I'm encountering a strange problem. Here is the scenario. I have built a query that accepts a parameter (WHERE LIKE clause).
I've tested this within the query builder and it returns exactly the number I would expect.
I then go back to my webpage and add the following controls:
the user to make a selection from the dropdown. Postback on the dropdown is enabled so the page reloads and the Gridview displays the filtered results (via an objectdatasource). I've set the parameter to the dropdown control.
The trouble is when I run the page I make the selection in the dropdown no results are displayed. Even though the text displayed in the dropdown control is exactly the same as I inputted into the query builder when testing it.
I have a form that gets populated by LINQ and I want to be able to update the database using that same form. The form is populated by grabbing a querystring (for example, "edit=10") and searching the primary key for that record. So far so good. I have a button attached to the function below which is supposed to use LINQ to update the database with data from the form. I get no errors, but for some reason, it is only updating one field (Last_Updated) instead of all of them.
I am trying to update my table ARTICLES and it has a field COUNTER, Everytime a user enter this ARTICLES, the page_load event runs a LINQ to SQL query taking the QueryString as parameter, increasing the COUNTER field in 1.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Query Builder and am trying to pass a value to a parameter that uses the IN OPERATOR.Here is my sql from qb:
The trouble I am having is that if the parameter @ADMIN_UNIT contains more than one value such as (8X, CV) that the query doesn't return any data. If I run the same query with only one value such as (8X) it works fine.I have tried different formats like (8X, CV), ('8X', 'CV'), (8X; CV) but none have worked.I ran this same query in SQL Server Management Studio and and it returns data no problem but can't get it to work in Query Builder for my aspx application.Does anyone have any experience with this problem and how did you correct it?
I have a SQL Data Source that displays records after going through the Query Builder and select "Test Query" yet when I save it, go back to the design mode and select View in Browser I get nothing but a blank screen.
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from " + txtTableName.Text, DataStoreGeneral.GetConnectionString()); DataTable dt_app = new DataTable(); da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey; da.FillSchema(dt_app, SchemaType.Source); da.Fill(dt_app); SqlCommandBuilder build = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); da.InsertCommand= build.GetUpdateCommand(); da.Update(ds.Tables[1].GetChanges(DataRowState.Added));
Problem: In my scenerio i had dataset with a table (in code->ds.Tables[1]) in rowstate added. I wanted update on database with this table so i changed insert command of adapter to update command of command builder, but no update got performed. When debugged in sql profiler i found that update command generated by builder is checking all columns in where clause and with parameter value of data table instead of from database column value.
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [ShopResources] SET [GROUP_RESOURCE_ID] = @p1, [SEQ_NO] = @p2, [SUB_RESOURCE_ID] = @p3, [EFFICIENCY_FACTOR] = @p4, [RUN_COST_PER_HR] = @p5, [RUN_COST_PER_UNIT] = @p6, [BUR_PER_HR_SETUP] = @p7, [BUR_PER_HR_RUN] = @p8, [BUR_PERCENT_SETUP] = @p9, [BUR_PERCENT_RUN] = @p10, [BUR_PER_OPERATION] = @p11 WHERE (([GROUP_RESOURCE_ID] = @p12) AND ([SEQ_NO] = @p13) AND ([SUB_RESOURCE_ID] = @p14) AND ((@p15 = 1 AND [EFFICIENCY_FACTOR] IS NULL) OR ([EFFICIENCY_FACTOR] = @p16)) AND ([RUN_COST_PER_HR] = @p17)
The problem I identified is parameter values inside where clause are from data table which is obvious that update condition will not be met. Is there some way to restrict where clause to primary key only in Command Builder?Or why is command builder taking where clause parameter values from datatable instead of command (query)?
Im trying to update my DB(DataBase) by using SQL UPDATE query ,but its not updating in the dataBase i receive confirmation(in testLabel) that one row is affected(dataReader = query.ExecuteReader(); return numbers of rows affected)...
I have given a HTML editortext control on a page,which generates HTML (i have to store it in my DB,that page is only for Admin) ,on pressing Update button , im receving in my testLabel that one row is affected(which shows DB is updated succesfully) but when i check my DB its in old state,it is not updating...
Here is my Event handler of Update Button which have to make updates in DB:
1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like
SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.
Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).
2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query
(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).
If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.
By right clicking on my database i created a query in server explorer. But where are this query stored can't find them back. I should aspect that their is a folder query's like there is a folder tables but this isn't the case.
I have a strange problem...I am programatically adding an SQL SELECT query to my SqlDataSource that my GridView is bound to. If I use the follwing statement it works fine:
But if I use the following one, the gridview fails to load. The only way that this is different is it uses RTRIM and CAST on one of the fields:
I don't understand why this can be. If I try the statement exactly how it is in the query builder and run it it returns the rows no problem.
Dim MediaQuery = From m In dB.DOWNLOADS _Where m.ID = id _Select
which returns a record from the database. One of the fields in the record is a FK to another table. I need to read this value to be able to set a dropdown based on the ID but I can't work out how to access it. For a standard record I can just do the following txtTitle.Text = MediaQuery.FirstOrDefault().TITLE
However with the foreign key it doesn't work like that. I've tried drpGroup.SelectedIndex = MediaQuery.FirstOrDefault().DOWNLOAD_GROUPS.ID where DOWNLOAD_GROUPS is the FK field but it returns Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If you're simply wanting to read some values from a single db record in the entitiy framework and one is a foreign key how should I go about getting the value?
ItemNo refno Process Name Qty 001 1 A John 50 001 2 A Jon 150 002 3 B Kalis 100 003 4 A Bob 300 Second Table ItemNo Newrefno Process Name Qty 001 001 ZZ peter 50 001 001/a ZkZ Joe 70 002 002 Ab Ray 100 Result Set 001 A John 200 001/a ZZ ZkZ peter joe 50 70 002 B Kalis 100 002 Ab Null Ray Null 100 Null 003 A Bob 300 null null null null null null null
Here first row of the result set explanation:
up to this 001 A John 200 based on first table sum...
and 001/a zz ZkZ peter joe 50 70
here 001/a newrefno of 001 so i need to show all the ItemNo 001 record in one row like the above resultset.
I am trying to fill a gridview with the data from Product table selecting few columns . I am using 3 - tier architecture and in DAL getproduct(userid) I am writing the query but cannot figure out exactly how to get that working .. here is piece of method I wrote
I'm trying to create multi insert query in single stored procedure along with scope_identity variable. while execute the aspx page getting error "Procedure 'sp_seller_ins' expects parameter'@new1', which was not supplied." I have created stored procedure:
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_seller_ins] @txt_n_properity VARCHAR(50), @txt_t_properity VARCHAR(50), @txt_prop_for VARCHAR(50), @txt_flat_no VARCHAR(50), @txt_loc_country VARCHAR(50), @txt_loc_state VARCHAR(50), @txt_loc_district VARCHAR(50), @txt_loc_town VARCHAR(50), @txt_loc_area VARCHAR(50), @txt_loc_locality VARCHAR(50) AS BEGIN declare @new1 int declare @new2 int INSERT INTO dbo.sel_pro_details( nature_property, type_property, property_for, flat_no) VALUES ( @txt_n_properity, @txt_t_properity, @txt_prop_for, @txt_flat_no); set @new1 = scope_identity() INSERT INTO dbo.sel_loc_details( country, state, district, town, area, locality, pro_details_id) VALUES (@txt_loc_country, @txt_loc_state, @txt_loc_district, @txt_loc_town, @txt_loc_area, @txt_loc_locality, @new1); set @new2 = scope_identity() end code behind aspx page sqlconn mySql = new sqlconn(); mySql.CreateConn(); mySql.Command = mySql.Connection.CreateCommand(); mySql.Command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; mySql.Command.CommandText = "sp_seller_ins"; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_n_properity", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_n_properity"].Value = txt_n_properity.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_t_properity", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_t_properity"].Value = txt_t_properity.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_prop_for", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_prop_for"].Value = txt_prop_for.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_flat_no", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_flat_no"].Value = txt_flat_no.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_country", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_country"].Value = txt_loc_country.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_state", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_state"].Value = txt_loc_state.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_district", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_district"].Value = txt_loc_district.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_town", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_town"].Value =txt_loc_town.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_area", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_area"].Value =txt_loc_area.Text; mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_locality", SqlDbType.VarChar); mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_locality"].Value =txt_loc_locality.Text; mySql.Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); mySql.Command.Dispose(); mySql.Connection.Close(); mySql.CloseConn();