Access :: Getting List Of Foreign Keys?

Feb 28, 2011

I am using Access 2003 Database and I need to retrieve list of a table's foreign keys and tables they are related to in C#. I used GetSchema() function of OleDbConnection as well as OdbcConnection classes. But It just returns the name of key among few other details.

OdbcConnection con = new OdbcConnection(conStr);

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MVC :: ModelBinding With Foreign Keys?

Feb 22, 2011

I have an MVC3 with EF4 project. I have a screen for order .Order has 2 id's inside it for Billilng and Shipping AddressID .When I go and create a new order these fields render as single textboxes as Ids'Question is how can I render full address textboxes (addressline1,city,state,zip etc) do I have drop in the html markup for them? In that case while capturing the data back I willl have to go with classic way of retrieving name/value pair and then do insert into address bring back that identity and update the order record...?

Create(int customerID,FormCollection fc){}

So the main question is how can I do ModelBinding with foreign keys?

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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting A Record On A File With Multiple Keys / Access The Rest Of The Keys?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a DataGrid that I need to be able to use to delete records form a file



I use


To access the data in the Grid for updating, but it doesn't work for deleting

I can use

string id = GridMenuOptions.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();

but that only returns the first key.

How do I access the rest of the keys?

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How To Make Composite Key And Foreign Keys

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This entity has composite key (CreditRegistryId and Accoubnt No are primary keys). CreditRegistryId is a foreign key as well. How can I make composite key and foreign key. I am using DbContext API from EF 4.1. I am not using edmx ( ORM designer)


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How To Get MVC To Generate Fields For Foreign Keys In EF

Nov 10, 2010

I have an EF model with a table with several foreign keys. These foreign keys are managed by associations. In code, I can get a strongly typed list of objects when I access that property on the object.

When I generate a strongly typed view, all I see are the int fields. Is there a way to get ASP.NET MVC to bind to the objects that are related as well as the main object?

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Encrypting Foreign Keys From Database?

Nov 7, 2010

I just came across some code that seems to encrypt database keys prior to sending them to the client (WebBrowser, Silverlight, etc).

To illustrate, suppose you have a list of students to extra-curricular activities, and a relationship defined between them. Every time the data is written out to the ASPX page, the studentID and activityID is encrypted. Every time a write, or modify is made, this value is sent back to the server, decrypted, and saved to the database.

What could be the reasons to expose data this way? Is this a normal practice?

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Insert Foreign Keys With Dynamic Data?

Mar 21, 2011

I am having trouble with foreign keys Dynamic Data and entity framework 4.0. It feels like there is a problem with the entity association but I am not sure. I have multiple fields representing the foreign key on the insert page.

When I try and insert data I get an error A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column.

Column: 'CommentId'

My data is a very basic one to many relationship, the foreign key in question is BookId in the Comment Table.


When I let the scaffolding do its thing, I get multiple fields representing the foreign key.

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C# - How To Handle Foreign Keys With Entity Framework

Jan 3, 2011

how to handle foreign keys with Entity Framework, when editing or adding a new record. For example, I have a person table, which has a timezone_id linking to my timezone table.

But the model seems to not include timezone_id. I see it's a new way of doing things, but ... how do I store my record?

My method:


I can't do u.timezone_id = timezoneid;

I only have u.timezone (which seems to be the actual entity), and u.timezoneReference, which I am not sure what to do with.

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Displaying Values For Foreign Keys In Dynamic Data Web App?

Nov 4, 2010

I have the following tables in my database which are as given under:


My requirement is instead of getting the PromotionID values displayed for columns CustomerPromotionDiscountID & EmployeePromotionDiscountID, it should display the respective DiscountAmount. Which is not happenning for some reason.

I somehow found a workaround where if i define the datatype for columns CustomerPromotionDiscountID and EmployeePromotionDiscountID as nchar or nvarchar, it displays the DiscountAmount.

Wanted to know if there is any better way of doing this without changing the datatype for my columns?

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SQL Server :: Is It Possible One Foreign Key Referenced By Two Primary Keys From Different Tables

Dec 15, 2010

i'll make a simple website. in my website i have two kind of products to sell

1. Projects

2. Documents

These Tables are available in my database :


now i will make an order table. should i make differentt order table?

or i could save order information of both tables in one table?

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Create All Of The Foreign Keys In Sql Database?

Apr 20, 2010

If i create all of the foreign keys in my sql database and I create a linq to sql item in my project the linqs show on the diagram.

Does this mean that i dont need to create joins in my linq query in my c# code? so i mean my quesry would look something like this


instead of


View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Achieve The Foreign Keys From DataTable Schema

Feb 11, 2010

I have the code below:

SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(selectedConnStr);
SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " + tableName, sqlConnection);
schema = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection).GetSchemaTable();

Just want to know how can I get the foreign keys from schema?

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Databases :: Multiple Foreign Keys In One Table Referencing The Same Column?

Feb 26, 2011

I use Mysql database, in this i create two table A, B. table A column x and is FK of second table B's column m,n,o provide does it possible that x referncing to foreign key of table B columns m, n , and o all.

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Adding Data Into Tables Includes Foreign Keys But Which New Row Created Entity Framework

Apr 6, 2010

Adding data into kartlar table (RehberID,KampanyaID,BrimID) is ok. But which Kart'ID created? I need to learn which Id created after adding data (RehberID,KampanyaID,BrimID) into Kartlar?


How can I do that? I want to get data from Kartlar which data I added?

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DataSource Controls :: Entity FK Setup Via VS2010 / Working Enity Model With Foreign Keys Working?

Jul 9, 2010

Am trying to get a working enity model with foreign keys working but have run into a problem. I have imported 3 tables with content and some data.Lets call these tables geo_countries, geo_counties, geo_municipalities and the FK are:1. geo_county have a column country_id wich corresponds to country_id in geo_country 2. geo_municipality have a column county_id wich correspond to the county_id in geo_county.The problem i have is when i try to get correspondig child items with the following code i run into trouble:


The problem above is that 'test' generates results but not 'test2', wich never return anything. Am i not supposed to be able to do it like i do in 'test2'? I earlier tried to add a child object by replacing ToList() with Add() and that worked. But i cant seem to get anything out of it.

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Get List Of Keys In Cache - Use Default Name Region?

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to convert a solution using EntLib into using AppFabric caching. By help of a few extension methods this is a fairly pain-free process.

Extension methods I use:
public static bool Contains(this DataCache dataCache, string key)
return dataCache.Get(key) != null;
public static object GetData(this DataCache dataCache, string key)
return dataCache.Get(key);

But there are two features of EntLib I find difficult to convert. Namely "Count" (counting number of keys in cache) and "Flush" (removing all data from cache). Both could be solved if I could iterate the keys in cache. There is a method called ClearRegion(string region), but that required me to specify a region name on all Get/Put/Add-methods I use, which would require some manual error-prone work.

Is there any way to get a list of keys in cache?
Is there a default region name I can use?
How can I flush the cache when I haven't used a region name?

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Configuration :: Web.config AppSettings - Keys Referencing Other Keys?

Dec 7, 2010

My current project has many peripheral systems and many different environments (testing, integration, development etc). As expected, we're using .config files to dynamically manage everything.

Instead of updating each relavant key when deploying to an environment, I was hoping there was a way to change 1 key only. Such as:

<add key="Environment" value="Development"/>

<add key="WebServiceLocation" value="http://<<Environment>>/text.asmx"/>

I've done some searching and haven't come up with an elegant solution. I'm aware that .config files can make use of system variables, but this seems like a bit of a high wire act.

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Configuration :: Access ApplicationSettings Keys In Web.config (not AppSettings) From Aspx.file?

Apr 21, 2010

Does somebody knows how to access applicationSettings-Keys in web.config (NOT appSettings) from aspx.file like "<%? applicationSettings:Keyname %>? This seems to work only with the old "appSettings".

From code I can it access it with "Properties.Settings.Default.Keyname", thats clear.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Foreign Key Values In DropDown List

Jun 12, 2010

I'm using objectDataSource and Formview. Currently I'm using a Text-Box to put the CategoryID.

I want to display the Category-Name instead of Category ID in Drop Down list.

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Forms Data Controls :: Map Nullable Foreign Key To Dropdown List?

Apr 12, 2010

I have dropdownlist that maps from a SQL foreign key, which can be NULL.

Currently, I've added a "Please select..." to the top of my dropdown list and assigned it a value of 0.

I know how to map from the drop down list to SQL using a CASE statement in my UpdateCommand.

But how to I map from the SELECT statement to my dropdownlist? If this foreign key contains null I get "Item not in Dropdown list". I'd like to show "Please Select..." as the dropdownlist item if the SQL item contains NULL. I saw something online that says to use the value '''' for 'Please select...', but I don't think it's right, plus it doesn't work.

Do I have to do something in my SELECT statement or do I have to do something on DDL.Databind?

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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Access A Disposed Object When Handling Foreign Key Relations?

May 15, 2010

i am currently working on an mvc 2 web app using LinqToSQL. I would like to handle a scenario where a user comes form a country and for this i have set the users - countries db relationship and in my user model i have a CountryId property.

I would like to display the country name on my users display view, so i tried fetching the country name like this: User.Country.Name, but an exception occurs that i cannot access a disposed object. I understand that this is caused by the way i handle my users repository and service.

This the repository users code:


This is the service users code (the repository is not class level property, but a local one that gets dipsosed immediately after calling it):


So, how could i handle such a scenario, where i would like the Country model to be also fetched in order to use it later? Should i convert the repository model a class level proprty in order not to get disposed?

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C# - .resx Serialization / List Of All Valid Keys For A Given *.resx File

May 14, 2010

I'm contributing on an I18N project and there's a call to serialize our *.resx files as JSON objects (for whatever reason).

What I'm wondering is:

Is there a way to get a list of all of the valid keys for a given *.resx file so that we could use HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject to grab the tokens?
If that won't work, has anyone come up with a clever solution that does?

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MVC 2 Relation Without Foreign Key With Entity Framework 4 Or With Foreign Key?

Sep 13, 2010

1 - Is it necessary to have foreign key to obtain a Relation in Entity Framework between each entity.?
2 - I have a Language Table and many many table with a foreign key related to the language table. Is it right to add this foreign key or I should do something else ?



etc ...

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Visual Studio :: Visual Studio 2008/2010 Shortcut Keys / List Of All The Available Shortcut Key Options Listed From Within IDE?

Jan 13, 2010

Is there any way that I can get the list of All the available shortcut key options listed from within IDE itself in Visual Studio 2008/2010? Because every time I used to bing and find on web for that.

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How To Access Drop Down List From Code Behind

Dec 8, 2010

I have an .aspx file that has 3 drop down lists:


i have a Page_Load function but i cant acces them in the Page_Load function...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

namespace NorthwindCascading
public partial class _IndexBasic : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
CarService service = new CarService();
List<string> Makes = service.GetCarMakes();
ddlMake.DataSource = Makes;
ddlMake.Items.Insert(0, " -- Select Make -- ");

I have added the code-behind file manually so i guess i am missing something... it just says that the ddlMake element is not defined in current context.

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