Javascript - How To Get TabIndex Property Of Currently Active Control

Feb 23, 2011

How do I find the TabIndex property of the control who has the active focus at runtime.I am using UlitmateEditor(Text Editor) i.e User Control , so i want focus inside the body of that Editor.

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Web Forms :: Remove (Disable) TabIndex For A Control?

May 7, 2015

I use some dropdownlist and radiobutton and textbox in my page.

I just put tabindex just for Textboxs now when I type text in Textbox1 and press Tab button it goes to dropdownlists and after that radiobuttons and after all that it goes to Textboxs according tabindex that I define for them...

I want disable tabindex for dropdownlist and checkboxs and I want just tabindex work for textboxs.

How I can do it?

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I have an ASP.NET Webforms site that is regularly having features added.The majority of time a new WebControl is added to the page and I need to increment the TabIndex to all subsequent controls on the page.I'd prefer a more robust solution than choosing an arbitrary gap between the initial assigned tab indexes. Setting the tab indexes using the designer tab order functionality is one option but I'd prefer to stay in the source view.Ideally, if I had, for example, three check boxes I'd like to be able to define the tabindex based off the previous controls tabindex. Then I'd only need to insert the new control and change one existing control.For example, add a new property TabIndexAfterControlId to WebControl:

<asp:CheckBox ID="checkBoxA" runat="server" TabIndex="1"/>
<asp:CheckBox ID="checkBoxB" runat="server" TabIndexAfterControlId="checkBoxA"/>
<asp:CheckBox ID="checkBoxC" runat="server" TabIndexAfterControlId="checkBoxB"/>

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Im getting activeTab NULL.

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C# - Tabindex Not Working On HyperLinks?

May 17, 2010

<asp:HyperLink ID="SignIn" runat="server" CssClass="SignIn" TabIndex="3">Sign In</asp:HyperLink>

the problem with the above is that TABINDEX does not work. I have also a username and password TEXTBOXES and the tabindex works with them, but the hyperlink does not work.

i need it also on other links, so replacing a sign in with a button is not helping me much, unless i replace all links with a button.

how to figure out why the hyperlink's tabindex is not working?

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When i tried to implement the tab index ,it is not working correctly.

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Jul 30, 2012

I have a Usercontrol and I have Gridview in it. Name of my control is Search.ascx.Now I have a Page Home.aspx where I have Placed this usercontrol in  One Tab of TabContainer of Ajaxtoolkit. Now when I click on Edit Link from GridView I want to activate another tab and I can do that in .cs file by registering Event.

I want same thing to be acheived using Jquery.

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C# - Setting Tabindex In Dynamic Table Vertically Then Horizontally

May 7, 2010

I have a page that is currently generating dynamically created textboxes in a table format. The users are requesting that the tab order be changed from horizontal-vertical to vertical-horizontal. I know that you can use the tabindex attribute to control the tab ordering, but I can't for the life of me figure out the right way to get the sequential number properly for the textboxes. I guess this is more of a math question than anything else!

FYI, the textboxes are made while looping two different collections. First collection looped to make the rows, for each row, second collection (which is a property of the first collection objects) is looped to create the columns.

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Web Forms :: Setting Relative TabIndex For A Content Page?

Feb 24, 2011

Just posting this up as I've been searching all over the net for the last few hours and not found anything useful. What I need to do is set the tabindex on a content page so that when using keyboard navigation the form controls in one vertical column are selected first, and then the 2nd column. (rather than one row at a time).

My problem is this means that the "skip to content" and all the other links in the master page are bypassed and the first form control with a tabindex!=0 is jumped to. Is there any way to set the tabindex on a content page relative to the previous tabindex from the masterpage? (when no tabindex is set on the master page).

I was hoping at the top of the content page you could set relativetabindex or something like. we use many different masterpages that change fairly frequently so setting the tab index for every control on the page is a really horrible way to get round this. I'm hoping theres a nice .Net way of doing it and no javascript hacking has to be done!

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I am working on popup window that is using controls. As usually happens that when we click on Tab keyword of Laptop then it takes us to the next tab of controls on browser. But in my bootstrap popup i am unable to set tabindex. I have used Tablndex property but it is not working on popup window.

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JavaScript - Get The Active Index Of The Jquery Accordion Pane From The Server-side

Jan 27, 2010

How can I get the active index of the jquery accordion pane when a button is clicked? What I want to do is when a button is clicked in pane 3 for example, I want to store that value and when the page is reloaded, I want pane 3 to remain open.

I intially had this in my server side click and when I hard code a value in for paneIndex it works fine, but obviously, I don't want to do this, I want to get the index on the click and pass that to the script.

string script = "<script type="text/javascript">var paneIndex = " + 3 + "</script>";

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"JSScript", script);

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I have created a custom text box with property "key"(ASP.NET C#).I want to get the value of this property "key" using java script.How can I do this?

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Javascript - Checkbox Property Using Jquery?

Oct 27, 2010

i want that when a checkbox is checked then it should allow user to write something in a txtbox. initially the txtbox is disabled. what i should write inside the function using jquery

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Access Mvc Property In Javascript Method?

Jan 19, 2011

i have a property Model.Feeds

i would like to add value to Feeds in javascript metod:

function DataRetrieved(data) {
'<%=Model.Feeds %>' = data;

'<%=Model.Feeds %>' not works because its will be recognized as string.

how to access property of model.

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