Access :: "Operation Must Use An Updateable Query" Error With Sql Query?

Apr 4, 2010

I executed the following sql command, and got error "Operation must use an updateable query.".


The database is access 2003. The tables are T1 (code (key), n) and T2 (code(key),num). Why do I get this error and how do I solve it? EDIT: Found solution somewhere else.

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Similar Messages:

Access :: Operation Must Use An Updateable Query?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm trying to do a very simple update in Access:


and am getting this error. Both contact_information and temp_contact_information are tables. The subquery


works fine by itself, and if I replace the subquery with the result of the subquery, for example:


it also works. What the heck?

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Access :: Could Not Able To Insert Record Into The Table - Operation Must Use An Updateable Query?

Mar 23, 2010

This is the first time i am using ms access database for the c# .

I am getting the following error when i try to insert the record.

Operation must use an updateable query.


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Error When Application Deployed - Operation Must Use Updateable Query

Apr 24, 2010

I have one application , when i run this application in the visul studio it run successfully But when i deploy this aaplication and run from iis its show me this error: "Operation must use an updateable query" I am using VWD 2008 express edition database: Foxpro

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Error - Method 'First' Can Only Be Used As A Final Query Operation

Mar 16, 2011

I have the following query:

Dim roommates = From p In dbroom.Residents _
Where = _
Where p.building = _
Where p.year = year _
Where p.semester = term _
Select p.person_name

It currently returns no results. I was getting an error when attempting to bind this resultset (since it was empty) to a repeater in ASP.NET, so I attempted to escape it:

If roommates.Count() = 0 Then
Dim nomates As String = "No current roommates."
rptrRoommates.DataSource = nomates
rptrRoommates.DataSource = roommates
End If

But I still get the same error:

The method 'First' can only be used as a final query operation. Consider using the method 'FirstOrDefault' in this instance instead.

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Access :: Linking Of Ms Access Db With Web Application(Syntax Error In String In Query Express)

Jun 7, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to connect web application with ms access 2007 database. i have taken with two text boxes and when i enter some data in it and press submit button the data must load in access db i created with same fields.

my code is :


Syntax error in string in query expression what is the correct way of inserting data into access db and what is the Syntax error in string in query expression.

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Access :: Query Input Must Contain At Least One Table Or Query?

Jan 21, 2010

why I get the following error: Query input must contain at least one table or query

for this code...

Insert into BlogPost (BlogID,BlogTitle,BlogContent,Attatchments,IsEnabled,IsVisible) values

((SELECT BLOGID FROM Blog WHERE BlogOwnerID =7),'test','aaaaa','aaaa',true,true);

all i know that it is a problem with how i have nested the select statement...

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How To Modify Sql Query Without Using Join Operation

Nov 18, 2010

The following query uses join operation, i want the same query to execute without using join operation. Is it possible to do so? If yes than how can i do it?select jname, jcode from heardt inner join judge ON heardt.jud1 = jcodThe reason i am trying to do this is because i am using odbc connection for mysql and join operations are not getting executed at all as web page is loading for infinitely long and not giving any output. That is the reason why i want to try without using join operation

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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

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From front-end, the user type some text on HTML editor that content to be add to this column, if i enter minimal text then data is adding fine but, if enter 2 or 3page content then im getting error as


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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression 'id=' ()

Feb 6, 2010

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14) [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'id='. /bioskop/pesan.asp, line 13


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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression 'sai',sss''.

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i am new to i am trying to develop an application i,e registration form in as user interface and ms access 2007 database as backend.i am trying to make aconnection to ms access 2007 db and save the data entered by the user in application.

i have saved my access db 2007 file in 'D drive' and my code in application is:


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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression / Get Conflict With CommandText Syntax

Aug 8, 2010

I'm having problem in inserting text from a textbox in which user write or copy some text which may contain special characters ( " , . ) etc. If there is any special character it get conflict with CommandText Syntax and generates error in inserting. I want to insert all these characters. How could i do it?



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Access :: Query In MS Access. Display Output Table In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 25, 2010

Can a query output made in MS ACCESS be accessed as a database in Visual Studio 2008?

I have a Parent and Child Table in MS Access with a one-to-many relationship. I created a query in Access that would produce a result table and I want the contents of this Query to be displayed in a Data Grid in Visual Studio 2008.

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Access :: Data Type Mismatch While Inserting Into A Number Field In An Access Database Using A Parameterized Query?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a data type mismatch while inserting into a number field in an access database using a parameterized query.I think this should be pretty simple but I am still learning a lot.


I have some commented out as I am working one field at a time. The working fields are textboxes and the non working ones are dropdown lists. But I think it may be the field that the list is drawing from? Not sure.

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Access :: How To Populate A DataTable From Access Query Results

Feb 21, 2011

I'm writing a web service that needs to query an Access 2003 database (.mdb). I've found the following code in doing some research on OLEDB connections and queries:


Errors are as follows:

Error 3 A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'CompleteRentalls.completedb.sqlString'

Error 5 'CompleteRentalls.completedb.da' is a 'field' but is used like a 'type'

Can anyone help me rectify the above code such that the query results are returned to my datatable?

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource And Parameters Query / Trying To Accomplish Is Building Dynamic Query

Aug 22, 2010

1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like

SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.

Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).

2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query

(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).

If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.

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Forms Data Controls :: Query Working In Query Builder But Not In Webpage?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm encountering a strange problem. Here is the scenario. I have built a query that accepts a parameter (WHERE LIKE clause).

I've tested this within the query builder and it returns exactly the number I would expect.

I then go back to my webpage and add the following controls:



the user to make a selection from the dropdown. Postback on the dropdown is enabled so the page reloads and the Gridview displays the filtered results (via an objectdatasource). I've set the parameter to the dropdown control.

The trouble is when I run the page I make the selection in the dropdown no results are displayed. Even though the text displayed in the dropdown control is exactly the same as I inputted into the query builder when testing it.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Query Not Working When Using Query Builder To Configure Table Adapter

Jan 15, 2010


This query works perfectly on the query analyser.

But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.

What could I be getting wrong in this case.

NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.

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DataSource Controls :: Can't Find Query's / By Right Clicking On Database Created A Query In Server Explorer?

May 17, 2010

By right clicking on my database i created a query in server explorer. But where are this query stored can't find them back. I should aspect that their is a folder query's like there is a folder tables but this isn't the case.

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SQL Server :: Sub Query In Cross Table Query To Create Statistics

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to create statitics for game downloads and am having dificulty with a sub part of my query. the goup by command is not having the disired result and i think i have been looking at it too long to see what i am doing wrong. [Code]....

At the moment it is producing each result in many rows when only 4 rows should appear. its the download column that is doing it. needs to be sub queried or something to display total in relation to month,gameid,userid.


1 1
1 1

1 1
1 1

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SQL Server :: Query Slow In Loading / Trying To Display Query Result?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to display this query result in an aspx page.

It is very slow in loading. Here is the query. The inner query inside the outer quesry is the problem.(Please see the underlined part in the query) - (If I remove that part it is very fast.)


top 500

--This column is the issue
,Governing_Class=( case when exists (select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.appid and tqc.class_code not in('8742' ,'8810','7380')
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
then ( select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
......... From tables

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert Sql Query Into Linq Query

Mar 10, 2010

select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid

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SQL: Selecting From Multiple Tables In One Query Or A Query For Each Table?

Mar 6, 2011

A follow up question concerning the DAL layer part .. The first question about dealing with large objectsI have one table (PlacesTable) that is connected by like 6 other tables (1:Many and Many:Many relations)

In my DAL should I put a big query that join the 6 tables + the m:m reference tables (btw it produces multiple data that I don't need Please refer to my old question) and place all the data in it's specific object property or, should I use a single query for each table and create an object for each fetched table .. and finally send those to the UI ?If I wasn't clear enough please let me know what I further information do you need to know!

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C# - Sql Inline Query - Parameter Is Not Read When The Query Is Executed

Apr 23, 2010

I am having a problem with my sql query in c#, basically it's inline query with parameters, but when I run it it tells me that parameter 1 or parameter 2 is not there here is my query declared on top of the page as public:

public const string InsertStmtUsersTable = "insert into Users (username, password, email, userTypeID, memberID, CM7Register) " +
"Values(@username, @password, @email, @userTypeID, @memberID,@CM7Register ); select @@identity";

this is my code for assigning the parameters, I know I am having problem so I am assigning the params twice:

Username =(cmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = row["username"].ToString()) as string;
cmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = row["username"].ToString();

In 1 methopd it calls this query and tries to insert to table, here is the code:

Result = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(con, CommandType.Text,InsertStmtUsersTable));

Exact error message is: Must declare the variable '@username'. Could this code be a problem, because all the previous coding is declared with in this using statement, except declaration of query, here the using statement: using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(InsertStmtUsersTable, con))

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Databases :: Oracle Query Convert To Sql Server Query

Sep 3, 2010

I am a biggner in SQL DB . but i started a complicated and painfull work in SQL SERVER 2008. the problem convert Oracle hierarchical query to SQL query. the query


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