Architecture :: Download New Data From Remote To Local?

Apr 18, 2010

I have an off-line project. User uses a laptop to input data off line into local SQL server express. Once connected to domain (on line), local data will sync with remote SQL server using sync framework. (It is done, works fine)

One job left:

Since another user used another program to update some tables in remote SQL server, such as CUSTOMER, SHIPINFO, my off-line program need to update these new data once connect to domain.

Here is what I design in Pseudo code: (take CUSTOMER as example)

1) In remote SQL server, create a store procedure (sp_customer) to select all CUSTOMERS

2) In application, create a dataset (dst_customer) based on sp_customer

3) Insert all customers data which is in remote SQL server but not in local SQL server based on CUSTOMER_ID

I do not think this a smart way to do it.

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Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient
wc.DownloadFile(pathUrl, fileName)

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protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
const string fName = @"C:ITFSPDFbillsFebruaryAA.pdf";
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fName);
long sz = fi.Length;
Response.ContentType = MimeType(Path.GetExtension(fName));
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename = {0}", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fName)));
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public static string MimeType(string Extension)
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