AJAX :: Have TextBoxs Under TabContainerContent1?

Sep 26, 2010

Below is working well. But is there anyway to reduce more. it looks for a small task i have written too much...Here is what i am trying to achieve.I have TextBoxs under TabContainerContent1 --> TabPanel -- ContentTemplate and i need to assign TextOnChange event to bring some data from database.The textbox is created using XSLT as below.


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Means on click of each Button how to pass there respective TextBox's data to a javascript function ?

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Dec 21, 2010

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there are a table in mdb file .>> "test_table1"

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and i have 2 textbox in my web form . >> "textbox_name" and "textbox_age"

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i need adox vb code for save textboxs data in mdb file .

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AJAX :: Getting Error When Try To Add Ajax Toolkit Dll File To Ajax Control Tab?

Dec 22, 2010

When iam try to add ajax control dll file to my ajax toolkit given in visualstudio express edition 2005, i am getting the following error.

"There are no components in 'C:ProgramFilesMicrosoft ASP.NETASP.NET 2.0 Ajax Extensionsv1.0.61025AJAXExtensionsToolbox.dll' that can be placed on the toolbox." what is the error in this?

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Aug 10, 2010

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AJAX :: JScript Runtime Error 12030 From Ajax Timer When Authorization Expires?

Nov 3, 2010

I have an ASP.NET form with several update panels. All works great.I use a timer and have it handle some periodic upates. That works correctly too. However, I appear to get an error when I leave the page open running in the debugger. Specifically the above JScript error 12030.I'm not clear how to find the source but I assume it is because my page has logged out. If I refresh I go back to my login page.So, does this sound like the cause? If so, how to I address this?

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AJAX :: Passing Values From Ajax Popup (gridview) To Parent Page Textbox

Nov 30, 2010

I have a ajax Popup extender which contains a grid and when i select a row a value should pass into the textbox in the parent page. i created every thing but the value is posted in the textbox. The Grid is loaded perfectly and the popup shows but when i click the select command field inside the grid the popup disappers but the value is not loaded in the textbox. help me am struck up with this for a very long time.



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AJAX :: Unable To Close/hide Ajax:popupExtender, When Used Inside A Gridview/Itemtemplate

Dec 15, 2010

I am fairly new to web development & stuck up using the ajax:popupExtender inside a gridview/Itemtemplate. So, would like to get help from experts in the forum


Currently I m developing a web page which holds a grivview. As one of the column needs a multiple column dropdown with soring facility, I am using ajax:popupExtender to achive that. Basically in the column i have a Panel1(label & image which mocks up has a dropdown), ajax:popupExtender, Panel1(gridview to have mutiple column). When user clicks on it the ajax:popupExtender is called & the targetpopupid which is a panel2 with gridview is called.

Here when user clicks on thePanel1, I am able to display Panel2 using ajax:popupExtender. Also, when user selects some row, I am able to close/hide the ajax:popupExtender in the code behind using cancel(). (this is done in selectItemIndexchange of panel2 grid view).

But my problem comes when user doesn't select any row & clicks back on the panel1, the ajax:popupExtender will remain open. but it should have been closed as i am trying to mock up dropdown dunctionality. how can I hide/close ajax:popupExtender when user clicks on panel1 2nd time.

Following are the different approaches I tried but nothing worked out.

1. wrote JS, & tried to add attributes of the Panel1's onclick event.
Failed: Error - Object is undefined. even though i passed a valid obj from code behind.

<script language="javascript">

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AJAX :: Sys.extended.UI.PositioningMode.Absolute Is Null Or Not An Object ,callout Ajax Control

Apr 17, 2010

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AJAX :: Dropdown List In Javascript Using Ajax Service But Unable To Get Its Selected Value In Button?

Apr 6, 2010

I am using ASP.Net 3.5. I have fiiled dropdown list in javascript using ajax service but unable to get its selected value in button click event on server side.

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AJAX :: Unable To Make Wcf JSON Ajax Service Work Through Http Like Asmx?

Jun 22, 2010

I am new to WCF, I was using web service asmx before. I have trouble on making my wcf JSON ajax service work through http like asmx.Could you help me see what wrong in my code?My WCF services are defined in my website application folder. My aim is to call this service in my aspx page java-script code and return complex object back as JSON to my javascript. I have no problem on doing this through classic asmx web service.

When I try to test it through my browser by type this in the URL , URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc/GetAll. it return "Method not allowed."

But if I type just this URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc, it return this:

WCFCompanyService Service

You have created a service.To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service. You can do this using the svcutil.exe tool from the command line with the following syntax:

svcutil.exe URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc?wsdl

This will generate a configuration file and a code file that contains the client class. Add the two files to your client application and use the generated client class to call the Service. For example:


class Test { static void Main() { HelloClient client = new HelloClient();


This is my Ajax-enabled WCF service code:


This is the web.config service model setting


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AJAX :: Way To Remove Characters From Ajax Control Toolkit Masked Editor

Dec 1, 2010

i have used ajax control toolkit masked editor extender.i want to remove "_" from masking pattern and want to replace it with space. for ex. want " - - " instead of this


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AJAX :: Ajax Update Panel Does Not Trigger Button Click Event

Feb 15, 2011

In my application I am using ajax updatepannel in which there is a tab container tool having 4 tabs, in the third third tab I used ajax accordian control which has 2 panel each pannel have one gridview control a Remove button. Here what I want to give delete facility to the user upon the selection of checkbox corresponding to the particular record. But when I click the button it doesnot triger the button click event of the remove button.

sorce code :


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AJAX :: How To Create Collapsible Textbox With Jquery Or Ajax Control Toolkit

Apr 6, 2010

How i can create collapsible textbox with jquery or ajax control toolkit.

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AJAX :: 401 Unauthorized Error In App, AJAX Control Calling Web Method Within Same Page

Jan 10, 2010

I'm using a custom AJAX based validation control to check user name availability from database. It's working alright in my development machine but in production server we are using Windows Authentication to authenticate by domain.The control is inherited from base validator and checks for user name availability from database perfectly but on form submission at Page.IsValid check it gives the following error.

remote server returned an error 401 unauthorized

Both the form and webmethod are in the same page/file. I even tried creating webmethod in a separate standalone webservice but error still there.

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AJAX :: Set Focus On Erroneous Control On Validation Inside Ajax Tabcontrol Having 5 Tab

Oct 9, 2010

How to set the focus on textbox when requiredfield validator error mesage comes to action inside the ajax tabcontrol.The ajax tabcontrol is having 5 tabs.The submit button is in 5th tab .I have reqiredfield validator for textbox in 1st tab.I want to set the focus on textbox if validation fails.Is it possible to get without postback?

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