AJAX :: Loading Data To Page With Cascading Drop Down?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a page that has a cascading drop down. It works perfectly when I start with an empty page and populate data to save a new row in a db table. However, when I try to load an existing row to the page, the parent is populated, but the child and cdd are not populated. During the load, I set the ccd.selectedvalue to a valid value, but by the time the page is rendered, there is no selection. I am sure it is something simple, but just don't see it.

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Loading Bar For Cascading Drop Down?

Apr 4, 2010

Is there a way to display a loading bar or image when loading a cascading drop down from database trough a web service ?

i use .net 3.5 whit ajax toolkit 3.0 in VS 2008

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AJAX :: Pass "Page Load" Variable To Cascading Drop Down Webservice?

Apr 6, 2010

I have an ASP.NET (VB.NET) page that uses the Cascading Drop Down extender control. The webservice currently has the datasource (e.g. an XML file) hard-coded, based on the CCD example. What I would like to do now is based on the the logged on user, and their Active Directory credentials (at Page Load) programatically select/define which of multiple XML stored on the server should be used by the CDD control. All of the code-behind has been written already, I'm just having a hard time passing the variable generated during Page Load function to the CDD webservice. (Note: The CDD control loads immediately)


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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Down Problem

Dec 7, 2010

I am using 2 cascading drop down lists in my website. When i test my app on localhost both work perfectly. But after uploading my webapp on the hosting server i receive the following error :

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Down Box And Access.db And Performance?

Feb 8, 2010

Basically, I'm lookuing to get some performance feedback and peoples thought about speeding up performance of my cascading drop down boxes.

Current;y I'm using a acces.db on the backend to populate the date.

It's just non populating for what I think is fast enough.

Would it be faster if I put the data in a real database? mssql, mysql, etc...

I wouldn't think it was my code, It's not even that many lines.

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AJAX :: Use Cascading Drop Down In Modal Popup?

Oct 6, 2010

I have several cascading drop down in my website which work fine. The problem is that i know need to use cascading drop down in a modal popup. The first list is populated but the subsequent lists are not being populated.

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Validating AJAX Cascading Drop Down Lists?

Mar 17, 2010

I am using the AJAX Cascading drop down list but want to add event validation e.g. the compare validators.

As the cascading drop down list requires the page event validation to be disabled what is the best way to do the validation?

Validation Attempt: I have tried to use a custom validator which calls a Javascript function but it doesnt seem to be picking up the control. I get the following error Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required

function ValidateCostCentCat(source, arguments)
var countryList = document.getElementById("ddlCategory");
if (null != countryList)
var iValue = countryList.options[countryList.selectedIndex].value;
if (iValue == "Select Category")
arguments.IsValid = true;
arguments.IsValid = false;

The mark-up for the custom validator is

<asp:CustomValidator ID="valcustCategory" runat="server" CssClass="error" Display="Dynamic" ValidationGroup="DirectHire" ClientValidationFunction="ValidateCostCentCat"
ErrorMessage="Please select a Cost Centre Category from the drop down list provided.">!</asp:CustomValidator>

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Down With Title Attribute?

May 11, 2010

how to add the "title" attribute to the AJAX cascadingdropdownmenu?

DropDownList1.Items.Add("1");DropDownList1.Items[0].Attributes.Add("Title", "Some1");DropDownList1.Items.Add("2");DropDownList1.Items[1].Attributes.Add("Title", "Some2");DropDownList1.Items.Add("3");DropDownList1.Items[2].Attributes.Add("Title", "Some3");

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AJAX :: Add Aqua Css Class To Cascading Drop Down?

Apr 29, 2010

I would like to add the aqua css class of the combobox to my Cascading dropdowns.

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Down Based On Multiple Selections

May 14, 2010

Does anyone know if it is possible to have Cascading DropDown Lists which are based on the selected value of more than a single list. Example - I have four tables in a database as follows:


The items in Product are made up by one record from each of the other three tables (PartA + PartB + PartC = Product). What I wish to do is have 3 Cascading DropDown lists which refer to the three individual parts which can be used to select items fromt he Product table.

The first two work no problem but when it comes to the third the list is condition on only items which have the selects of both the first two lists.

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AJAX :: How To Set Default Value For Drop Down List Filled With Cascading

Aug 29, 2010

I've this problem, how can I set the default value for drop down list filled with cascading.

I can't catch the event that came after cascading to set the default value and I can't call any control in this function:


I've passed the Drop down list as a session and the default value in session

When I call the session of "Drop Down List" the session value Is NULL in this function:


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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Downs - Pre-Select Items (contextkey)

Jul 14, 2010

I have a problem with 3 cascading drop downs. They are on a content page, so I have a Master Page as well. They work just fine but once the user saves the data and then comes back to the same page, I would like to show them what was previously saved. How can I pre-select items in the drop downs that I get from my SQL server db? I tried jquery, javascript, vb code behind and no luck so far. I'm sure i'm doing something wrong. Here is my code:

I've been trying to send my webservice a contextkey for the first drop down. When I debug the webservice, and I manually enter a context key, i get the correct values back with the value that equals my context key having <isDefaultValue>True</isDefaultValue>.

Aspx page:


WebService (part of it that gets data for my first drop down):



Javascript (tried to set the context key here)[Code]....


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AJAX :: Develop A Webpage That Has Multiple Cascading Drop Down List

May 9, 2010

I'm seeking to develop Web page that has multiple Drop Down List (3 controls) bind with my database and these controls support AJAX and access my database using LINQ

e.g, when I select one of the control name : Class, then It should access the database then, display the department in this class in the next Drop Dawn List in the next control - ALL this without PostPacking this page and access the my database using LINQ.

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Web Forms :: Creating Cascading Drop Down List Without Using AJAX Controls

Mar 22, 2010

how do i create a cascading drop-down list without using ajax controls...i am using queries and the language i am using is C# I have a client and a project database....when i choose a client name in the dropdownlist....only the project names associated with that client should appear in the next dropdownlist

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Down List No Longer Loads Gridview?

Dec 4, 2010

I seem to be having a problem loading a gridview using 2 cascading drop down lists. Before I implemented the Ajax cascading drop down list extenders and I just had regular drop down list the gridview that is supposed to load when users choose the appropriate data from the 2 drop down list appears when the submit button was triggered.


When the button event is triggered it looks for the specific value in the second drop down list and calls a specific stored procedure to load the gridview. Now after implementing the cascading drop down lists the page just posts back - there are no errors whatsoever.

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AJAX :: Populating A Series Of Cascading Drop Down Lists Through Code?

Aug 20, 2010

I am new to Ajax in general but I have a series of cascading drop down lists that are working fine. I'm using them on a form that I want to be able to either add a new row of data to the database or edit an existing one. I have the insert a new row working but editing an existing one is a bit trickier. The drop down lists are only part of the form but I would like to be able to query for a row id and set their values. Right now I'm querying for a row of data and populating the form with its values on page load and all of the fields work except for the drop down lists. I assume that this is because when the page is loading the web methods haven't run yet to populate the cascading drop downs. Therefore I can't set the selected value because there aren't any values yet. So therefore I'm pretty sure I need to do this from a web method so that it runs after the lists are populated or while the lists are populating but I don't know how.

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AJAX :: How To Disable Ajax Cascading Drop Down

Aug 17, 2010

I am using cascading drop downlist for two level in ,selecting county based on state

my requirement is i need to disable/enable cascading drop down on click of gride view edit/view button.

I tried all the java script Onpopulated method but no luck


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AJAX :: Clearing The Selection Of A Cascading Drop Down List In Server Side Code?

Dec 1, 2010

I am currently building a web site and I utilize cascading drop down lists. I am having difficulty clearing two of my drop downs. The application is utilizing Visual Basis. Here is what I found through my research but they are not resetting my drop downs after a post back:

cascadingDropDown1.SelectedValue = Nothing
cascadingDropDown1.SelectedValue = ""

I am stumped on this on and have spent several hours researching this. If anyone has a possible solution I would be greatful.

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Downs, C# LINQ, No Errors In Code But Doesnt Work?

Jan 25, 2011

i followed this tut http://www.ajaxprojects.com/ajax/tutorialdetails.php?itemid=554 for cascading drop downs, but i changed the sql connections for my linq datasource. VS2010 is showing no errors in my code and the page loads fine too, but the two drop down lists are emptycan anyone scan there eyes over it and see if theres any reason why it shouldnt be working?my code is the same as the tuts apart from it uses LINQ instead of SQL


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Web Forms :: How To Have 2 Cascading Drop Down Lists For The Same Drop Down List

Mar 12, 2010

How can I have 2 Cascading Drop Down Lists for the same Drop Down List?here is my problemi have 3 drop down lists read from database1- Schools List 2- Classes List3- Teachers ListEvery School will have more than 1 Class and more than 1 TeacherWhat I want is when user select a School from Schools Drop Down List then BOTH (Classes and Teachers) should be refreshed based on the School Drop Down List

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Web Forms :: Trying To Use A Cascading Drop-down For Data Entry?

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to use a cascading drop-down for data entry. However, I'm having problems because I need to set the value of the drop-downs when I load the screen. I use a stored procedure to retrieve the values from my database, and then set the drop downs in my code-behind. Then the web service kicks in and wipes them out. :( How can I set these values and utilize the cascading drop down control?

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AJAX :: Why Use Cascading Drop Down In Partial Update Is Possible Through Update Panel

Jul 29, 2010

i am confused about the fact that if partial update of dropdowns is possible through Update Panel ,then why we should use asp.net ajax Cascading drop down extender ,that has made same task bit complex by making callback to web services ? what is difference between using update panel and cascading drop down extender ?

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AJAX :: Display Light Box Loading Image On Page When Update Panel Is Loading

Mar 6, 2013

I have update panel on the page to avoid postback and placed a dropdownlist control within that update panel. DrodownList is filled with Category names and also it's autopostback set to True.

Now whenever dropdownlist index change's on select, untill page loads complete  data it should show mesage as "Loading.... in center and middle of the page and background should become bit transparent". And when page load completely with data then that background and message should get disappear.

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C# - Cascading Drop Down Is Loaded?

Mar 4, 2011

I have used Cascading Drop Downs (for Make and Model) in my web form. I am using webmethod from webservice to bind the CDDs. Following is the code -

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlMakes" runat="server" Width="150px">
<cc1:CascadingDropDown ID="cddMakes"unat="server"

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Web Forms :: Using SQL Table To Cascading 3 Drop Down List

Aug 4, 2010

i am using SQL table to cascading 3 drop down list. this is search fields for cars by manifacture, model and year. the 2 first ddl has autopostback and AppendDataBoundItems (true) i want the user will select the facture first, then the 2th ddl will display the models of that manifacture and then the year. for the first time its working good, but when i change the manifacture for the second time, in the model i have the new values + the old values, and go on and on, if i select diffrent facture the model ddl have now values of 3 diffrent manifacture,


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