AJAX :: Creating Method Error 'Cannot Create Page Method "GetCompletionList" Because No Code Behind Or Codefile Was Found"
Sep 24, 2010
I added the extender and when i tried to add the method this message poped up; Cannot create page method "GetCompletionList" because no Code Behind or codefile was found.
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I am creating an Asp.net web site which will support dynamic data. When I am creating a dynamic web site from Scratch (from template in VS) all is working fine. But when I am trying to add dynamic entity (.edmx) file and running the application I am getting following error
"The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip'. "
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public override MyMembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string status, int registerd_on, out UserCreationStatus creation_status)
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remote server returned an error 401 unauthorized
Both the form and webmethod are in the same page/file. I even tried creating webmethod in a separate standalone webservice but error still there.
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Dec 22, 2010
I am trying to call a simple method in my code behind using Jquery with Ajax. But I get a 404 not found exception everytime. Unfortunately this is a web forms solution. So I dont have all the perks of MVC
It does get into the javascript method and gives the alert but won't go into my c# method. My previous experience of using this Jquery method is in an MVC website. Is it compatible with webforms sites?
Here is the code:
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May 12, 2010
I want execute below callback() method after completion of document.getElementById('btnDownload').click(); method . Now callback()executing immediatly. I want wait "Click()" process done then Execute callback(); method.
function LoadPopup() {
// find the popup behavior
this._popup = $find('mdlPopup');
// show the popup
// synchronously run the server side validation ...
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this._popup = $find('mdlPopup');
// hide the popup
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<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="True" MasterPageFile="~/DashMaster.master" CodeBehind="BI_MDR.aspx.cs" Inherits ="BI_MDR.StoredProc"%> [code].......
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Nov 8, 2010
Locally I have the cascading dropdown which loads countries in a cascading dropdown working.
But as soon as I place the code on the hosting server, Firebug shows me an:
500 Internal Server Error - [URL]
The cascading dropdown just shows "[Method error 500]"
local configuration:
Windows 7
server configuration:
Windows Server 2008
So it almost MUST be something on my hosting server! :s I dont know what to configure though...
View 5 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
I have a web method in my code behind:
public static string GetStateData(string state)
//this is where i want to call a javascript method "GetItems"
I have a javascript method that retrieves some values for me and I want to get use one of those values in my web method
function GetItems() {
var variable1= $("#<%=Item1.ClientID %> input:checked");
var variable2= $("#<%=Item2.ClientID %>").val();
return [variable1.text(), variable2.val(), variable2];}
I've searched for ways to call the javascript method from the web method but every time my search results in how to call a web method from javascript.
I did find this but it was done from the code-behind of a silverlight project and when I tried adding the correct reference to my code-behind it wasn't there
var result = HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("GetItems"); Is there a reference I'm missing?
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Aug 26, 2010
I have an application that has JS calling ASMX files to do asyncronous requests, using ASP.NET AJAX.
The problem is that I use always the same "onError" function, and now I don't know how to identify the method that rised the error, and it is giving me a lot of problems to debug errors. The parameter "data" of the onError method does not give enough information, for
en System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeInternal(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeMain(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToType(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.StrongTypeParameters(IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData, IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)
Is there any way to know the webmethod that raised the error?
View 1 Replies
Nov 1, 2010
i have a web service that i use for the AutoCompleteExtender, let the below code show you what i'm trying to do: [Code]....
this method is called, and when it calls the method inside the Patients Class, it gets lost. does that mean that i can't use 3-tier approach with web methods?
View 2 Replies
Sep 22, 2010
When this function is hit , it does not call my function in code behind? Why could it be doing this? How can I fix this error.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('[id$=btn_Update]').click(function() {
var reten = $('[id$=txt_Reten]').val();
var i=0;
var selectValues = "";
var ProdID = new Array();
$("#lst_ProdId option").each(function() {
selectValues = selectValues + $(this).text() + ",";
ProdID[i] = $(this).text();
for(var j=0; j < ProdID.length;j++)
// alert(ProdID[j]);
var params = "{'ProdID':'" + ProdID + "','RetenP':'" + reten + "'}";
type: "POST",
url: "/ProductPricing/Products/RetenPeriod.aspx/UpdateRetenPeriod",
data: params,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
success: function(result) {
error:function(e) {
// if(errorThrown != null)
// alert(textStatus+ ":"+errorThrown);
// else
// alert("fail");
return false;
return false;
This is my webmethod in code behind:
public static bool UpdateRetenPeriod(string[] ProdID,string RetenP)
for (int i = 0; i < ProdID.Length; i++)
return true;
View 3 Replies
Mar 26, 2016
$("#Name").on("blur", function() {
if (Name != "" && Name != null) {
var options = {
type: "POST",
url: "ApplyNow.aspx/CheckName",
how to use the value of 'duplicate' in btnsunmit_click() from webmethod.
View 1 Replies
Feb 13, 2010
I want to implement a Payment service.I will create some values in code behind and then by using post method I have to post this values to Payment gateway and user must redirect to that page.
I can't Use form action becuase I have to create some values and save some thing in db in code behind.
how can I implement this?
View 1 Replies
Jul 13, 2010
What am I missing here; this should be straight forward, but when I attempt to access the "get_activeTabIndex()" method on my Tab Container's ID, I get the following error:
"Object doesn't support this property or method"
This is using VS.NET 2010 with the AJAX Control Toolkit built for Framework 4, but I don't think anything was deprecated so this should not be an issue. I extract the ID of the control using serverside script variables, then attempt to access the method, but it fails. Take a look:
Value 'tabCtrl' does indeed have value, as I can see it registers as an object (not NULL or Nothing) and ClientID resolves to the following:
View 5 Replies
Jun 13, 2010
I have the method 500 error problem, I have tried to do a simple reproduction of the problem still the same, if I run the webservice [URL] it returns the values needed ok (5) in xml format, but the dropdown always return error 500 inside, here are the codes (Using VS2008, NF3.5, Windows 7), I have the whole day trying to solve this but I just can't:
View 4 Replies
Dec 26, 2010
I downlaoded the sample code accompanying the "Cascading Drop Down Control to Access a Database" AJAX Toolkit video, and added the datasets from the sample code to my application running in VS2008 and AJAX 3.5. I think the sample code is in a prior version of AJAX.
When I ran my project I used to get Method Error 500 and after 2 days of searching the web could not get a solution. Finally by chance I recreated the datasets fresh in my app using the wizard as shown in the video and the error dissapeared and the cascading drop down worked beautifully.
View 1 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
I'am with problem in CascadingDropList, I develop in my pc and work perfectly, but when put on server show error method 500?
View 2 Replies
Apr 5, 2010
I am using an application from a book for a shopping application , to adapt for my own learning, but there seems to be a problem with the shopping cart page. This is a section I have not changed as there is no need to but there is an error. In the code behind the only thing new is the namespace:
namespace OIClothing
public partial class Cart : System.Web.UI.Page
ShoppingCart cart; // it doesn't like this, giving the debug message the type or namespace 'Shopping Cart" could not be found
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["cart"] == null)
cart = new ShoppingCart();
Session["cart"] = cart;
cart = (ShoppingCart)Session["cart"];
GridView1.DataSource = cart.GetItems();
if (!IsPostBack)
btnCheckOut.Enabled = (cart.Count > 0);
protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
but when running the page, this error is given: CS1061: 'ASP.cart_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'GridView1_RowDeleting' and no extension method 'GridView1_RowDeleting' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.cart_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
View 17 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
I have an extension method which I can use from the .cs codebehind of an aspx page, but if I try to do it in a code block in the aspx, it can't find the extension method. Is there something I need to add to the page?
View 2 Replies
Jul 8, 2010
I currently facing a cascading drop down list problem. When I develop my website at local pc, everything work just fine. However I deploy it to server, I get Method Error 500.
View 4 Replies
Dec 6, 2010
I have a cascading dropdown which loads countries into a dropdownlist.
When I type: www.domain.com, it all works.
However, when I type: domain.com it stops working and the dropdown shows: "[method error -1]"
Here's my code:
<asp:TextBox ID="tbCity" Width="90" MaxLength="50" CssClass="inactive" autocomplete="off" runat="server" />
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="AutoSuggestCities" runat="server" TargetControlID="tbCity"
CompletionInterval="2" CompletionSetCount="50" MinimumPrefixLength="3" ContextKey="" ServicePath="http://www.domain.com/geolocation.asmx" ServiceMethod="GetCitiesForCountryOrProvince" />
ps. I use url rewriting and to make sure the servicepath is always correct I used the full path.
View 7 Replies
Jan 22, 2011
i hv been tryin since a long time..but not able to resolve my problem.M making a cascadin dropdown with ajax but gettin method error 500 in my dropdown on running it..here's my code1. dataservice.cs file
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Collections;
View 1 Replies
Jul 27, 2010
I have created a dropdown through code behind.Then created a Cascading dropdown that also through code behind.
All the properties of cascading dropdown have been initialized properly (as i think).
And web service method is defined in separate file.
DDL and Cascading DDL have been created in App_code/NewFolder through a class file. That webservice.vb file too is placed in this folder. and webservide.asmx file is placed in root directory of the project.
When i run the project dropdown is filled only with [Method error 500]. query to fetch data from database have been written in webservice.vb file without any known error.
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