview.Now the strange behaviour in firefox and not IE:If I have a dropdown open and an ajax update fires on my gridview the option is selected from the dropdown (just by hovering my mouse over it rather than selecting it) and the results bound to the gridview. This does not happen in ie as you should have to physically select an item from the dropdown rather than firefox selecting it for you because you happened to hover over an option when the update event fires.

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