AJAX :: Make Tabs Dynamically Generate Faster?

Feb 12, 2010

I am using the tab control and basically I have 4 buttons. Each button will load a seperate ascx control into a brand new tab. After about 4 tabs, since it has to regenerate all 4 tabs, the speed in order to add tabs just becomes too long for my tastes. Is there any way to remedy this and make it go faster?

EDIT2:Using Internet Explorer 7.0 and 8.0

EDIT: Some Code, I store the i in viewstate and loop through this every time for each panel per regeneration

private void BuildNewTab(int i)
TabPanel newPanel = new TabPanel();[cod]....

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AJAX :: Tab Container W/ Dynamically Added Tabs - Content Mixing On Postback

Mar 2, 2010

I have a page with 4 fixed Tabs. Tabs 1 and 2 are always in position 1 and 2. However, the users are allowed to create their own tabs and add their own html content. I do this by creating a new tab in codebehind and inserting it into the tabcontainer AFTER the frist 2 and before the last 2 tabs. There could be several of these. EX: "F1 | F2 | U1 | U2 | U3 | F3 | F4" where F is a fixed tab and U is a custom tab.

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Based on user settings I sometimes hide fixed tab 1. Everything loads fine the first time. However, on postback The content on fixed tab 4 (always the last tab) is displayed on the bottom of EVERY tab (fixed or custom). It is still displayed in fixed tab 4.

A little background on the code:

Since the tabs are added dynamically they do not exist on postback and must be re-generated every time. This is done in Page_LoadComplete. I have tried it on PageLoad and it behaves the same way.

If I do not re-generate the pages on post back then the problem goes away - as do the custom tabs.

The only thing I could find was from last year, and was supposedly fixed (http://www.codeplex.com/AjaxControlToolkit/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=16321

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SQL Server :: How To Make Sql Query Run Faster

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SELECT [FieldValue2] = case isdate(FieldValue2) When '1' then
case isdate(FieldValue4) When '0' then
dbo.GetCountagingDay(FieldValue2, getdate(), '') -1
FROM test

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Jul 7, 2010

I played around with the Ajax Control Toolkit Framework, and I wanted to know whether it is possible to implement this:
When loading a page, a database query executes that returns a list of titles. this is quite easy so far.According to the list-count and the separate title strings, LinkButtons are rendered vertically on the page. Is it possible to also dynamically create an AnimationExtender for each LinkButton?I'd like to fade out (and delete) every LinkButton as soon as the user clicks on it, and in the same time move the LinkButtons below the faded one up by x pixels.

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JQuery :: Relative Url On IE Doesn't Work - Generate Vertical Tabs Using Template

Feb 9, 2011

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Everything works greate on Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari but in IE this code doesn't work. When i looked on html source i saw that in IE instead on


I get


Because of this jqury vertical tabs doesn't work on IE.

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My machine details:

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Web Forms :: Setup The Page To Make It Look Like You Can Select Different Tabs With A MultiView

Mar 24, 2011

I've been looking for the best method to add "Tab Views" to my .ASPX web pages. I read about one method on the internet and actually remembered the other possible method from a control in the default VS2010 toolkit.

I like the <asp:MultiView> control because its so easy to use. The only thing is that it requires the page to be posted back. The second method would use CSS + JavaScript to essentially emulate tabbed views in the same webpage by changing the styles of <div> elements based upon the users tab selection, making the selected tab appear visible and the other tabs appear invisible.

I like the ease of implementation of the <asp:MultiView> but I dislike the fact that it requires the page to be posted back and resent. Also, I haven't even tried this myself yet but Im assuming there is a way to setup the page to make it look like you can select different tabs with a MultiView. Can anyone confirm this?

I like the CSS+JavaScript method of "Tab Views" because no page postback is required but it is a little more work to code. No big deal really though once its done.

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Make Telerik TabStrip Tabs Persist Between Page Requests

Aug 27, 2010

in Telerik ASP.NET MVC TabStrip, I want the page to remember which tab was selected last and persist the selection through multiple page requests.

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Mar 3, 2011

there will be 8 combo box

1. contain select state after slecting this state

2. contain select city for previousely selected state

3. contain cinema hall for previousely selected city

4. contain select movies option for selected city

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6. contain show time for previously selected date

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Web Forms :: Saving Dynamically Created Tabs On PostBack?

Nov 8, 2010

I know this has been asked before, but I feel like I'm losing my way trying to follow the other examples out there. Does anyone see a straightforward solution to my particular problem?


Two column Master Page

Left column contains a list of [stuff] (I'm trying a Repeater with LinkButtons)

Right column contains a TabContainer which will add dynamically created tabs when buttons on the left are clicked.

Left side looks like this:

<asp:LinkButton ID="lbShowReport" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Title") %>' CommandName="Select">
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfReportID" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("Id") %>' />

I had initially been creating tabs in the LB's OnCommand event, but of course this means that any tab generated by one click is lost if the user clicks another LinkButton.

So I moved the code to create a new tab to the OnInit section of the page and attempted to loop through the RepeaterItems comparing the UniqueId of each LinkButton until I found the one that was clicked using Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"].

When I tried to loop through the RepeaterItems, however, the count was always 0, and the Repeater would not populate.

So now I am rebinding the Repeater in the Init section on every post-back - this allows me to find the LinkButton that was clicked. I then add the new Tab based on the LB that was clicked like this:


This properly adds new Tabs to the TabContainer using this code:


but I still have the issue where I can only ever have one dynamically created tab in the TabContainer at a time. All of the code above is being executed in OnInit, which I thought would save the tabs during post-backs, but instead this is behaving as tho I was adding the tabs in the OnCommand event of the Link Button...

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Web Forms :: Creating / Opening Tabs Dynamically Inside CSS?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm trying to create new tabs within page. When I click a link in my navmenu, it should open the Redirected page in a new tab within the page as new tab (not the browser tab). It is something like the visual studio, where we get the page opened inside a new tab when you click an item in the Solution explorer. Would any body let me know how to implement this functionality. (generate tab with close functinality). I m not talking about TabStrip.

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Ajax Tabs - Is It Possible To Use Sub Tabs

Apr 8, 2010

Does Ajax Tab support using sub tabs (or children tabs)?I have a project where I need to show several tabs like "Sales" "Production" "Revenue" and when I click on for example "Sales" I would like to see a new tab tab with "Currentales", "History", "Comparison" etc etc. and be able to click each one of these for further processing.

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Using Javascript Inside A Dynamically Load UserControl In JQuery Ui Tabs

Jan 25, 2011

I need to insert some JavaScript code inside a UserControl that I load from an Ajax call via jQuery Ui Tabs. Let me explain... This is my View (with jQuery loaded)

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
cache: false,
getContentTab (1);
function getContentTab(index) {
var url='<%= Url.Content("~/Home/getUserControl") %>/' + index;
var targetDiv = "#tabs-" + index;
$.get(url,null, function(result) {
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tabs-1" onclick="getContentTab(1);">Nunc tincidunt</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-2" onclick="getContentTab(2);">Proin dolor</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-3" onclick="getContentTab(3);">Aenean lacinia</a></li>
<div id="tabs-1">
<div id="tabs-2">
<div id="tabs-3">
With these lines of code I call the Ajax function to load the content into a DIV.
This is the Action from the controller:
public ActionResult getUserControl(int num)
return PartialView("TestUC", num);
And this is the UserControl...
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
Number... <span id="testSpan"><%=Model.ToString() %></span>!!
<input type="button" value="Click me!!" onclick="message();" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function message(item) {

The problem is that the message() function returns always 1 (instead of returning the correct number). My question is... How should I add the script to my UserControl in order to have my code running correctly?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading User Controls In Tabs In Page?

Apr 17, 2010

I am using ASP.Net 2.0 with Ajax.

I am working on a pretty heavy page in an application and the scenario is:

There is a Tab control in the page, having four tabs. These tabs individually consist of different user controls and other asp controls. Most of these usercontrols in turn consist of other user controls. Every user control contains huge javaScript functions which validate them, populate controls and call web services.

What I am trying to achieve is to load only the Tab and its user controls on the page load and when the user clicks on a specific tab, load its contents (User controls) dynamically. Once that is done, I am setting the tab's postback to false to prevent loading it again once loaded.

I tried to achieve this by making the user controls in the other tabs - visible="false" in the markup and loading them from server side on some specific event. But that causes the javaScript functions in those user controls to give errors ('Object expected') when I go to that tab.

If I set the user controls in the other tabs to visible true, then no matter what; the page life cycle goes to each registered control and loads every subsequent control in that web user control which makes the main page slow (on loading and every postback).

The position of the Tab and the inner user controls is fixed. Although I am taking care that no data is populated unnecessarily on the page and user controls on hidden tabs, I dont want the tabs to get loaded altogether unless requested. If I load them on runtime, their corresponding javaScripts start giving errors.. note that I am not generating the controls on runtime, they exist in the page design. I just dont want to load them dynamically

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Javascript - For Ajax Data Insertion In Page What Is Faster Than InnerHTML

Sep 17, 2010

I'm doing an ajax work where web service will return data and on client side and I am creating html table with data.I am using var (to hold string of generated html code), do string concatenations to generate table, tr and td tags and put data in it. Then I put this html table with data into a div using innerHTML. I am applying inline css in this dynamic html code.

The issue I am facing is the web service will return a huge amount of data. What I tested is even on local machine it took about 10-12 minutes to process (concatenating, creating tags putting data in table, applying css) 10000 rows. Stored procedure just take 3-4 seconds in returning data. how this in-browser processing time can be reduced ? I am doing it for speed in some wrong way ? Or is there some technique for it or some method faster than innerHTML and string concatenations ?

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