AJAX :: Execute Server Side Events On Modal Popup Extender?
Jul 12, 2010
In my application, I have one Gridview on click button of one of the column I show Modal popup Extender. In Popup window I display another GridView with paging. And also I want to do operations such as Update, Delete and Add. As all these are Link buttons none of the event associated with them are firing.
Is there any way to execute server side events on Modal Popup Extender.
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I have a ASP.NET page where a modal popup extender is shown when we click on a link button...There is a submit button in the Modalpopup extender which inserts the data into a DB table.... the proble is there are field validators for the textboxes in the modalpopup extender...for which validation is required...
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm not sure if this is an easy issue to solve, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have a ModalPopupExtender (obviously) for a panel that contains a two labels, two textboxes, and two buttons (Ok and Cancel). What I would like to do is when the Ok button is clicked, the page post back and the server click event execute (along with normal page events). When I try adding "__doPostBack("ModalOk", "");" as the OnOkScript, the page posts back, but the click event doesn't execute. (the click event is Protected Sub ModalOk_Click(blah blah) Handles ModalOk.Click).
The only way I got it to work (which is fine with me, I just thought I'd ask why it isn't working normally) is by checking to see if the Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET") is equal to "ModalOk". If it is, then I call the ModalOk_Click() sub. Like I said, this is fine with me, but it should be able to be avoided. If the __EVENTTARGET is equal to "ModalOk", then the "Handles ModalOk.Click" event should automatically be called, shouldn't it? Following with the general problem here, how does the server determine which events (other than the page events) to execute (or at least which button.click event)? I understand that the __EVENTTARGET supplies what causes the postback, but if a button is clicked then __EVENTTARGET is not set. So then does the page check the Request.Form for a button? Or is it more complex/simple than what I'm asking?
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Mar 31, 2011
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if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
Show a modal popup here which says: 'This process is only available to users who are logged into the system.'
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Nov 3, 2010
Using ASP.NET 2.0, VB code behind, I am using a ModalPopupExtender to show some dynamic content on my site inside an update panel. The problem I am having is that sometimes the content stretches the modal pop-up panel (div) so that it flows off the screen. In cases where the height of the popup panel exceeds some defined height I would like to limit the height and add a vertical scroll bar (otherwise the panel should have no height minimum).
I have written a JavaScript to perform this task (see below). I use my code behind to display the modal popup... so now my problem is how (when) do I kick-off my javascript to limit the height of my modal popup. Kicking off the script on pageLoaded finds that the popup container's display setting has not been set yet, therefore ConstrainPanelHeight is never executed... how can I kick off my javascript after the model popup is shown?
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Jun 9, 2010
The Top is IE and the bottom is FireFox. Firfox is showing correctly. In IE, however, the grey background start directly on the left edge of the page and not across the window span, and the modal target stays below the grey background.
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Jul 15, 2010
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once i have the value i need to perform a stored proc and isnert into the database. i have this part sorted but not sure how to grab the values initially.
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Mar 18, 2010
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<asp:GridView ID="MyGV" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" style="display:none;">
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Mar 5, 2010
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- always a popup
- never a popup.
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Feb 18, 2011
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method in linkbutton to get sum values, that values is display in the modal popup control. How can i acheive this , give me a sample code.
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Mar 27, 2011
Usually my Modal popup extender is center by default. However, I have a modal popup that is not center - the modal popup is located on the right lower side of the screen. I have a CSS class for my website that I really dont want to start tracking to see if it is causing my problem (In fact I am pretty sure thats the cause of the problem). So I was thinking...
Is there anyway I can manipulate the modal popup position through the CSS. For instance:
The above is not working, it doesn't do anything to manipulate the width of my background and the position of the modal popup.
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Jan 21, 2010
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Feb 5, 2010
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Jan 31, 2011
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The code in default.aspx looks like this:
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