Admin Adds Items To Users Profile.shoppingCart?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm using the profile to store a users shopping cart which works fine. I now need a way for the site admins to create a cart, add items and checkout for a particular user.

I'm trying to access the users cart with this: Profile.GetProfile(lblUserName.Text).SCart

I first check to see if the user has a cart and create one if he does not and then add the item to the cart. I'm using the code below but get this error when attempting to add the item:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here is my code:


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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Shoppingcart Instance, Items Crossing In Sessions

Jan 21, 2011

I built an intranet application using code from this project (link and more details below):

Everything seemed to work during testing, but when multiple people are using the shopping cart, items show up across sessions.

For instance, if two orders are created at the same time, an item in Order 1 will show up in Order 2 by hitting the shopping cart refresh button.

Order 1 and Order 2 are two separate computers and being used by two different logins. Cookies are enabled in the browsers.

when an item is added like this: ShoppingCart.Instance.AddItem(arryProductId(i))

Should it not add that to a unique instance of the cart and nobody else be able to see these items?

We are getting ready to deploy this and this is a major issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


An instance of the shopping cart is created like this:

If HttpContext.Current.Session("ASPNETShoppingCart") Is Nothing Then
Instance = New ShoppingCart()
Instance.Items = New List(Of CartItem)
HttpContext.Current.Session("ASPNETShoppingCart") = Instance
Instance = CType(HttpContext.Current.Session("ASPNETShoppingCart"), ShoppingCart)
End If

When I insert items, they are added like so:


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Security :: Allow Admin Users To Access Basic Users Accounts?

Aug 26, 2010

Allow Admin Users to Access Basic Users Accounts?

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MVC :: Control Admin Panel Users / How To Crease An Admin Panel

Feb 21, 2011

i want to crease an admin panel. but i do not use default membership system.

i know actions enable access can be determine by [Authorize] attribute. but my admin has 10-20 controller and about 100 action.

i do not want to signature all of actions by [Authorize] attribute.

all controller must be required login if user did not login.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Bound To Sqldatasource Adds Items Instead Of Replacing On Change?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a series of dropdownlists on webform in ASP 4.0. The first drop down is filled upon load, and then when a user selects a value from that list, it populates the second dropdown. To accomplish this, I have a SQLdatasource with a parametersource of the first drop-down list control. This works great, except when a user changes their selection from the first drop down. It performs the query, but then adds the list of items to the ones that were already there from the previous selection, instead of replacing it with the new data. Here is the code:


Do I need to do something on selectedindexchanged to somehow "clear out" the previous datasource? I can't find anything about this online, although one person seemed to suggest it was related to using a master page. (which I am using).

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Security :: Make Readonly Profile Property Writable On Admin Page?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it possible to allow an administrator to write to a readonly profile property by redefining the profile property in a web.config file used for administrators pages?

I have a unique account number which must be assigned to each new user (using the default membership provider). After reading a couple of articles it seemed it would just be easier to define it as a profile property instead of creating a custom membership provider. When the user makes changes to their profile on a profile page I create, I want the value to be readonly. When an admin views the profile I actually want them to assign the value to the property in their page.

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Visual Studio :: A Website Adds Dll Under BIN And A Web Project Adds Dll Under Reference Folder?

Jul 21, 2010

Just to test, I created a blank website and a blank web site project.

When I added a referece to web site by doing right click and add reference it added the dll inside a BIN folder but on ther other hand when I did the same for a web site project it created a reference folder for me and then added the dll under the reference folder.

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Security :: How To Set The Permission For Users From Admin Panel

Jan 3, 2011

I have several features in admin panel. like userslist,change password for the user,delete user... Still now only one admin user can handle all this.

Now I want to give some features to some users.. ie certain users can view the list ,certain user can edit items in the list etc...

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Security :: Creating An Admin Area For Deleting Users?

Feb 11, 2010

Following one of the other tutorials I have figured out how to manage users [URL] but it does not mention how to delete them from the GridView. I have attached my Page's code plus my VB script. I have added a delete link into the GridView for preparation but all I would like is the VB script so that when the user clicks delete it deletes the user from the GridView and Databse. I hope I have made every really simple, anyway here it is:



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Security :: Trying To Hide The Admin Files From Normal Users?

Nov 30, 2010

I am trying to hide the admin files from normal users, however I get the following error:

Error 11 Unrecognized configuration section siteMap.C:projectsFamilyPhotoAlbum_VS_2010web.config 137

Below is the web.config:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A full list of settings and comments can be found in
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; machine.config.comments usually located in
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; WindowsMicrosoft.NetFrameworkv2.xConfig


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Security :: Finding Sample Admin Page For Managing Users And Roles

Nov 9, 2010

Can anyone point me to a sample admin page for managing users and roles (forms authentication). Something like the security section of the WSAT, but for a finished site.

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Security :: Get Users By Profile Information?

Oct 19, 2010

I am useing membership to store my users and under each users profile there is a field for their supervisor. I would like to get a list of all the users with the supervisor "Jon Doe". Is there an easy way to do this or would I just have to loop through each user and see if there supervisor = "Jon Doe" then if it is store there username in a list?

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C# - Finding Recommendations For Google Analytic For Tracking Users Activities In Web App Application Admin Section?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm developing a CMS for my website.

I need track Users activities in my Cms Admin section (protected by password).

I would like to know:

If is possible add GA (Google Anlytic) code and use it even if the pages where the code is placed are covered by password.

If such use can create secrity vulnerability of any kind. (If is good or bad practice).

How to retrieve easily the statistics from pages in Admin section if the folder for admin is (example: ADMIN) in GA account. They come up like /admin/mypage.aspx??? Or how???

Generally, I would like your opinion about it and if you are using this approch it in your current web application.

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Membership Profile - Send Out An Email To All Users

Aug 11, 2010

I want to send out an email to all users where their birthday is today. i am using the built-in (3.5) membership. All users have a profile (stored in aspnet_Profile) which contains a date/time property called 'birthday'. I need to get a list of users email addresses from the 'aspnet_Membership' table where a users birthday is today, along with the users 'firstname' which is string property in the aspnet_Profile table. i would like a list returned preferrably using C# LINQ. i am not sure how to access the birthday property in the profile table, based on the way it is stored in the db table i.e name/value columns

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State Management :: Removing Profile Items From Cart?

Mar 12, 2011

i've a songs website, where i'm adding items to cart for users who are logged in, but when a song is deleted from the website the users still have the cart info still intact, i'd like the songs in the cart also too be deleted when the song from the website is gone, how may i accomplish this ?

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C# - Tying MembershipUser And Web.Profile Together For Newly Created Users

Oct 30, 2010

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3. I am using what essentially came with for free in the Visual Studio project template for an MVC project with the "Internet Application" option. Basically this brings in Forms authentication and provides some basic elements to manage user login and stuff.

I am also using the web profiles stuff with this to store some custom fields. Everything was going great. I use SuperFunProfile as a wrapper around the Profile instance to make it easier to get at profile properties. Until I wanted to set a property of a Profile right away after signing the user up.The problem I can't solve is that this.Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Profile contains the profile for the anonymous user. How can I get a new profile for the user now that he should be signed up and signed in?

public ActionResult SignUp(SignUpModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)

I poked around Membership and Web.Profile, but I am not seeing anything that looks like it will get me closer to my goal.Maybe I should just create a ProfileModel that I store myself into the DB rather than using Web.Profile? I could key that on MembershipUser.ProviderUserKey which would make it easier to create a ProfileModel at sign up, I suppose.

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Security :: Display Profile Information For Users In GridView

Feb 10, 2010

I have been searching all over for this and trying many different things but so far have had no luck. I need to display the profile information for [all] users in the system within a GridView. For instance, I want to show their Username, First Name, Last Name,Email, etc.I've tried the Profilemanager.GetAllProfiles() method but t doesn't seem to have the fields in it.

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Web Forms :: Hide / Show CheckBoxList Depending On Users Profile

Nov 16, 2010

New users can register on my site by completing a basic form that has the create user wizard control with some additional information i am collecting using a CheckBox List. They can then log in to the site and and view "MypProfilePage.aspx" where I display the information with the CheckBoxList boxes already ticked based their selections which they can update. My problem is I have two levels of User and each one has a different registration form.

Registration Form A
Has 20 Items in the CheckBox List

Registration Form B
Has 10 items in the CheckBox List

On the Profile Page, I just want to show the CheckBox which is relevant to the Registration form A or B and with selections by the registered user. So therefore the User who registered on B will not be able to see the selections checkbox list for A.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Profile Property For Anonymous Users Not Saving In Firefox Or Safari?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a user control which, when pressing a command button, sets a property for the Profile (which has been marked as allowanonymous=true), then save it using Profile.Save().

Now, in IE this works fine - no problems at all. I then go to the page where the value is used - and it's there and can be used.

However, exactly the same routine when running in Safari or Firefox doesn't work - although when you're on the same page where the value is set it will immediately state that the value is ok, do a postback and it's gone!

Here's some very simple code to show the problem. Whilst IE will always dump 'plop true/false' to the screen (yes, I know - very juvenile!), FF and Safari will the first time, but on postback will just dump True to indicate it's a postback. (oh, and autosaveprofile is set to true in this example - otherwise there'd be a Profile.Save() below the set property).


I can't use Cookieless session states as the CMS I'm using won't allow it. I've also used Fiddler to try and track the issue, but no joy.

I'm guessing it's related to the way FF and SF handle cookies - but both are set to accept anything. Could it possibly be anything to do with the ASP.Net Development Server? (ie. the address is[URL]The fact that it never manages to save the value

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying All Users In A Grid Along With Profile And Membership Info?

Mar 24, 2010

I am developing a website in that user membership, users and profile tables.I am trying to display all the users that are registered in a grid along with their first name, last name, email and other profile information . unfortunately all this information is scattered in various tables in the database ( aspnet_users, profiles, membershipsetc)... Can you please tell me how to configfure the datasource & columns of my datagrid (control) to achieve what I am trying to do .. ?????

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Security :: Display A List Of Registered Users Alongwith Their Profile Information And Image?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a profile page where a user can edit their name, city, image, etc.

How can I display the profile database as a list of users, their information, and their image?

As you know, the profile database is not the same as a custom database. The strings are bunched together.

View 7 Replies

State Management :: Datatable/Shoppingcart Isn't Working

Nov 25, 2010

I have copied this shopping cart from the net and incorporated it into my SearchResult.aspx. I understand the code and it seems simple enough but for some reason I am getting an error when trying to run it. Can someone tell me what is wrong below? The generated error stop at the following point: For Each objDR In objDT.Rows. I was thinking that object was not creative during the page load. So I added an

If IsDBNull(objDT) Then
objDT = Session("Cart")
End If

to check if that object exist or not then try to create it. But that didn't work either. :(

This is the error message:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:


This is the code to the page. It take the data from a select button on a gridview1. That doesn't seem to be the problem so I didn't added onto here for you guys to see.


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VS 2010 - Support Login To Specific Users Account Via Admin Account

Jul 28, 2014

I have a web app Which Uses Forms Authentication.

One thing that we want to be able to do on Support is login to a specific users account Via our admin account.

We are using the standard membership authentication.

The idea would be for the support technition to be able to login using credentials like admin(<Troubled User>) using the Admin Account password

We are using a a Standard ASP.Login Control

The real Issue is that the Me.Page.User.Identity.Name is set to the value on the CtlLogin.Username Property. I need it to be the the Support Login?

Login Control

<asp:Login ID="ctlLogin" runat="server" DisplayRememberMe="False" Font-Names="Arial Rounded MT Bold" Font-Size="12pt" ForeColor="Black"
MembershipProvider="MembershipProvider" Width="100%" TitleText="" UserNameLabelText="User" VisibleWhenLoggedIn="False" RememberMeSet="True"
PasswordLabelText="Password" EnableTheming="False" Height="35px" >

[Code] ....

Validate User Script

Dim objstrSupUser As String = ""
'Load the user from the membership provider
Dim strUserName As String = ctlLogin.UserName
If ctlLogin.UserName.IndexOf("(") > 0 Then
objstrSupUser = Regex.Match(strUserName, "(([^)]*))").Groups(1).Value

[Code] ....

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Security :: Want Site Admin To Manage Users/security Online, How Is This Done

Mar 22, 2011

Working on my first webpage. i have followed video tutorials and implemented membership for login/security.Using Visual Studio 2010 i can open the configuration page for management locally.But then if I want my site admin to manage users/security online, how is this done? Like manage through a web browser. I guess this configuration GUI is not available on the internet?

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Permission On Admin Folder, Only For Role=admin?

Jun 13, 2010

I have an Admin folder which contains 4-5 aspx pages. I want to that only user with role="admin" can view those files. What settings i need in web.config?

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