Architecture :: Create REST Based Web Service Using Asmx?

Apr 12, 2010

Is it possible to create REST based web service using asmx?

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WCF / ASMX :: Can Pass Object In Rest Service Uri

Jan 18, 2011

can Pass object in Rest Service Uri

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WCF / ASMX :: Android Could Not Access REST Service?

Oct 26, 2010


this method i can access using but not by using a android.. i have checked for the headers etc.. the response is OK in android while debugging but the data is not inserted..

what is the equivalent of stringbuilder in android??

in android i use

StringEntity se = new StringEntity(json.toString());

//and post the data to my service...


what is the equivalent of stringentity in C# and what can i do for this prob?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Display Only Part Of A Page Using The REST Web Service

Oct 1, 2010

My code below

public void YahooSample()
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest;


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WCF / ASMX :: Post Arbitrary Data To An REST WCF Service?

Mar 30, 2010

How may I post arbitrary data to a REST WCF webservice? I mean, wihout use contracts.

Because my data is dynamic and I cannot have contracts, I want to get ride of the serialization overhead.

How should I declare my service and method?

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Patterns For A Data File Based WCF REST Web Service?

Mar 15, 2011

We have an existing, proprietary data processing application that runs on one of our servers and we wish to expose it as a web service for our clients to submit jobs remotely. In essence, the system takes a set of configuration parameters and one or more data files (the number of files depends on the particular configuration template, but the normal config is 2 files). The application then takes the input files, processes them, and outputs a single result data file (all files are delimited text / CSV or tab).

We want to now expose this process as a service. Based on our current setup and existing platforms, we are fairly confident that we want to go with WCF 4.0 as the framework and likely REST for the service format, though a SOAP implementation may be required at some point.

Although I am doing a lot of reading on SOA, WCF and REST, I am interested in other thoughts on how to model this service. In particular, the one-to-many relationship of job to required files for input. It seems pretty trivial to model a "job" in REST with the standard CRUD commands. However, the predefined "job type" parameter defines the number of files that must be included. A job type of "A" might call for two input files, while "B" requires 3 before the job can run.

Given that, what is best way to model the job? Do I include the multiple files in the initial creation of the job? Do I create a job and then have an "addFile" method where by I can then upload the necessary number of files?

The jobs will then have to run asynchronously because they can take time. Once complete, is it best to then just have a status field in the job object and require the client to regularly query the system for job status, or perhaps have the client provide a URL to "ping" when the job is complete?

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Talking To A Rest Service / Call A Rest Service Without Having To Redirect?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to call a Rest service but would like to do so without having to redirect. Here is my dilemma. The Rest service we are trying to integrate offers the option to sign up for a subscription but does not allow us to upgrade an existing subscription. So if a user wants to upgrade an existing subscription we have to first cancel and then have the user sign up for a brand new subscription. I don't know how I can make this so it flows nicely in my code. I ideally I would like to do something like this

User decides to upgrade

Click upgrade button

Existing account is being cancelled, if cancellation was successful

New account is being created

How can I do this with a Rest service? Here is a sample URI/URL

Could anybody give me some ideas how to make this work in an elegant manner. We thought we could keep the old subscription and then just sign the user up for a new subscription for the difference of the money. For example the first subscription would be 2.95 and the second one would be 2.00 which would amount to a subscription of 4.95. I think it is not elegant and the user would see 2 charges on the credit card, weird, I think. Since I don't know much about Rest maybe there is a way that this can be solved.

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Crystal Reports :: Create A JSON Rest Service

May 7, 2015

I was told to build a rest web service using so does the code below represent the same

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;

[Code] ......

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C# - What Is The Difference Between Rest Web Service And Rest Enabled Wcf Service

Oct 15, 2010

I have developed an rest enable wcf service by using the following link


Now I want to know is there any difference between rest enabled wcf service (or restful web service) & rest web service ? If there is any difference then what is that ? If there is difference the can you provide me any link (which represents steps visually as in above link) through which I can develop rest web service ?

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Architecture :: Create architecture design For WCF Service?

Aug 10, 2010

I am try to create architecture design for WCF service.

We have WCF service that we have to expose to third party so then can request with xml and get back xml response.

The wcf service should do the following:

- Accept the request call with xml

- Check xml against the schema

- Parse the xml

- Authenticate the incoming xml by username and password that will be in xml

- Send back the response

If anybody can let me know what kind of design I can use or is there any pattern available that I can take it and then extend it as per my requirement.

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WCF / ASMX :: Create Web Service - How To Web Page Call Sales_Services.asmx

May 5, 2010

if i have the web application with many pages like add order page, edit order page, and delete order page actually they also interact with the Sql Server 2008 and i also create web service page call Sales_Service.asmx. i know just i need to put something like query into Web Method in Sales_Service.asmx but i have a lot of queries, i don't know which query i should put into it and how the web page call the Sales_Services.asmx

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Architecture :: Using .asmx (web Service) Files Locally Within Web App As The Datasource?

Jan 5, 2011

I have been wrestling with web services technology/techniques for part of 2010 - learning how to reate/consume/deploy... I have also been experimenting with third party web controls from ComponentArt. In some of the samples from ComponentArt I observed that they use .asmx files locally to populate their custom data controls (datagrids, comboboxes, treeview controls...). What is interesting (and a little bit confusing to me) is that in the ComponentArt samples they reference the web services directly within their controls in the markup. My question is if this can be done normally with controls that ship with Visual Studio (any version -- I have em all 2005, 2008, 2010). I ask this question because from VS I only know to reference web services by right clicking on the project in the solution explorer to add a web reference.

Here is the services tag used by ComponentArt

<asp:ServiceReference path="FileExplorerTreeViewService.asmx" />

Then in the property grid of a data control -- say a treeview control-- they reference the web service, and when the project is run -- the control is populated with data from the web service.

Do data controls from VS support this technique? My other question is if there is a benefit to using a web service as a datasource for a control and what is this benefit? What is the criteria for using a web service in this manner?

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WCF / ASMX :: Create An Instance Of Web Service Without Adding Web Service Reference?

Mar 17, 2011

How to create an instance of web service without adding web service reference? How to identify the server address/name where the web service is hosted from C# code?

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WCF / ASMX :: Consume Service Based On XSD?

Sep 21, 2010

I've been given the task of consuming a client's web service, and all they've given me is a XSD file. I'm a little unsure how to go about doing this, as the only other time I've consumed a web service was internally and we just pulled it in as a web reference to our project. Where do I start when all I have the XSD (below)?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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WCF / ASMX :: Create Simple Web Service In VS2010, NOT WCF Service?

Aug 30, 2010

How to create simple web service in VS2010 Professional (trial version). There is no template to do this. I am not trying to create WCF service here.

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WCF / ASMX :: Create A Web Service Which Consists Of CRUD Operations Create?

Jan 20, 2011

i want to create a web service which consists of CRUD operations Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete. creating web methods on insert and update operations.

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Web Forms :: Create A Simple Class Based One Tier Architecture

Mar 20, 2014

I am beginner in / and I developed a web application for inventory management. here I have my insertion procedure that I entered in my code behind all the different page of my application. My problem is the following:

* I would like to put my procedure in a class that I will call on my different page * how to create this class * how to call this class on my pages

here is my procedure:

Private Sub reqinsertion (ByVal sreq As String)
         Dim con As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection ("Dsn = dshealthboard")
         Sun ocommand As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
         con.Open ()
         ocommand = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand (sreq, con)
         ocommand.ExecuteNonQuery ()
         con.Close ()
     End Sub

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create A WCF Service

Apr 5, 2010

I am new to WCF, I got a requirement like I need to expose a WCF service which will be consuming by clients. The data sent by clients must be passed by the service throughTCP IP port communication (these IP address and Port will be dynamic) to the other end.

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ASMX :: Create A WCF Service ?

Mar 9, 2011

I've created a Webservice and consumed it in a website application & i hosted the both in IIS, they are working fine. Now i've to create the WCF Service & consume the service in the web application and hosting the both in IIS. I've gone through the basicsof WCF; i found there are some contracts like Service Contract, Operation Contract, etc & also Found Interface1.cs & Service1.svc files, So don't know How to deal with these files.I'l post my webservice code and web app code, Please tell me Where should i do the modifications to convert it to a WCF Service,


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create Secure Web Service

Jul 20, 2010

I am developing web service for my windows mobile application..! But the new requirement is the web service must be an secure..! for example : My web service name is [URL] Instead of that , client wants to [URL] How I create https web service..! I am using visual studio 2008. windows 7

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create And Host A WCF Service

Dec 15, 2010

Is there any way i can create and host a WCF service, and my client apps just send username and passwords to the service to suthenticate them selves, without using Certificates, on client and Server side???


Then is there any way i can do the above, but just using certificates on server side, i dont want all of my client apps' machines installing the certificate?

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WCF / ASMX :: Learning To Create A WCF Service

Aug 15, 2010

I am trying to learn to create a WCf service. My Wcf service is to return result from a Stored Proc.

The WCf Project compiled succesfully. Now I added a website to the same solution to create a web client for my WCF. When I right click my website and try to add web refrence->Web services in this solution, I see Service1, Project MyWCF, URL Service1.svc. When I select Service1, I get this error msg.

Error: The type 'MyWCF.Service1', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive could not be found.

Stack Trace:


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WCF / ASMX :: Create A Web Service To Send Emails?

Oct 19, 2010

i am thinking to create a Web Service to send emails ,this is the first time i am using web service

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WCF / ASMX :: Create Web Service With Http-post Method?

Sep 22, 2010

we need to expose a web service to the 3rd party vendor which can only call using POST protocol, NOT SOAP.So my question, is it better to build a web service or just simply .aspx page?Also is there any best practice documentation on this.

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WCF / ASMX :: Trying To Create A Web Service That Can Check A Location For File

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to create a web service that can check a location for file and if available get the contents.

Also this web service has to upload the file using ftp after making changes locally.

Any pointers in this direction.

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