AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender Control With Asp 4.0

Jan 6, 2011

I have registration form and Each field has a requiredFieldValidator and a corresponding ValidatorCalloutExtender control. When I click on the submit button without entering any value, the validator is working fine. also I want show the validation error message on field onblur, before the submit button action. like [url] registration form. and also i need to show common instructions using ValidatorCalloutExtender message on curresponding field onfocus.(i want display that field informations like "Please enter 5 to 16 alphanumeric characters")

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender CSS?

Mar 2, 2011

I am using ajax validator extender (ValidatorCalloutExtender) it is working properly but problem is that default css of this extender is conflict with my css and ValidatorCalloutExtender whole alignment is changed so how can i handle it and set custom css for this extender , is there any way .one thing more that i have try to find solution form google but there is no match with my problem

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender With RTL Pages?

Jan 14, 2011

Validator Callout Extender have serious problem with RTL pages(not reander correctly when the page direction from right to left) is there a solution?

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender Fires On The Second Try?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a comparevalidator which is used for a textbox. This comparevalidator supposed to work when user clicks submit button. But it fires on the second try. Here is the code.


Here is the vb portion


The problem is validatorcalloutextender fires when i click this Button_OK twice.

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AJAX :: Validatorcalloutextender Not Working

Apr 20, 2010

I am using a required field control and a validator callout in a detailsview. I would like to display the messages when I change one of the drop down controls and a post back is done, i.e. the selected index changed event. Can this be done with the ASP.net server controls or is this a job for javascript? Here is the control code.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Date" SortExpression="Date">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox6" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Date", "{0:d}") %>'></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender14" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox6">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="DateValid" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox6"
Display="None" ErrorMessage="You must enter a date"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<cc1:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="DateExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="DateValid">
<asp:Label ID="Label7" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Date", "{0:d}") %>'></asp:Label>
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="300px" Wrap="True" />
<ControlStyle Width="300px" />

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender When Placed On A Tab Which Is Not Selected?

Jan 8, 2010

It seems that there's an alignment and display problem when the ValidatorCalloutExtender is placed inside a tabcontainer.

ValidatorCalloutExtenders are displayed on all tabs, but with various results. See screenshot. Also, according to the sample:


, only one should be shown. Also, i am not able to close them, except when i focus their associated controls. Then they disappear, and appear on the right place.

Somebody got a solution?

Tested on IE 8 and FF 3.5


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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender - Add In Code Behind?

Jul 15, 2010

I tried to add ValidatorCalloutExtender in code behind like below: But i got this error "

The TargetControlID of 'ValidatorCalloutExtender20' is not valid. The value cannot be null or empty."


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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender Add In Code Behind?

Nov 17, 2010

I tried to add ValidatorCalloutExtender in code behind like below: But i got this error "The TargetControlID of 'ValidatorCalloutExtender20' is not valid. The value cannot be null or empty.


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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender - Opens As Popup

Feb 21, 2011

i have a web form in which there are some textboxes, comboboxes, etc... comboboxes is inside an updatepanel. i am adding, deleting and updating these comboboxes with an modalpopupextender. Everything works until i placed the validatorcalloutextenders to check if it is empty. Then the ajaxmodalpopuupextender opens as popup but then i can do anything on the modalpopup. if i open the modal popup with all the required fieldvalidators filled then my modalpopup works.


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AJAX :: Infinite Width Of ValidatorCalloutExtender

Mar 7, 2011

I have create a textbox to be validated and a rangevalidator along with validatorcalloutextender to display the error message. All seems to work perfectly, until I realise that my validatorcalloutextender's pop-up has a width like infinite. I have tried diverse css style which I found in google, but still, the width of that validatorcalloutextender is like infinite (though I have set its width to width="20px")

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: Override Icons For ValidatorCalloutExtender?

Sep 30, 2010

I have been trying to implement ValidatorCalloutExtender but for some reason I can't assign different icons for "WarningIconImageUrl" or "CloseImageUrl". When I leave them blank then I get the default icons but when I try a different icon set then I keep getting "no image display or "X" for the icons.

I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem or am I doing something wrong since this should be pretty straightforward. The link below is the link I followed, everything works except the icons.


View 9 Replies

AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender Not Working As Required?

Feb 8, 2010

I am working on ValidatorCalloutExtender.

I have tried using below code and while throwing error message in callout its just says * not the error message entered in RequiredField Validator.

The textbox and validaion controls are inside GridVIew Footer template

See the code below.


View 10 Replies

AJAX :: Implement Validatorcalloutextender From Code Behind?

Nov 21, 2010

Is there a way to implement a logic for validatorcalloutextender for the code below?

This code sample is a part of button click event.


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AJAX :: Using ValidatorCalloutExtender In ModalpopUp Extender?

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying to use ValidatorCalloutExtender in ModalpopUp but i am unable to show it on panel its shows behind my panel ..Is there any solution for this thing..??I am able to validate the textbox but want to show the message in ValidatorCalloutExtender

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AJAX :: Call JavaScript Function From ValidatorCalloutExtender

Mar 1, 2011

I have ASP.NET form where i have Implemented Ajax ValidatorCalloutExtender for Validation Purpose. So can i call a JavaScript Function from Ajax ValidatorCalloutExtender for checking Correct Data entered by the User.

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AJAX :: How To Restore The Callout Appearance Of ValidatorCalloutExtender

Jun 18, 2010

After the validators were put into a table, their appearance was completely messed up. The worst is the disappearance of the background. The background has been restored by setting a default skin for all ValidatorCalloutExtenders, but now they are just simple rectangles containing the exclamation mark and the error message adjacent to the target control. The callout look is gone.

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender - Throws Javascripterror In Browser

Mar 8, 2011

My sites uses a lot of standard input controls with validation and the validatorcalloutextender. (I prefer the RequiredFieldExtender on codeplex, but that throws javascript-errora in the browser. All I would like is changing the label-color and backrgound-color of the textbox.) To reduce typing I made some custom controls inhereting from the base webcontrols. The textbox controls with validator and calloutextender work fine. But I want to validate also my radiobuttonlists. My code:


For raddiobuttonlists this throws an exception that this class: cannot convert type iContract.iControls.ValidatedSexChoice to type System.Web.UI.WebControls.HiddenField

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender Background Color Not Appearing?

Jan 20, 2010

I have added a ValidatorCallOutExtender to my code and the error msg appears fine BUT the background to the middle section of the extender is white (whereas the default is meant to be yellow. The little pointer arrow & the close button have the default yellow background but the main msg error appears white.

I then tried to change the background color through CSS but the same thing happened. I set the background color to blue but the main msg area appears with a white background whereas the little arrow & close button have the blue background. Here is my code:




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AJAX :: Show All ValidatorCalloutExtender Multiple Controls?

Oct 16, 2010

I am trying to implement ValidatorCalloutExtender to the RequiredValidator controls.I can say it is working, but i cannot find a way to show all ValidatorCalloutExtender at the same time.When I click submit button, all RequiredValidator controls are fired but only first ValidatorCalloutExtender control is visible. To activate the others, user needs to click other controls, then related ValidatorCalloutExtender controls pupup.How to show all ValidatorCalloutExtender multiple controls?

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AJAX :: Prevent All OnClicks From Triggering Validatorcalloutextender?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a modal popup that comes and displays data. There is a requiredfieldvalidator and validationcalloutextender on each textfield control. I have a Submit Button (makes changes) and a Cancel Button (closes the modal). The problem is that validation is done on the cancel button. Even though the chancel will make no changes. This happens in all situations even when I'm not using the modal popup. How do I disable validation on certian onclicks???

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AJAX :: Hide Validation Message Of ValidatorCalloutExtender?

Jul 23, 2010

I am using AJAX ValidatorCalloutExtender for validation of a textbox, what i want is that on validation if the textbox is empty the validator callout should not show any message, it should only change the background color of textbox.

Is it possible to achieve this, if yes, how?

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender Works, But Does Not Show Error Message?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a textbox, with a RequiredFieldValidator and a ValidatorCalloutExtender. The calloutExtender comes up when there is no text in the textbox, but it does not display the error message from the RequiredFieldValidator. I tested this code in a test app, and it worked. It may have something to do with the content containers? These controls are inside of a web user control, which are inside a Telerik RadDock. The parent page also uses a MasterPage. Here is my code from the usercontrol which contains the validator:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebUserControl1.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.UserControls.WebUserControl1" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit"


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AJAX :: Animation For ValidatorCalloutExtender Causes Back Color To Be White

Feb 23, 2011

So i have an ValidatorCalloutExtender Using the Animations tofade the control in causes the background color to change from transparent to white?

As soon as i remove the animation the color is back to transparent. What am I missing?

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AJAX :: Enable / Disable Field Validation Using RequireFieldValidator And ValidatorCalloutExtender?

Feb 18, 2010

I am creating a fairly straight forward form for collecting data about vendors. I have a requirement that says the email address is required for a certain payment method and not other payment methods. The way I currently have this implemented is using a dropdownlist for the payment method and a TextBox for the email. I have been using ValidatorCalloutExtenders on all the other input fields with great success, but this is the first case where I need to be able to turn the validator and extender behavior on and off based on a selection of the dropdownlist.

I have tried many things and have searched these forums and google until my hands and eyes got tired, but have yet to find success, hence this post. I am aware of the dispose and $create methods, and that is currently what I am trying to do, but after the create occurs, while the behavior has been created, it doesn't seem like it has been created completely or something. To implement this, I am using a function tied to the onChange Event Handler of the drop down list. The function essentially checks the dropdownlist selection value and if it is NOT "ACH", then it finds the behavior attached to the requiredfieldvalidator attached to the email textbox and calls the dispose method on that behavior, if the selection value IS "ACH" then the method calls

$create(AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutBehavior, { "closeImageUrl": "/VendorMaintenanceForm/WebResource.axd?d=IJFIM0l1l2KBLbEjcc5eS12jNidTRT60rU5Tz_Vg2CIJnYpw0GWOKDcVthhDzk9qkoREy7KswErAqM-kEQdJ5c18thtoit9YPZB3oq-EKdE1&t=633129167627987742", "highlightCssClass":
"HighLight", "id": 'emVal', "warningIconImageUrl": "/VendorMaintenanceForm/WebResource.axd?d=IJFIM0l1l2KBLbEjcc5eS12jNidTRT60rU5Tz_Vg2CIJnYpw0GWOKDcVthhDzk9qpoLKUlLQVCOCBk1mUhtC-YfwF57Tw0d676WGnnWiYI41&t=633129167627987742", "width": "300px" }, null, null,

The reason I say this, is because once the page loads, the default value is to have the validator disabled, then if I select the payment method that enables the validator, it seems to work fine, but then if I cycle through the payment method choices again, I end up with a null pointer exception to the TextBox element when the validator is trying to apply the highlightCssClass on form validation. So, to summarize, it seems like when the page loads, things get built correctly, but then when I start doing the dispose and $create, things are recreated correctly so that when the submit button click causes validation, the validator throws a null pointer exception.

I know it can be hard to debug this sort of thing using words, but I was just wondering if I am going about this the right way or if there is an easier way to conditionally enable/disable a requiredfieldvalidator and validatorcalloutextender.

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AJAX :: ValidatorCalloutExtender - Unable To Refresh City DDL Depending On New Selected Country

Apr 6, 2010

I'm building a WebControl for user registration. To expedite its use checks I used clientside validation through AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutExtender. The validation is triggered when REGISTER button is pressed and popup information for missing or incorrect fields is showed. But I have a problem about a cascading dropdownlist(DDL) [Country]>>[City], because during the client-side validation I'm no more able to refresh my City DDL depending on the new selected Country. Server side, SelectedIndexChanged event is triggered but the DDL in the browser is not refreshed! (The DDL Country and City are Causevalidation=false) This occurs for each control on the page changed by server during client-side validation. How can I fix?

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