AJAX :: Active Tab Change Using Javascript?

May 20, 2010

Im having a tabcontainer in which im having one more tab container which consist of 3 tab panels.what i want that when i click the parent tab panel i want to change the child tab container's activetabindex.


Im getting activeTab NULL.

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I have a tabcontainer with three tabpanel. The first tab is always enabled, while the other two get enabled and disabled in the code-behind depending on some conditions.I would like to customize the header style of the second and third tab such that: - If the tabs are disabled, the header (title of the tab) font color should be gray - If the tabs are disabled, the header (title of the tab) font color should be blue. Currently, I have the following in my style sheet: `a.ajax__tab_tab{ color: blue; }`but this always sets the tab title font color to blue, regardless of whether the tab is enabled or disabled. This piece of code shows the conditions to enable or disable the tabs. Can I control for style here as well?

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[Code] .....

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AJAX :: Change ActiveTabIndex In JavaScript?

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I have looked at a variety of solutions and none of them appear to work. These include using the $find and $get methods, and changing the .focus().

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ratingElement = document.getElementById('ctl00_MainContent_rating_rating_RatingExtender_ClientState');
function handleStateChange() {
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {


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function txtchangefunction(
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or $(".textCssClass").bind('change', function())

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