Architecture :: Want To Make Public Object On ,net Page

Aug 27, 2010

in can i make public objects on my page, for example

public Customer cust1 = new customer();

and use this object on my entire code?

what are the drawbacks of creating public objects??

a single object will be created for all users??? or each user will have a different object?

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Nov 29, 2010

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but I am afraid if I do it like this, my server performance will slow down. For example if I have about 10.000 users and everyone is watching just about 5 items, then my datatable will have about 50.000 entries. I am not really familiar with server performans when dealing with such big datatables. What do you think? Am I going to face problems with server performance

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For example:

ProductDTO (class)
ID (Int32)
Code (String)
Description (String)


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But I want a database fetch operation to be performed in this asyncronous method. And due to 3 tier arch. i am unable to do this in UI Layer. Can anyone guide me that how can I implement Asynchronous processing in 3 tier architecture? Note: If you are going to place EndAsyncWork1 in DAL then show that how can I return a value back to UI layer from this function.


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Jan 22, 2010

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public string ErrorText
get { return this.infoLabel.Text; }
set { this.infoLabel.Text = value; }

How can I access this from my user control or classes that I set up?

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Apr 26, 2010

to whom it may concern,

I wish to access a public property in a master page from a nested content page

is there anyway to do that without using "master type"

i found this link

but i dont understand what "companywide" is

((CompanyWide)this.Master.Page.Master).HtmlTitle = "now it is working";

i dont want to use "MasterType" i would rather cast..

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Now I want to set the value from content page .

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Architecture :: Use Separate Pages Or Make One With Multiple Views?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm working on a webforms aspx app (not MVC) and I'm not sure if I should just create separate pages or somehow make multiple views on the same aspx page for the following scenario: Basically, I need to give the user the option to view a set of data a few different ways (essentially different group by's from a data perspective)... the data is always the same, its just a matter of how to arrange on the page...

each way I need to present the data will essentially consist of 2 repeaters, one nested inside the other. The outer repeater will display a nice header section with the nested repeater showing the list of items under that heading. view by book title (title is outer repeater, with the book list being the nested repeater, yes, multiple books with same title for this example - the app has nothing to do with books, this is just to illustrate)

Book Title: A Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Dan Johnson - Smith Publishing - kjdkjfd99898989
Susan Day - Smith Publishing - aa777fd99ff
Greg Greger - Corp XYZ - amkj897hgrt554

Book Title: Another Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Frank Franky - Corp XYZ - kj3kjfd9d9980
Jason Cambel - Smith Publishing - 7g7fddddttt
Jill Breker - Smith Publishing - d9ddt523321

Or, view books by publisher (here the publisher would be the outer repeater and the list, with different fields compared to first view, is the nested repeater.

Publisher: Smith Publishing
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Dan Johnson - kjdkjfd99898989
A Good Story - Susan Day - aa777fd99ff
Another Good Story - Jason Cambel - 7g7fddddttt
Another Good Story - Jill Breker - d9ddt523321

Publisher: Corp XYZ
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Greg Greger - amkj897hgrt554
Another Good Story - Frank Franky - kj3kjfd9d9980

so what do I do here? Just making separate pages is simple and would work, but is there something else I should be considering? There will be 3 different views, so 3 pages total if I went that route. Something is making me think I should be doing this all within one aspx page? maybe just toggling the visible property of the repeater controls? but then I was thinking each of these repeater controls is databound, and I assume even if they are not visible they still incurred database hits to get the data, right? and that could be bad?

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Architecture :: Make An Proposal To Migrate An ERP Like Software From Delphi To .Net?

Jul 29, 2010

I want to make an proposal to migrate an ERP like software from Delphi to .Net.The existing software is in Delphi 6 and it is a desktop application.I want to highlight the benefits of moving to .Net (May be Web application) rather than upgrading to latest version of Delphi.


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Architecture :: Check For Nulls In An Object Aggregation?

Dec 30, 2010

I am working on a legacy application. It uses custom MVC framework and Windows Communication Framework service to bridge the Presentation layer with the rest of the application (i'll call this AppServer).

Every Entity in the AppServer inherits from BaseEntity which contains the method:


As you can see:

if the personObject was not null, but the ContactAddress was, [which is exactly what happens in the construction of a PersonObject in the event that no contact details are provided (hence they are not present in the HashTable and dont get created)] then the code will fail with a null reference exception.


Is there a fundamental flaw in the way that objects are getting created? It would be easy to point the finger in this direction, however, im sure there must have been some reason for the original architect to choose not to instantiate an empty ContactAddress object every time a Person object is referenced - EG if in a particular Presention->AppServer Request/Response cycle we only want a person's login details - we wouldn't care about the ContactDetails.


Is there a clean way to check for null objects within an aggregation, without doing something like:

if(Parent.child!= null)
if(Parent.child.child != null)

It just looks messy and it seems such a common problem, im sure there would be a better way of doing things.

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Architecture :: Code In Object Oriented Pattern?

Oct 4, 2010

I am creating an authentication service. This service has one of the methods to validate username and password and return a status based on it.

The validation method has bunch of things to check before it can say user is valid. This method has a pseudo code similar to this:

If UserName and Password is correct

If User Account is Locked (due to invalid attempts)


As you can see there are lots of if else statements that I am writing. It looks more like a procedural programming rather than object oriented.How can I fit such kind of code in object oriented pattern?

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May 29, 2010

I do not know how to create a business object for inserting data into the database.

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