Access :: Integration Of Ms Accessdb With Application?

Mar 31, 2010

i am saikiran new to this site and i am a begineer of i faced small error when i tried to integrate ms access 2007 database with an application.error is:could not find installable ISAM. i have given the code i used in

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Partial Class dealerreg
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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Configuration :: Custom Web App Integration Into Sharepoint With MS-Access Connectivity?

Jan 10, 2011

Ive integrated a custom web application into a Sharepoint site by creating a virual directory, that contains my web app files, that points to a directory in the Sharepoint inetpub folder.

On my local dev server I can access all my web app pages just fine by typing in /virtualdirectoryname/page.aspx

My Problem is that: When I deploy to my Live Test server that is internet facing, none of the pages that make a MS-Access database call will work.

The Error I receive is '[SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.]'

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1. A Class Library Project (Data Layer)

2. A Web Application Project (Web Layer)

My .mdb database file is stored at root level within the Virtual Directory.

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I have a Connection String stored in the web.config file that is as such. When I deploy to the Live Test Server I change the path in this connection string, because I haven't figured out yet how to get a relative path that works.

I also place the dll's for my 2 projects in the Sharepoint bin folder.

Could anyone suggest what might be the dfference between my Local Dev Server and the Live Test Server and why I might be getting these errors.

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Syntax error in string in query expression what is the correct way of inserting data into access db and what is the Syntax error in string in query expression.

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ASP And FaceBook Wall Integration

Mar 26, 2010

I like to send messages when I want from my aspx webpage. I used the different examples and used FaceBook API 3.1. I am getting error as "service temporarily unavailable". I have assigned AppKey, Secret Key and session key. My sample code is below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Facebook;
using Facebook.Web;
using Facebook.Rest;
using Facebook.Session;
using Facebook.Utility;
using Facebook.BindingHelper;
using Facebook.Schema;
using Facebook.Web.FbmlControls;
using Facebook.Session.DesktopPopup;
namespace FaceBookApp
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private const string ApplicationKey = "MY_APP_KEY";
private const string SecretKey = "MY_SECRET_KEY";
private Api fbAPI;
private ConnectSession _connectSession;
// private List<EventUser> _eventUsers;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_connectSession = new ConnectSession(ApplicationKey, SecretKey);
_connectSession.SessionKey = "MY_SESSION_KEY";
if (!_connectSession.IsConnected())
// Not authenticated, proceed as usual.
//lblStatus.Text = "Please sign-in with Facebook.";
// Authenticated, create API instance
fbAPI = new Api(_connectSession);
string response = fbAPI.Stream.Publish("publish steven on facebook.");

The error message is confusing. It must be a very simple solution. I don't know what I am missing. Here is the facebook exception.

{"Service temporarily unavailable"}

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Active Directory Integration

Jul 26, 2012

I'm glad to see there is another active VB community besides Microsoft.

I'm working with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and I'm a VB coder. With that said I need web application that reads and modifies information in two location. Some information is from AD and the other is from a SQL db.

I took a stock Web Application that came with some predefined pages, one being a login page, and modified the login sequence to use AD for authentication.

Now I'm needing to do a few more things. I know how to read information from a SQL database but not from ActiveDirectory.

I want to take the currently logged in user and pull some information from AD: first name, last name, middle name, address, department, phone number, email address, etc.

I'm lost on how to read/write to AD.

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Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to render an SSRS report via a link in my Web Application. If I use the following code, the report generates as expected:


When that code runs for a certain set of parameters, the following type of string is generated:


The issue is with the url string that is generated, which looks like this:


Notice that it has inserted some unwanted items into the url string:


It also does not seem to correctly interperet the "rs:Command", interpreting the ":" as "%3a". If I manually strip that out of the url and fix the %3a to a colon, then the report renders. I understand some of those events are "hidden fields" on a postback and that's why (I guess) they're being included in the url string, but I can't seem to find anyway to suppress them, or to get the colon interpreted correctly in the rs:Command. I've tried to remove the Viewstate with the Page Directive EnableViewState=False, but that doesn't stop the Viewstate from appearing in the string.

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Mobile Web Application With Access Db?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm currently developing a web application in 3.5 that will be accessed by windows mobile internet explorer on Windows Mobile 5. I'm using access for the backend (Yes, I know MS SQL would be a better option). The problem is that I'm receiving inconsistent query results between my test server and the when I access the application on IIS. I have a page that will scan a number and update the db on that number(which is stored as text in the database). This works on my test server but when I try it on my web server from my machine or someone else's mobile device, i will get a "No value given for one or more required parameters." But this is the same query that works on my test server! I don't get it, I've even tried to upgrade Windows Mobile 5.0 to Windows Mobile 6.0, with no success. Can someone give more insight into this issue?

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Web Forms :: Webcam Integration On Webpages?

Jun 24, 2010

I have been working on a web application using C# and I want to capture images from my webcam on the registration page. The concept is as the page loads, the system checks for a webcam connected and if the webcam is found conencted, Image streaming should be done and the frames would be displayed on the page. As soon as I click the "Grab Image" button, the Image should be captured and stored to a database.

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RBS WorldPay Payment Gateway Integration?

Jan 25, 2011

I am beginner in ASP .NET world. RBS WorldPay Payment Gateway Integration in ASP.NET?

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