Web Forms :: Create A Simple Class Based One Tier Architecture

Mar 20, 2014

I am beginner in asp.net / vb.net and I developed a web application for inventory management. here I have my insertion procedure that I entered in my code behind all the different page of my application. My problem is the following:

* I would like to put my procedure in a class that I will call on my different page * how to create this class * how to call this class on my pages

here is my procedure:

Private Sub reqinsertion (ByVal sreq As String)
         Dim con As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection ("Dsn = dshealthboard")
         Sun ocommand As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
         con.Open ()
         ocommand = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand (sreq, con)
         ocommand.ExecuteNonQuery ()
         con.Close ()
     End Sub

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1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
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How can DAL & BAL interact? What would be the best way to call one component from another?

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Aug 18, 2010

i want to develop an application in asp.net using 3 tier architecture .

i know that there are three layers

Data layerBusiness Layer

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Architecture :: Namespace 3 Tier Architecture?

Feb 5, 2010

i am in the process of creating 3 tier architecture for ASP.net with Microsoft Studio 2005.

My architerture is as below

Presentation Layer Business Logic Layer Data Access Layer

-------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------

Form1 BLTable1 DaTable1
(NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable1) (NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable1)
Form2 BLTable2 DaTable2
(NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable2) (NameSpace =
MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable2)
Form3 BLTable3 DaTable3
(NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable3) (NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable3)

I have 2 question here:

(1).MSDN say that we should not have the namespace where its name is same with class name but it does not exlpain why.Does anyone know why? The msdn page is

(2). Business Logic Layer BLTable1 need to interact with Data Access Layer
DaTable1 , so i put the code: imports MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable1 inside
BLTable1, so that i can have access to all the public shared method inside
DaTable1 in BLTable1 for example : DaTable1.Save()

But problem arise when BLTable1 want to use the public shared method in BLTable2 .

I have put the code imports MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable2 inside BLTable1,but i need to
key in the class name twice only can access to the public shared method inside
BLTable2 for example :BLTable2.BLTable2.Save.

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DAL which containes UsersDS.xsd

in UsersDS.xsd i created one select statement as (SELECT UserID, Name, Password
FROM Users
WHERE (Name = @Name)

in BLL class in have following :



Then i created login.aspx (User Interface )


But this did not work , it is just like it's not connecting to DB ..

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