Architecture :: SQL Tables Or Enums Or Both?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a design question about whether to use sql tables or enums or both for a application I am developing for work.

Example - Gallery

Let say you have a database for displaying albums and photos. You want the ability to allow the user to set the display mode for the photos differnently in their albums i.e. LightBox, Scrolling, Single

Do you create an enum for DisplayModes so you can for example:


But then for reporting and admin you need to know the Album DisplayMode, so do you then have a SQL Table that just repeats the values of the enum?

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Architecture :: Handling Data From Two Tables?

Jul 17, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Insert Into 3 Related Tables Using Three Tier Architecture And Typed Datasets

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C# Want To Switch On Enums?

Jul 2, 2010

I have an enum:

public enum Status
Incomplete = 1, Complete = 2, Cancelled = 3, Deleted = 4

Now on a certain page I wish to list this enum in a checkboxlist. This would be fine except that I want the text of each checkbox to display different text than the enum.

i.e the check boxes should say:"Not Processed" instead of "Incomplete"

"Processed" instead of "Complete"

"Void" instead of "Cancelled"

Is it possible to put this enum in a foreach and then switch on the status and update the text. Like so:var statuses = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Status));
foreach (var status in statuses)))
switch (status) [code]....

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Public Enum InitType
Focus = 0
Help = 1
ErrorToolTip = 2
End Enum


First off, how do I do this - is it by simply overloading it? And secondly will my original property pick up the new enum automatically when using the derived class or will I need to overload that too?

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Web Forms :: Using Enums In Global.asax>?

May 4, 2010

I was given a web app written in I am using VS2008. The project has a Global.asax page with Enums declared

Example:Public Enum eCurrentLoc as Integer






End Enum

But in the web application itself I get errors on this line of code:

Ads = Global.eCurrentLoc.Admins

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Dec 22, 2010

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1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)

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How our application get affected in terms of performance and speed or other way?

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Apr 28, 2010

I have implemented the 3-tier architecture project; DAL, BAL, and presentation layer are three layers in it. I am going to implement the following scenario:

Presentation layer calls to a function in the BAL layer which returns 2 string variable, and in turn this function from BAL layer calls to a DAL layer function which also returns 2 string variable. How can I implement the above scenario?

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I'm developing a n-tier architecture... I'm confused with handling exception in the layers... Is it a good practise to add a Exception Layer to the architecture.

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Jun 12, 2010

I am a newbie to and work in a firm where the projects are quite small.

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I would really appreciate if someone could provide me some links and also drop me a few sentences on how this things are useful?

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Architecture :: Architecture FOR SAAS ( Service As A Product)?

Dec 22, 2010

I am going to create the SAAS (Software as a service) Application. Can you please provide all the attributes that we have to consider in SAAS application (for example usability, pluggable architecture etc .. )

How architecture should be build for this project, provide sample architecture for SAAS application. This architecture should be easy to upload and upgrade or degrade the features. Error handling should be easy.

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