Architecture :: How To Use Singleton Pattern In Project

Jun 16, 2010

I am working on singleton desing patterns and want some real world example of design patterns.Can you please give me an example how you have used singleton pattern in you project. I would appreciate if you can provide code.

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Aug 19, 2010

I know what Singleton Pattern means and Abstract class means.What I wanted to know was how would this apply to real world.Could anyone give me any good example or simple explanation.Say I have a simple website, why would I use any of the above if any.Why would it simplify my architechture.

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May 6, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Using Singleton Pattern?

Aug 4, 2010

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C# - Session Vs Singleton Pattern?

May 12, 2010

I have a web application where I would like to pull user settings from a database and store them for Global access. Would it make more sense to store the data in a Singleton, or a Session object? What's the difference between the two?Is it better to store the data as an object reference or break it up into value type objects (ints and strings)?

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Singleton-Pattern C# For Each User?

Sep 16, 2010

i'm building a web application with c# and i have a class that i want to use in multiple pages witouth instantiate it every time. I need to load the data in it and never lose them during the user session time. I thought about the singleton-pattern but it shared the instance of the class beetween browsers.

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Is This Modified C# Singleton Pattern A Good Practice

Feb 9, 2010

I'm developing a blog application shared by non-profit organizations. I want each organization to be able to change their own blog settings. I have taken a singleton pattern (from and modified it. (I understand that it is no longer a singleton pattern.) I have tested this approach and it seems to work fine in a development environment. Is this pattern a good practice? Are there issues, which may arise when this is placed in a production environment?

public class UserBlogSettings
private UserBlogSettings()
public static UserBlogSettings Instance
string cacheKey = "UserBlogSettings-" + HttpContext.Current.Session["userOrgName"].ToString();
object cacheItem = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] as UserBlogSettings;
if (cacheItem == null)
cacheItem = new UserBlogSettings();
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, cacheItem, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1),
return (UserBlogSettings) cacheItem;

(Portions of code were omitted for brevity.)

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DataSource Controls :: Singleton Pattern For SQLConnection?

Apr 19, 2010

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and them moving on with my SqlCommand and SqlDataReader and so on.Is this creating to many instances of an SQLConnection?I was thinking doing this instead. Creating a SqlConnection Manager which would look like this


and then in my database access methods


Is this a good or bad idea and why?Also would this even be neccesary?

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Web Forms :: Using Singleton Pattern For Menus And Text That Does Not Change Often?

Jun 25, 2010

If I were to use singleton pattern for menu, would that cause that menu to be created once for application session or once for each user session. Obviously, I want something that will create menu items once per application session.

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C# - When Implementing The Singleton Pattern In A Web Application The Static Variable Scope?

Jan 25, 2010

want to make sure I am not assuming something foolish here, when implementing the singleton pattern in an ASP .Net web application the static variable scope is only for the current user session, right? If a second user is accessing the site it is a different memory scope...?

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Web Forms :: Difference Between Singleton Design Pattern And Static Methods

May 7, 2015

In one of the interview, I was asked why should we have to go for Single Design pattern, instead of just creating static methods. Because creating static methods also serve the same purpose, i.;e avoiding flooding of objects.

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Jun 12, 2010

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I would really appreciate if someone could provide me some links and also drop me a few sentences on how this things are useful?

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Jun 28, 2010

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Mar 30, 2010

See in below I have writtine a

1. Singleton class Emp1 with Display Method and
2. Static Class with Static Method Display.

What is the advantage of singleton class over Static Class with Static members?


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Oct 25, 2010

Just wanted to know if a singleton class could be inherited and derived.

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Architecture :: Is Layered Architecture A Pattern

Mar 2, 2010

guide in typical 4 layered architecture (having User Interface, Custom Types, Business Logic, Data Access Layer) do we follow some design pattern ? I am not clear what pattern it is or what pattern it should be called.

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Architecture :: Which Pattern You Use?

Sep 17, 2010

I wanted to know which all design pattern have you used in your application. Just wanted to see a general idea of most commonly used, popular design patterns. I was going through this site"

and it has tons of design patters, I have heard about singleton and factory but not others.

So guyz which all popular efficient patterns are there and how would you determine which one suits your app. Can we make a app without a design pattern.

And lastly which one are the most simplest ones out there which are easier to implement.

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Architecture :: Use Objectdatasource With MVP Pattern In

Mar 22, 2010

How can we use ObjectDatasource with MVP pattern in ASP.NET application?

In 3-tier architecture there is no Data Access layer,.in place of DAL, I want to consume Web Services and Request and Response is in the form of Custom objects i.e. BusinessRequest and BusinessResponse class type.

Is it possible to merge all these in one solution, MVP, 3-tier web application, No DAL, Only consuming Web Service , BAL, ObjectDataSource, GridView?

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C# - What Pattern Is Layered Architecture In .net ?

Jun 9, 2010

I am a developer and don't know much about patterns and architecture.In my web applications I use 4 layers.Web site project (having web forms + code behind cs files, user controls + code behind cs files, master pages + code behind cs files)

CustomTypesLayer a class library (having custom types, enumerations, DTOs, constructers, get, set and validations)

BusinessLogicLayer a class library (having all business logic, rules and all calls to DAL functions)

DataAccessLayer a class library( having just classes communicating to database.)

-My user interface just calls BusinessLogicLayer. BusinessLogicLayer do proecessign in it self and for data it calls DataAccessLayer funtions.

-Web forms do not calls directly DAL.

-CustomTypesLayer is shared by all layers.

I though it may be MVC or MVP but pages have there code behind files as well which are confusing me.

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Architecture :: Facade Pattern (banking App)?

Sep 20, 2010

I just started working on one of the application, bascially its some maintanence work. I see from the application that Facade pattern has been utilized as I see Class Library projects named as Business Facade, Data Facade.

Though I am not redesigning this, but just wanted to know what this pattern is, a simple explanation, use, real world example should be good enough. The application is basically a banking app. I know its diff but if anyone can give me some hints/points as in why the designer chose this pattern (banking app).

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Architecture :: Which Design Pattern Can Be Implemented?

Mar 22, 2011

suggest me a good design pattern for implmenting the following? I have an object say myObject. This myObject is created using few inputs from the UI. After the creation of myObject. This object will be passed to few methods.. like method1(myObject);

method2(myObject);... method5(myObject);etc. Each methods will prepare the input for successive methods call. For example method1(myObject) will set the values necessary for the operation of method2.Then method2(myObject) will set up the values necessary for the operation of method3 and so on..Same object is used as the argument for every method calls.Which design pattern can be implemented?

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Architecture :: Repository Pattern - Pros And Cons?

Jul 8, 2010

This is possibly the worst kind of religious debate -- a religious debate with practical consequences. But it's one that needs to be had, and I can't seem to fit it in my tiny head. Here are the pros and cons of the pattern as I know them:


-Encourages DRY (don't repeat yourself) design in that identical queries are written only once per set of query conditions
-Facilitates unit testing by allowing itself to be abstracted into an interface
-Creates an opportunity for business-level validation


-Breaks DRY philosophy in that you're generally repeating your database schema
-In a sense breaks separation of concerns, because the query concerns of the controller and view frequently become the concerns of whoever is maintaining the repository
-Determining what should be a repository and what should be returned as a raw associated ORM entity becomes an ambiguous art

To me it seems like all this stuff should be done at the ORM level, but Entity Framework has much fewer hooks than Linq to Sql does, yet Entity Framework tends to be regarded as being more robust, so it seems that this is by design, and that the designers of EF are in fact encouraging another layer. Are there any tools or anything that I could be using for this? Am I missing something?

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Architecture :: Data Validation In Repository Pattern?

Dec 21, 2010

I am currently using the 3-tier Repository pattern in my application. Actually it's the first time for me to implement a design pattern at all! i used to put all my code in the so called now presentation layer.

i want to implement data validation, for example, password should not be more than 10 characters and have to contain special characters. Should i put this code in the data access layer? but my data access layer contains methods that take the DTO as a parameter for example


and the same is for other CRUD operations (DELETE and UPDATE), so implementing such validation on the DAL would make me duplicate the code in each and every method that accepts the DataObject as a paramter. Same holds for the business logic layer where i am using it as a proxy between the presentation and the data access layers.

Eventually it has to use the same Data Objects as parameters. This only leaves me with one option which is to do the validation on the Data Object part. But i think this is not the essence of the respository pattern which states that the Data object class should only be a "container" class with no behavior.

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Architecture :: What Basically Is Factory Design Pattern

Jul 17, 2010

I visited this Link to study about Factory design pattern. But i am confused about it still. What i understood is that we must use an Interface to define a class .In the interface we will give the prototype of functions and later on we will define it in concrete class. Is that simple concept is Factory design pattern ?

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Architecture :: The Respository Pattern In A Layered Web Environment?

Oct 27, 2010

I have been looking at the Repository Pattern. While trolling around the net I have come across many implementations and examples. Many of these examples have code like:

ObjectDataSource1.Datasource = CustomerRepository.GetAll();.

Since the Repository basically serves as the Data Access Layer, doesn't this violate the principles of a layered approach by having a UI component accessing the data access layer? If so, my assumption is that I would need to wrap the call CustomerRepository.GetAll() in some business object like:

ObjectDataSource1.Datasource = CustomerManager.GetAll();
where CustomerManager calls CustomerRepository.GetAll();.

If this is correct, what benefit am I getting by wrapping a business class around the Repository? It seems like I am adding an extra layer for the sole purpose of avoiding calling the DataAccessLayer/Repository directly from the UI?

Is it okay for the UI to have access to my Data Access layer in order to read data from the database?

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