AJAX :: Make Requests With Faster

Dec 11, 2010

i find a lot of websites that have some parts in the page that uses ajax much more faster than i used to see ajax requests

like changing views using tabs when i click a tab it changes content very fast than i used to in my web applications using Asp.Net and Ajax Control Toolkit

and also a very quick paging in repeaters or grids than i ever developed in my web apps

like this website [URL] i need to know which technology used to achieve this this website is developed using .net


but i need to know is this needs another technology to learn (from where can i learn it)

or is it just asp.net + ajax or whth other technology

is it MVC

also i want to know if MVC is better than asp.net + ajax in concern with performance

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Jquery - How To Make Requests With Ajax Faster

Dec 11, 2010

i find a lot of websites that have some parts in the page that uses ajax much more faster than i used to see ajax requests

like changing views using tabs when i click a tab it changes content very fast than i used to in my web applications using Asp.Net and Ajax Control Toolkit

and also a very quick paging in repeaters or grids than i ever developed in my web apps

like this website [URL]

so i need to know which technology used to achieve this this website is developed using .net

but i need to know is this needs another technology to learn (from where can i learn it)

or is it just asp.net + ajax or whth other technology is it MVC

also i want to know if MVC is better than asp.net + ajax in concern with performance

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AJAX :: Make Tabs Dynamically Generate Faster?

Feb 12, 2010

I am using the tab control and basically I have 4 buttons. Each button will load a seperate ascx control into a brand new tab. After about 4 tabs, since it has to regenerate all 4 tabs, the speed in order to add tabs just becomes too long for my tastes. Is there any way to remedy this and make it go faster?

EDIT2:Using Internet Explorer 7.0 and 8.0

EDIT: Some Code, I store the i in viewstate and loop through this every time for each panel per regeneration

private void BuildNewTab(int i)
TabPanel newPanel = new TabPanel();[cod]....

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SELECT [FieldValue2] = case isdate(FieldValue2) When '1' then
case isdate(FieldValue4) When '0' then
dbo.GetCountagingDay(FieldValue2, getdate(), '') -1
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Visual Studio - Finding Ways To Make Build Faster / Trying To Improve Edit-Compile-Test Loop

Mar 17, 2011

When I'm building my web project it takes about 20 seconds to compile. Then when I try to browse to a web page in project, asp.net does its runtime compilation(another 20 seconds). I know I can't escape these steps because thats how asp.net works, just want to see if anyone has some kind of optimization to make these builds faster.

Trying to improve Edit-Compile-Test loop

My machine details:

-Intel Core i7 processor @2.80GHz
-8GB of RAM
-HD @ 7200 RPM

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Make Server Run Aspx Requests With Php

Dec 3, 2010

We are creating a real estate website. The National Franchise site wants to pass us searchs that fall in out local area. The searches MUST follow this format:


The issues is that we have built a site in PHP and buying a windows server and learning aspx seems like overkill for this one script.

So... I think I need to make a redirect, like this:

RewriteRule /propertysearch/findpropreties.aspx$ http://texasmls.com/corpSearch.php [R=301,L,QSA]

But it does not work.

In summary:

Does anyone know how to trick the server into running aspx files as php?

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Is It Possible To Make JSON Requests Using Fiddler's Request Builder

Apr 7, 2010

I keep getting a Request format is invalid.

Here's the raw http that get's sent:


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Make Telerik TabStrip Tabs Persist Between Page Requests

Aug 27, 2010

in Telerik ASP.NET MVC TabStrip, I want the page to remember which tab was selected last and persist the selection through multiple page requests.

What I have is a partial view that shows in multiple pages and it contains the TabStrip. With SelectedIndex the set tab always get selected, which nullifies user's selection.

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Ajax - What's Faster For Real - Time Web Program

Nov 30, 2010

i need to build web program that connect to sql-server-2008 with 50 user's that run query and update the database. i need a fast real-time web program. what will be faster asp.net or ajax ?

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Javascript - For Ajax Data Insertion In Page What Is Faster Than InnerHTML

Sep 17, 2010

I'm doing an ajax work where web service will return data and on client side and I am creating html table with data.I am using var (to hold string of generated html code), do string concatenations to generate table, tr and td tags and put data in it. Then I put this html table with data into a div using innerHTML. I am applying inline css in this dynamic html code.

The issue I am facing is the web service will return a huge amount of data. What I tested is even on local machine it took about 10-12 minutes to process (concatenating, creating tags putting data in table, applying css) 10000 rows. Stored procedure just take 3-4 seconds in returning data. how this in-browser processing time can be reduced ? I am doing it for speed in some wrong way ? Or is there some technique for it or some method faster than innerHTML and string concatenations ?

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Selectively Redirecting HTTP Requests To HTTPS Requests?

Jun 18, 2010

What's the simplest and most effective way to selectively redirect HTTP requests to your ASP.NET page to its HTTPS equivalent? For example, if my page site URL is [URL], I want to redirect some (or all) page requests to [URL] What's the easiest way to do that?

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VS 2012 - How To Handle Ajax Requests In MVC

Jun 24, 2014

This is sort of a continuation of a previous thread: View thread

The requirement I have is to be able to have a popup form that shows detailed data on a facility. This would be available on various pages of the website where the user may want to drill down and see detailed information on a facility. We also want to allow the user to update the data on the facility if so desired. I have the code working to show the popup form and get the html for the popup from a view. Right now I'm setting the values of the input boxes using razor code that accesses the @model object. That's about as far as I've gotten.

Where I'm struggling is:

1. How to tie the data in the inputs back to the view model.
2. How to write the ajax code to write the data back to the server. I tried using a standard form, but that redirects the original page that popped up the form. I want to leave that page alone and just submit the data back to the server and close the popup.

Now my dev lead wants us to use the dojo toolkit for our javascript library. That would be OK if I already knew what I was doing with regard to web development, but I don't - and documentation is just not very good with regard to dojo. I'm still trying to figure out html and mvc, so I thought I'd see if I can get this scheme working with some other javascript library first, and then see about switching it over to dojo.

I've read some about knockout and jquery, but with everything being so new to me it's hard to get all this to gel in my head, and I'm not sure about my design. I've read some about mvc's built in ajax tools, but so far all I'm seeing is stuff related to getting data and displaying it - not about submitting data.

I'd like to be able to send the data back to the server in the same object structure that I extracted it with - something that matches the model. I think this is doable, but I'm not sure - and the 'how' of it is escaping me at this point.

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How To Handle Ajax Requests When User Is Not Authenticated

Apr 5, 2010

How do you handle ajax requests when user is not authenticated?

Someone enters the page, leaves room for an hour, returns, adds comment on the page that goes throuh ajax using jQuery ($.post). Since he is not authenticated, method return RedirectToRoute result (redirects to login page). What do you do with it? How do you handle it on client side and how do you handle it in controller?

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How To Mitigate XSRF For MVC Ajax.ActionLink Requests

Jan 2, 2010

I have many Ajax.ActionLink's on my ASP.NET MVC (v1) page that perform destructive operations. This is "legal" because I set HttpMethod to DELETE in this case so it's not a destructive GET.

My question though is how to mitigate XSRF attacks on this operation so that other sites cannot craft this same Ajax DELETE request to delete user data from another site. This ActionLink does appear within a form that includes <%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %> but since ActionLinks don't post the form, the anti-forgery token doesn't go to the controller, so it can't validate it.

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C# - Does MVC 2.0 Model Binding Work With Ajax Requests

Feb 23, 2010

i'm just sending a normal POST request using Ajax.BeginForm... i output the form elements using the .TextBoxFor and .HiddenFor etc... all as i should... and when it's posted via ajax to my action method, the object in the action method (named "Comment") is not populated with the values!

Am i missing something? here is the relevant part of my code to those who want to see it...


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MVC :: To Use AsyncController To Allow User Concurrent Ajax Requests?

Jun 10, 2010

In my ASP.NET MVC2 web app I have a page which goes off and gets results from a number of different web service feeds. These return times vary so I want to basically display them as they return after the page loads. I also want my user to be able to kick of requests that can run concurrently with these other requests.

At the minute my page just seems to queue up the requests. The web service calls returning one at a time in the order they are called and then the user can kick of requests.

Is this a case for the asyncController or is there an easier/better way of working this?

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WCF / ASMX :: PowerShell In Web Service For Ajax Requests?

Dec 9, 2010

A customer wants us to create an ajax-enabled web application that can be used to manage their IT environment (Active directory, mail, file security, ...). However, as the team that will support the web application does not know anything about these IT systems, they would like to split the coding so that all interfacing with the IT environment is done via PowerShell, which is known by the administrators of these systems. This would mean that if new functionality is required, the web team can just create an additional web page and interface and use PowerShell scripts that get created by technically skilled people in that specific topic (ie mail administrators). I don't see an issue using this approach for requests like adding a user where latency is not an issue, but I do wonder if this is feasible for interactive content with Ajax.

Ie I would like to implement a google suggest like search for AD users. This would mean that ie for every x keystrokes (or x seconds whatever approach I implement) an Ajax request will be made and the web application or web service will than use PowerShell to get the data. Taken into account that up to about 75 users can use this feature, is this something that would work? Not only performace-wise but also the number of connections (I read about the Powershell 5 remote session limit but also that it could be put to a higher number)? The example above is probably the most resource heavy Ajax requests (and can be optimized by caching), so taken into account they don't want this nice feature, are basic PowerShell scripts in ajax request really an option. My gut feeling is telling me this is a no-go, but I don't want to exclude the option just because it's not something I usually would do.

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AJAX :: Requests Work On Localhost But Not Performed On Public IP

Feb 21, 2011

I'm am experiencing some strange behavior with a website. I have a page that performs a simple AJAX request to fill a div. The data is fetched from a page in the same domain. When I perform the request using [URL]. The requests work perfectly, but when using [URL] or [URL]. My requests are simply ignored. I've used Firebug to track requests, and not even a single ajax request is performed. Normal requests (such as fetching the main page that invokes the ajax code) works fine on both scenarios.

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C# - MVC HTML.AntiForgeryToken() With Multiple AJAX Requests From One Page?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm creating a page that makes multiple AJAX form posts without a page refresh.

I would like to use the ASP.NET MVC HTML.AntiForgeryToken() helper to secure the form against CSRF attacks. I think that each form on the page can share the same token, but will it allow multiple requests with the same token? If not is there a way to get a new token or some other way to secure the forms?

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AJAX :: Send Requests Every 10 Seconds In Order To Check It?

Jan 30, 2010

For example: If user "Tom" is logged-in now and observing page "1.aspx" I want to know about it. I also want to know when "Tom" stop observing that page. He can move to another page, than I know by server page request he is not any more at page "1.aspx", but what if he moves to another web site? Or closing his browser?

How can I know he has stopped observing that page.

I think I need to send Ajax requests every 10 seconds in order to check it, but what kind of request?

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Intercept Ajax Requests With Jquery To Display BlockUI?

Apr 7, 2010

i'm trying to intercept ajax requests with jquery, to display a waiting message like with using plugin BlockUI, but how can i intercept requests sended by the UpdatePanel provided from asp.net framework, is some way to take the trigger?

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AJAX :: Making Custom Accordion / Just Make A Button That Would Hide First Pane But Cant Get To Make It Work?

Sep 3, 2010

I would like to make a custom accordion, in which I have 2 panes, but where you couldn't open the second one until you clicked a validation button in the first one that would open the second...

I tried to just make a button that would hide the first pane but I cant get to make it work.



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Jquery - Why 3 Extra HTTP Requests Are Done If You Use Ajax Call To A .net Web Service

Apr 4, 2011

When I was reading the blog Using jQuery to Consume ASP.NET JSON Web Services

I have seen this argument:

"By using jQuery to call the web service directly, we've eliminated over 100 KB of JavaScript and three extra HTTP requests. "

Why does the ASP.NET AJAX call to a .NET Web-Service needs 3 extra HTTP requests? What are those requests? (I wonder how jQuery manages the call with lesser HTTP requests in this case).

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Javascript - Caching AJAX Requests - Response Doesn't Get Cached

Dec 8, 2010

I used following to cache my ASP.NET page.


The problem is when I send AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) request from other page to this page, that response does not get cached on any browser but IE. (On IE, it gets cached even if I don't specify). How do I make it cache?

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Ajax - 4 Update Panels Create 4 Different HTTP Requests To The Server?

Mar 16, 2011

I use four different update panels, that use the same timer as trigger.

1) Will the 4 update panels create 4 different HTTP requests to the server?
2) I'm using 4 different panels as the controls are located in different parts of the page, is there a way of putting them in the same update panel?
3) Is this a good coding practice?

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