Access :: Get Records Where Certain Fields Are Empty?

Jun 7, 2010

I am tryin to get records where certain fields are empty, but the following sql does not give me correct result.

SELECT [specimen Type], [Year], [Lab Number]
From [PET Fish] where
ltrim(rtrim([Diagnosis])) = '' or
ltrim(rtrim([Results])) = '' or
ltrim(rtrim([Sign out Date])) = ''

It should return all records, but it returns none.

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Access :: Retieving Records From Database - To Retrieve 11 Columns, 7 Of Them Are Empty ?

Aug 10, 2010

-7vf- I write a program by c# to check and retrieve data from database

The problrm:I have one table(1), I want to make update for that table(1) that is by compare the one column in table(2) with the right side from one column in table(1), so if there is any similarity it will retrieve the data and if there is no match just it will make the record empty(null) "the data type of retrieving columns: number 'double'", but the problems is:

I try to retrieve 11 columns, 7 of them are empty .the program run with out error ,but it will retrieve some records with full data 11 columns, but some of records has only 5 columns have data and 7 columns are empty (these records when I run the program did not retrive any columns, it give me empty records!!)

this is the code :
while (or.Read())
{ or.GetValues(field); OdbcCommand oc2=null;

I want to retrive all data which are empty or null and all data

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Update Crashes If ID Fields Are Empty?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a Formview control that has several lookup fields. The value is an int ID but the textfield is the name, e.g. value = StateID, displayed text = StateCode)

If the user leaves that field blank, I get a Server Error when attempting to Update: Failed to set one or more properties on type orgOrganization. is not a valid value for Int32.

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Does anyone know why this might be happening? I tried a test which just has the numbers, no lookups, and get the same result.

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Aug 29, 2010

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Nov 12, 2010

I have a SQL database. I am getting a datatable from SQL. In SQL Query the table is having null values in the output. But when it is coming to the front end, the null values are replaced by empty values.

So in the front end in the datatable i am having empty values in some cells. I am trying to insert this datatable into access. For this i am using following code...

OleAdpData.InsertCommand.Connection = OleConn; // OleConn is the OleDbConnection
OleAdpData.Update(dtData); // dtData is the datatable

It is inserting the datatable to access database. But it is inserting the empty spaces as present in the datatable. I want to insert NULL into the cells in access datatable where the cells are empty. Where should i add my logic for this.

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Mar 11, 2010

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Dataset ds=new DataSet();

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Sep 27, 2010

I was develop an application (ASP.Net) Using (VS.Net C# 2010 & SQL Server 2008)

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The problem is :

When I try to passing the parameters to database, some fields I don't type it But it's show in database (Empty like "Space") in text fields and (01-01-1900) in date fields

Although it's must be (Null) .

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I am trying to do this:

<%= Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.B.height)%> -----> Does not work. Height is not a property

But B is a collection. How do I get access to the fields in table B in the View?


Table A




Table B





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title if the datafield is empty. Here is what I have done so far.

<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# "Tel. "+Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Or This:Tel.
<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

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Dim con As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim myPath As String

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Security :: FormView In A LoginView On Updating Access To Form Fields?

Mar 21, 2010

We have a page that contains a loginView and in the LoggedinTemplate is a FormViewTemplate. The display part works fine.

Not all fields are databound due to special hadling needed on diaplay anu onUpdating. The display part works fine. However in the onUpDating procedure. I can't figure out HOW to gain Access to the field content in unBound FormView Fields. I need that to determine and set the output fields that need special handling.

I tried from the formView


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Access :: Create A Virtual Database Field That Combines Several Other Fields?

Jun 2, 2010

I am working on a search engine application and was hoping there was a way to take multiple fields from the database and combine the values (separated by spaces) into a single virtual field, without having to actually add it to the database

Let's say I have 2 fields, FirstName and LastName - can I take these 2 fields and combine them into a Name field where Name = FirstName + " " + LastName

What I'm going to be attempting has a lot more to it than that, but if I can get an example on how to achieve that, I can apply that same principle on a larger scale

ways of doing this with AND/OR, I want to combine multiple fields into a single field

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