Applying Css Media Print Cannot Working With MasterPages After Pagebreaks

Apr 9, 2010

I´m using a css media=print file in a Page that is using a MasterPage.I put some pagebreaks like this in certain parts of the html code:<h1 style="page-break-before: always; height: 0px; line-height: 0px;">This works perfectly in the first page, meaning that the styles are applied correctly, but after the pagebreaks, the css is not working any more.Looking somewhere,to delete the masterpage, and yeah, it worked, but it is not the best thing to do, ´cause I have to remember changing this page if the masterpage changes.

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Similar Messages:

Visual Studio :: Hide Masterpages When Working On Content?

Apr 4, 2010

Is there a way to not show the masterpage when working in design view in visual 2008?

I'm working on a pretty small screen resolution and the master page is taking up a lot of the space.

I would just like to display my content, whit out the masterpage. you can't edit it anyway , so it's pretty useless.

I have been going trough the settings of visual studios 2008 but i haven't had any success there.

i know this feature wasn't possible in 2005 so i'm having my hopes up for 2008.

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Feb 18, 2010

Is it possible to convert / migrate Sharepoint Masterpages to ASP.NET Masterpages ?

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SQL Reporting :: ReportViewer: Unwanted Pagebreaks When Exported To PDF Or Printed?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a report with some opening text, a table, and some closing text. The number of rows in the table can vary. When the report is exported to Excel or printed, the opening text is printed, then a pagebreak is inserted and the table starts on the second page. I want the everything to be continous with any pagebreaks occuring in the middle of the table.

I've tried modifying the body and page size. I've tried dragging the controls to the left and making them smaller. how to stop the unwanted pagebreaks from occuring?

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Web Forms :: How To Interact Between Windows Media Player And Windows Media Services

Jan 12, 2011

I have an ASP .NET 2.0 (4.0 is an option) page that I've embedded the Windows Media Player to using OBJECT tags.

The player is connecting to a Windows Media Services publishing point on the Web server. This is on a 2008 server.

Everything works great, see it here: [URL]

If I understand correctly, the information the player is showing in its status bar comes from the ID3 tags of the current track. Continuing on this line of thought, the ID3 information must be coming to the player from the media server. Correct?

What I want to do is collect and use the information about the track that's current being played. I'd like to be able to create a custom display for the current track information. I'd also like to put a custom value in the track information to look up additional information about the artist/track from a database.

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Error CS0029: Cannot Implicitly Convert Type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute To Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Aug 5, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 I have a Class Library project (called Media) to which I added a Web Reference (not a Service Reference) to a third-party web service (wsdl). In the Class Library project a proxy class is created for using the service along with several classes for the types used in that service.

I also have a second Class Library (called Sync) that references the first one. And then I have a Web Site project that references the second class library. All of this is .NET 3.5

So Web Site > Class Library (Sync) > Class Library with web service reference (Media)

I want to step into the generated code, so I fire up the web site in IIS 7.5 and trigger the call to a method in the second class library (Sync) that in turn should call the web service proxy. I was fully expecting to hit the breakpoint, but instead got an exception:

Unable to generate a temporary class(result=1). error CS0029: Cannotimplicitly convert type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute to Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class? Don't I already have the generated class from the first Class Library (Media)?

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Web Forms :: Play Windows Media Player In Webpage Without Installing Windows Media Player?

Mar 20, 2010

i have the following bit of code... is there a way to embed a media player into a webpage (such as windows media player) and play a file on it without actually having to have windows media player installed?

so to clarify, can i play a windows media player in a webpage without having it installed? because at the moment the follwing bit of code only plays my files asfter i installed windows media player on my PC.

private static string MediaPlayer(string file)
{ return "<OBJECT ID="mediaPlayer" classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject">" +
"<PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="true" />" +
string.Format("<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="{0}" />", file) +
"<PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="true" />" +
"<PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" VALUE="true" />" +
string.Format("<EMBED type="application/x-mplayer2" SRC="{0}" name="mediaPlayer" width="176" height="144" autostart="1"showcontrols="1"></EMBED>", file) +

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Web Forms :: Print Button Present In The Toolbar Of IE Not Working?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm facing issue with the print button present in the toolbar of IE. Whenever i click the print button, the page's prerender event is called. This happens only in IE. When i try to print with Firefox, this does not happen. I have an iframe in first.aspx page. In the prerender event handler, I'm giving the iframe source as follows.

iframe1.Attributes["src"] = "second.aspx"
In second.aspx, i read an image file, convert into byte array and display it in the first.aspx iframe as follows.
catch(Exception ex)
response.write("Error loading the image");

The image is displaying properly in both firefox and IE. But when i try to print it, i'm getting error in IE. Also, when i ran in debug mode, i found that on click of print button, the first.aspx's prerender event is being called (only in IE).

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VS2008 CR Report Viewer Print And Export To PDF Is Not Working?

Mar 28, 2010

I've a web project in VS2008. The problem is that from a web report viewer; report is not getting printed or exported to pdf. Report is being shown alright but when print button or export button is pressed, nothing happens. No errors or crash. Just nothing got happened. Default printer is set alright and I am able to print from that machine.. Am I missing some thing here? Earlier when I installed the application in a new virtual directory report was not getting shown then I've copied aspnet_Client folder in my newly created web application root and the report was then made visible. However the print and export functionality is not working.

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Crystal Reports :: Print / Export Button Not Working?

Dec 29, 2010

Everythings working fine on my PC but when I deployed my application on server, Print and export are not working. Even the toolbar images were not displaying on the report. So I added them manually to my application.

Is there some folder missing?

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SQL Reporting :: SSRS Table Header Working Differently In And Out Of Print Layout?

Sep 2, 2010

This is bizarre and seems like a bug to me.Using a table in SSRS, I have a details row, with a parent group and finally a header row. For my header row, I am referencing a particular cell in the parent group.I am doing this so that i can have the header row repeat on each page of the group.his works fine when I'm not in Print Layout mode. However, when i switch to print layout mode, or print the report itself, the data that is presented on the screen is different then what is presented when not in print layout mode. WHAT THE F*!@!??
I've been battling this for a while now and i'm at my wits end. Has anyone else experienced different results from when you are in print layout mode as opposed to being in print layout mode?

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Crystal Reports :: Toolbar Print Button Not Working In Google Chrome Browser

Mar 1, 2011

I am create crystol report in in visual studio 2010 but crystol report toolbar Print Button Not working in Google chrome brouser

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Feb 23, 2010

I am using crystal reports in my web application which came along with visual studio 2008.My problem here is export and print buttons in crviewer are working fine in my local system but when i hosted the app in server actual problem came into picture.Export and print buttons are not working.

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Jan 8, 2013

how to show direct print dialog box when click on print button in crystal report? when i click on print button the it goes to pdf file i want to show print dialog box?

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Crystal Reports :: Print RDLC Report Without Print Preview On Client Side

Jun 16, 2015

How to Print RDLC Report without print preview on Client Side in ASP.Net ...

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Web Forms :: Print Documents Client Machine By Sending Print Command From Server

Jun 26, 2013

Now I am printing the data from model in mvc. I am also printing the documents, How I upload file how to print that particular documents which is related that particular user with the other data...

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Mar 5, 2010

Is it possible to print SSRS 2008 remote rdl reports on web page to a default printer without showing the print dialog?

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Crystal Reports :: Print A Microsoft Report Without Using The Builtin Print Button?

Nov 25, 2010

How to print a microsoft report without using the builtin print button? or print an export version ( .PDF)?

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Web Forms :: Print Only Those Rows Of GridView Selected Using CheckBox And Print One Row Per Page

Aug 10, 2012

I am having grid view with check boxes, If user selectes multiple rows Iwould like to print all the selected rows page by page means first row in first page second row as second page how can I do this

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SQL Reporting :: Print SSRS Report I Got The Message: Unable To Load Client Print Control?

Mar 25, 2011

When I try to print SSRS report I got the message: Unable to load client print control.

I am using report viewer to view the report

My ASP.Net application is running on a server.

My MS SQL server is running on a separate server

My Report server is running a separate server

I tried installing the report viewer patch from [URL] and installed the same on all the three servers ... and have restarted too!

It is not working on production environment and the same is working in development environment

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Data Controls :: GridView Print Not Working When GridView Is Placed Inside AJAX UpdatePanel

Dec 15, 2012

Question for Print functionality in ASP.Net GridView control artical. I tried you code in my project, when click print current page, nothing happens.

So I download your code into my test web project "WebSite1", greate, it works.

Then in your CS.aspx page,

I added (which is the case of my project of using AJAX).

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">        </asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">        <ContentTemplate>
<div>        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
.......................... gridview stuff gose here .........................
</div> etc etc to close all the tags.

Now run, click print button nothing happens, no any error.

Can you see why put updatePanle for AJAX causing problem ?

I also have to pur EnableEventValidation="false" at top of the page to avoid

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Web Forms :: Can Give Print Option To Print Webform Data

Jul 1, 2010

I have a webform on which i display all the details of a particular record now i want to give my client print functionality so he can print those detail. Can this be done in and if yes then how?

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Web Forms :: Print Button Should Not Print A Panel / How To Modify Code

May 6, 2010

I have this print button on a webform which has many other tools I don't want the invoice history panel to get printed when I click the print button, how do I modify the code for it.I have attached the code for my print button but this prints even the invoice history panel which I dont want


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Crystal Reports :: Print Directly To Printer Without Print Dialog

May 7, 2015

How to Directly Print a Reports to Default Client Printer from ASP.NET without Preview or Printer Dialog 

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