AJAX :: Can't Disable Back Button History

Oct 5, 2010

we have a web form with check boxes on.

When we click our back button the page only returns to the previous state (un checking the check boxes one by one after each click). We would like it to go back to the previous page and remember the history of the page.

I've tried :


but this just crashes the page.

our javascript button looks like this:

<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="history.go(-1)" />

(the browser back button does the same thing)

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Similar Messages:

How To Disable Back Button Browser History

Mar 26, 2010

I'm using 2 masterpages in my project.One master page is for login page and another one for the HomePage where user will go thro the options to reach other pages from home page..The thing is,i have "Logout" button in my home page.When i click on the logout button,the page will be redirected to "LoginPage.aspx". After redirecting to login page,when i click on browser back button,the previous page is displaying but it should not display to user since i'm doing sensitive transactions in all pages...

I tried using following code

Response.Expires = 0;
Response.AppendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");

but it's not working...

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Security :: How To Disable Back Button Browser History In .net

Apr 7, 2010

I'm using 2 masterpages in my project.One master page is for login page and another one for the HomePage where user will go thro the options to reach other pages from home page..The thing is,i have "Logout" button in my home page.When i click on the logout button,the page will be redirected to "LoginPage.aspx". After redirecting to login page,when i click on browser back button,the previous page is displaying but it should not display to user since i'm doing sensitive transactions in all pages...

or is there any way to do with authentication and roles?

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State Management :: How To Control And Add Extra History Points In IE8 Back Button

Jun 23, 2010

I wasn't sure where to post this type of question so here you go. The title says it all really I'm using the Microsoft.web.preview dll so that we can provide history support for the Ajax controls used in a .net 2.0 project. This works in IE6 but fails to function correctly in IE8 it appears to add additional history points when you attempt to navigate backwards through history.

Enter the page > Make a change using Ajax (add history point) > press back button you would expect to go back to initial page state but another two history points have been inserted between your initial page request and new your manually added history point. there is no where in the code that is adding these additional history points by accident. Remember it works perfectly under IE6. What are my options do I have to upgrade to 3.5 .net to make use of the history functionality built into the scriptmanager?

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeator Control Display History On Browser Back Button?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a repeator control which is displaying the search results and it contains 50 Records.Paging is Enabled for the Repeator control and hence i am able to see 10 records at a time.

Now my requirement is :

When ever the user clicks the browser back button after going to the the Last set of records from the result set (41-50 records) in the Repeator Control,the Page is displaying the First set of Records(1-10).

Expected Result :

Page has to display the Previous result set (31-40) after clicking the browser back button.

View 3 Replies

AJAX :: Javascript Window.history.back() With Modal Popup Extender

Sep 30, 2010

I have a asp.net page that has a list of items. When one of the items from the list is clicked a details page is displayed. This details page has a link button to show a popup for history of the item. The details page also has a button with text 'Back'. The back button has onclick event set to "javascript:window.history.back();".

This back button works fine and goes back to the first page. However when the user is on the second page and opens the pop up by clicking on the link button, the back button stop working and displays Webpage has expired message.

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Web Forms :: Disable Back Button In IE

Jun 16, 2010

I am currently doing asp.net page, I want disable back & forward button all the times the page opening/loading.

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Web Forms :: How To Disable The Back Button

Jul 8, 2010

My customer has a website that is unsuitable for children. Anyone under 18 is not allowed ont he site. No, it's not a porn site, it's prison related. A certain page requires the user to enter their birthdate. If they are under 18, they're redirected to another site.

He has another site written for kids who have been impacted by crime. He wants the kids redirected here, to a page that explains why they were redirected. He asked me to disable the back button at this point to keep the kids from easily going back to the original site.

I've read all the reasons why you shouldn't desable the back button, but frankly, I think this would an appropriate place to do it. I also know you really can't disable it, but I've found a number of work arounds - none of which I've gotten to work.

Is there a work around that will work?

I've thought of setting a session variable or a hidden field or an invisible label on the page that redirects the kids just before the redirect and checking the value at page load, but the code to do the checking doesn't get run unless the user hits the back button then refreshes the page. Is there a way to get code to run as soon as the back button is pressed?

View 13 Replies

Disable Browser Back Button Using C#.net?

Dec 9, 2010

Possible Duplicate: Disabling Back button on the browser i want to disable browser back button without using javascript function forward().because it remain on this page.

I want to totally disable browser back button like banking sites

send me code for that i need it

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Disable Back Button - Use On Explorer

Mar 14, 2010

I have a shopping basket on my site, and when the customer gets to the final page I don't won't them to be able to go back i.e. use the back button on the explorer. I have seen it before on other web sites, it's like when you leave the page it 'times out'I am just not sure how that works.

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Web Forms :: Disable Back And Refresh Button?

Apr 7, 2010

How to disable back and refresh button. I want to know how this can be handled as in bank websites and other secured websites. Can this be handled using clearing cache in Response object?

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Disable Back Button Of Internet Explorer?

May 9, 2010

I have developed some aspx pages using visual studio 2008. I am authenticating using Active Directory services. I have kept a link button on my aspx page which says signout .What exactly i want to do is that i want the back button of my login page to be disabled so that when i press signout and when my login page loads users cant go back and thus forced to enter the login details. I am using c# as development language.

View 7 Replies

Webpage Has Expired When Disable The Back Button?

Jan 10, 2011

i want to protect pages from back button of the browser when my customer logout. so i use Response.AppendHeader ("Cache-Control", "no-store"); to clear the cache of my pages to make it checks session each time. however, i also find that if i use some controls with autopost back and this no-cache flag will also cause problem to make the error "webpage has expired" when my users click back button when they have not logged out.

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Web Forms :: How To Disable The Back Button In A Website

Jan 15, 2010

how do i disable the back button in a website?

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Back Button In Mozila Firefox 3.2 Disable?

May 31, 2010

I have used lot of codinds to disable the browser (using server side code) back button in mozila firefox 3.2 it is not working.But it is working fine in the Internet Explorer.

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Jquery Disable Post Back On Button?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm using Jquery UI and Autocomplete func.(Combobox) and I interested in this part.

$("<button> </button>")
.attr("tabIndex", -1)
.attr("title", "Show All Items")
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
text: false

My problem is when I use ASP.net, this button do PostBack, but I not need this because my list of items then gone. How can I override this behavior of button.

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Security :: How To Disable Back Button Of Browser

Sep 17, 2010

i want to know how can i restrict any user to access any webpage after logging out

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Browser Back Button

Jan 16, 2012

After user has logged out i am redirecting user to home.aspx and from here i do not want user to be able to go back using browser back button.. How can i do it? I used this code in javascript :

<script type="text/javascript">    javascript:window.history.forward(1);</script>

This does not work for me. In all pages i am using Master Pages..

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Web Forms :: Disable Browser Back Button

Apr 16, 2012

I use following code to disable browser back button but it not work

<script type = "text/javascript" >
   function preventBack(){window.history.forward();}
    setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);

How can i disable it.

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Web Forms :: Disable Browser Back Button In IE 10 And IE 11

Feb 4, 2014

My problem is when I logout from my website, the logout button redirects to login page , and then if I click BACK button in browser, I can go back to my website. I do not want that.

What I am actually trying to make is like at mail.yahoo.com or at mail.google.com after sucessful logout user cannot view the account.

I would like to make the same functionality for my application.

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Web Forms :: Disable Button After Validation But Before Post Back

Mar 29, 2010

I have orders page. When user submit Order, I need to disable the button to avoid multiple transactions. I also have few validation controls on the page, so button should not be disabled untill page is about to be posted. I dont have any custom javascript for validation. It is just these asp.net validation controls. What is the best way to achieve that? I have spend about 2 hours on google and found various solutions, but nothing seems to work. Each has some issue. On button I add OnClientClick="return btnOnClick this, 'Payment');" Below is what gets called. Unfortunately if I disable button, it cancels post back. So I am calling dopostback and also adding few lines on server side to see which button caused postback. It works fine in IE8 and Chrome. But for Firefox on server side arg comes null. Any ideas what is wrong with my code? Or any other suggestions to do it in a better way?

C# Server side
string arg = this.Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET");
if (arg == "Payment") { this.ProcessPayment(); }
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmitPO" OnClientClick="return btnOnClick(this, 'Payment');" runat="server" Text="Submit Order" ValidationGroup="G" />

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Web Forms :: Disable Back Button On Page Load?

Dec 30, 2010

I have read that you can not disable the back button on page load but I can clear the cashe on page load so the back button would then be greyed out. I have read a few articles on this and I am unable to get it working. I am using MS visual web developer 2010.

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Security :: Disable Browser Back Button After Logout

Aug 18, 2010

how to avoid viewing the last page visited by the user after logging out.

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Web Forms :: Disable Back Button Of A Browser Using JavaScript

Oct 11, 2012

How to disable the back button of a browser using Javascript.

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MVC 2 Disable Cache For Browser Back Button In Partial Views?

May 15, 2010

I am using Html.RenderAction<CartController>(c => c.Show()); on my master Page to display the cart for all pages. The problem is when I add an item to the cart and then hit the browser back button. It shows the old cart (from Cache) until I hit the refresh button or navigate to another page.

I've tried this and it works perfectly but it disables the Cache globally for the whole page an for all pages in my site (since this Action method is used on the master page). I need to enable cache for several other partial views (action methods) for performance reasons.

I wouldn't like to use client side script with AJAX to refresh the cart (and login view) on page load - but that's the only solution I can think of right now.

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