Architecture :: Differnece Between Static And Singleton Patten?

Jun 28, 2010

I have searched deference between Static and Singleton Patten on google but did not get it clearly.

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Similar Messages:

Architecture :: Advantage Of Singleton Class Over Static?

Mar 30, 2010

See in below I have writtine a

1. Singleton class Emp1 with Display Method and
2. Static Class with Static Method Display.

What is the advantage of singleton class over Static Class with Static members?


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C# - How To Access Singleton Class's Static Method

Nov 17, 2010

I have some confusion with singleton class, below are my some points:

1.Can singleton class have static method?,if yes then how we call that methods?
2.what is main difference between Static class and Singleton Class?

I have created my singleton class as follows:


In Above class structure I have created two method one is Static and second is non static, When I am trying to access Static Method it gives me compile time error.

How can I use static method of singleton class?

View 7 Replies

C# - When Implementing The Singleton Pattern In A Web Application The Static Variable Scope?

Jan 25, 2010

want to make sure I am not assuming something foolish here, when implementing the singleton pattern in an ASP .Net web application the static variable scope is only for the current user session, right? If a second user is accessing the site it is a different memory scope...?

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Web Forms :: Difference Between Singleton Design Pattern And Static Methods

May 7, 2015

In one of the interview, I was asked why should we have to go for Single Design pattern, instead of just creating static methods. Because creating static methods also serve the same purpose, i.;e avoiding flooding of objects.

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Architecture :: How To Use Singleton Pattern In Project

Jun 16, 2010

I am working on singleton desing patterns and want some real world example of design patterns.Can you please give me an example how you have used singleton pattern in you project. I would appreciate if you can provide code.

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Architecture :: Singleton Pattern And Abstract Class?

Aug 19, 2010

I know what Singleton Pattern means and Abstract class means.What I wanted to know was how would this apply to real world.Could anyone give me any good example or simple explanation.Say I have a simple website, why would I use any of the above if any.Why would it simplify my architechture.

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Architecture :: Singleton Class Could Be Inherited And Derived?

Oct 25, 2010

Just wanted to know if a singleton class could be inherited and derived.

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Architecture :: Using Internal Static DAL?

Jan 5, 2010

I have designed an application and am wondering if this is the best architecture to use and whether there is any danger.

In namespace Membership I have a public class, MembershipManager, which inherits from webservice

public class MembershipManager() : System.Web.Services.Webservice

The single public web method of this class often needs to read and write to a database.

[WebMethod()] public string DoMembershipWork(...various parameters...)

The database work is done by implementing, in the same namespace,an internal class

internal class MembershipDataAccess

which has a series of internal static methods for data access e.g.

internal static bool UpdateMembership(MembershipManager m)

The MembershipManager class accesses the data access class by calling the appropriate method with itself as a parameter e.g.


Is this a good idea. This application will be processing many transactions simultaneously. Is there a danger of not being thread safe. Note also that sometimes the MembershipDataAccess class will return datasets to the MembershipManager class.

View 2 Replies - Architecture Specific To Shared/Static Functions?

Apr 30, 2010

If for example you have a function Public shared function GetStockByID(StockID as Guid) as Stock Is that function common to all current users of your application? Or is the shared function only specific to the current user and shared in the context of ONLY that current user? So more specifically my question is this, besides database concurrency issues such as table locking do I need to concern myself with threading issues in shared functions in an ASP.Net application?In my head; let's say my application namespace is MyTestApplicationNamespace. Everytime a new user connects to my site a new instance of the MyTestApplicationNamespace is created and therefore all shared functions are common to that instance and user but NOT common across multiple users. Is this correct?

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Architecture :: NUnit And Public Static Readonly?

Aug 17, 2010

I have an app that I am testing with NUNit. The project im testing has several helper classes that are created as public static readonly. When I run the NUnit tests, they all fail with the same error


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.NET Plugin Architecture Without Using Reflection Or Static Constructors?

Nov 11, 2010

I have an ASP.NET HttpModule that is distributed as a DLL. I badly need a plugin architecture so I can isolate some heavyweight, rarely used features into external .dlls, and speed up/slim up the core functionality.I've experimented with (1) reflection and (2) static constructors.It seems GoDaddy and a few other web hosts prohibit use of Reflection, making #1 useless..NET 4.0 now calls static constructors lazily, eliminating #2.

How can I have a generic plugin registration system that doesn't require C# or VB code to register the plugins? Even a web.config plugin registration list would be fine, but I don't know how to do that without using reflection.

Update: I need this to work in .NET 2.0 as well as higher versions

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Architecture :: Use STATIC Methods In Data Access Layer?

Feb 4, 2011

I am developing a web application, which has Data Access Layer and this layer has only one class, in which all methods are static methods like static Insert, static Update, static Search. It has no properties. I am using these methods in my Bussiness Logic class for my users who are visiting my website.Now my question is : 1. Is it right to use static methods in this scenario ?2. What will happen if 10 users call Insert method at the same time ?

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Architecture :: Finding Pros And Cons Of Static Classes And Variables (particularly A Db Connection)

Jan 11, 2010

So I started working on my first application that involves logging in and databases, and soon after i started messing around with a static class. I "discovered" that if you make a variable static, all sessions share that variable (I for some reason was originally assuming that each session had its own copy of that "static" class). Anyway, after discovering this I thought to myself "how could this possibly be useful to me" and thought that itmight be a good idea to make a single static database connection for all of the sessions, rather than storing that as a session variable for each session. Does anybody know what would be the pros and cons of this approach?

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Architecture :: Impact Of Using Static Methods In Business Access Layer In 3 Tier Applciation?

Aug 25, 2010

is there any impact of using static methods in Business Access layer in 3 tier applciation,

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Architecture :: Using Static Methods To Build User Objects And Various Other Objects?

Jun 21, 2010

firstly a static class only ever exists once and is not an instance. Any static members (ie static int NoOfPeople;) is stored in one place and is shared between all sessions (like the old global variables).
Now static methods is where i'm not 100% sure. If I have a static method that doesn't use any other static members could this cause inconstant results, example (this is a fairly pointless method but just a quick example of the top of my head)


So in this example if two sessions (or threads) were to call this at the same time - would they both get back the expected results, because the method only uses private data (a, b and totalToReturn).Im sure this sounds a little simple but I will be using static methods to build user objects and various other objects that there will have to be a 100% garentee that the objects will not get mixed up between sessions and the wrong things return to the user.

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C# - Is It Safe To Access .net Session Variables Through Static Properties Of A Static Object

May 10, 2010

Is it safe to access session variables through static properties of a static object?Here is what I mean:

public static class SessionHelper
public static int Age

Is it possible that userA could access userB's session data this way?

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C# - How To Lock A Private Static Field Of A Class In One Static Method

Mar 26, 2011

I have a private static field in my Controller class in an MVC web application.

I have a static method in that controller that assigns some value to that static field, I want to apply lock on that static field until some other instance method in the controller uses the value stored in the static field and then releases it.


I have a controller named BaseController having a static ClientId field as follows and two methods as follows:-

public static string ClientId = "";
static void OnClientConnected(string clientId, ref Dictionary<string, object> list)
list.Add("a", "b");
// I want the ClientId to be locked here, so that it can not be accessed by other requests coming to the server and wait for ClientId to be released:-
BaseController.clientId = clientId;
public ActionResult Handler()
if (something)
// use the static ClientId here
// Release the ClientId here, so it can now be used by other web requests coming to the server.
return View();

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AJAX :: Calling Non-static Methods From A Static Method?

Jun 30, 2010

I did some research after posting. All I found was simple examples for no-layer architectures, like connecting to a database from your aspx page, so, in a corporate environment, it is unnaceptable.

I need to call a server-side method (using ASP.NET Ajax) in a 3-layer architecture.

For example, my Default.aspx contains a method LoadProducts().



This cannot change. There is no way to convert Business and Data layers to static.

How can I call the LoadProducts() method using ASP.NET Ajax?

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ADO.NET :: Using Singleton Pattern?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a class which fetches the data from the database. Say First name, Last name , Telephone number etc and display it in my .aspx page. This data is common to all the users. So i would like to use Singleton pattern so that the object is not created again ,just use the created object for all the users. Can any one help me with the simple code snippet example.

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Singleton Object In IIS Web Garden?

May 23, 2010

I have a lot of Singleton implementation in application and want to move my application to IIS Web Garden environment for some performance reasons.

CMIIW, moving to IIS Web Garden with n worker process, there will be one singleton object created in each worker process, which make it not a single object anymore because n > 1.

can I make all those singleton objects, singleton again in IIS Web Garden?

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C# - Session Vs Singleton Pattern?

May 12, 2010

I have a web application where I would like to pull user settings from a database and store them for Global access. Would it make more sense to store the data in a Singleton, or a Session object? What's the difference between the two?Is it better to store the data as an object reference or break it up into value type objects (ints and strings)?

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Singleton-Pattern C# For Each User?

Sep 16, 2010

i'm building a web application with c# and i have a class that i want to use in multiple pages witouth instantiate it every time. I need to load the data in it and never lose them during the user session time. I thought about the singleton-pattern but it shared the instance of the class beetween browsers.

View 4 Replies - Singleton IN Per Session Or Per Machine?

Sep 8, 2010

I have an web application written in ASP.NET (FW 3.5) (along with some VBScript, this is a legacy app) that uses a utility class in the backend that logs error. I need to log several values that a user has entered in the front-end. Since the utility class has no access to the front end (or any HTTP services), i created a singleton class within the utility namespace that my front end UI can access and store information about the user.

I guess more specifically, I am wondering if there's a way to store session variables that can be shared across the web application and web services through a class referenced by both of the application and web services. For example, I have an error handling class that is used by both instances that required information about the user. Is there a way to create a per-session singleton to hold that information, so that my error class will have access to the user info? or is this not possible - that i'll need to pass the information around as they are needed?

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Public Static Variable Declared In Public Static Class MyGlobals In A 'Code File' Template?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a question about C Sharp ASP.NET:Is there a difference (in code speed, resources) between:public static variable declared in public static class MyGlobals in a 'Code File' template;and the variable declared in a normal 'Class File' template;I use this variable in 2 different Class Files and also in _Default Page codebehind cs file.In fact in my case I need about 20 global variables of type List<string>.

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