Architecture :: Use Separate Pages Or Make One With Multiple Views?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm working on a webforms aspx app (not MVC) and I'm not sure if I should just create separate pages or somehow make multiple views on the same aspx page for the following scenario: Basically, I need to give the user the option to view a set of data a few different ways (essentially different group by's from a data perspective)... the data is always the same, its just a matter of how to arrange on the page...

each way I need to present the data will essentially consist of 2 repeaters, one nested inside the other. The outer repeater will display a nice header section with the nested repeater showing the list of items under that heading. view by book title (title is outer repeater, with the book list being the nested repeater, yes, multiple books with same title for this example - the app has nothing to do with books, this is just to illustrate)

Book Title: A Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Dan Johnson - Smith Publishing - kjdkjfd99898989
Susan Day - Smith Publishing - aa777fd99ff
Greg Greger - Corp XYZ - amkj897hgrt554

Book Title: Another Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Frank Franky - Corp XYZ - kj3kjfd9d9980
Jason Cambel - Smith Publishing - 7g7fddddttt
Jill Breker - Smith Publishing - d9ddt523321

Or, view books by publisher (here the publisher would be the outer repeater and the list, with different fields compared to first view, is the nested repeater.

Publisher: Smith Publishing
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Dan Johnson - kjdkjfd99898989
A Good Story - Susan Day - aa777fd99ff
Another Good Story - Jason Cambel - 7g7fddddttt
Another Good Story - Jill Breker - d9ddt523321

Publisher: Corp XYZ
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Greg Greger - amkj897hgrt554
Another Good Story - Frank Franky - kj3kjfd9d9980

so what do I do here? Just making separate pages is simple and would work, but is there something else I should be considering? There will be 3 different views, so 3 pages total if I went that route. Something is making me think I should be doing this all within one aspx page? maybe just toggling the visible property of the repeater controls? but then I was thinking each of these repeater controls is databound, and I assume even if they are not visible they still incurred database hits to get the data, right? and that could be bad?

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How To Make Multiple But Separate AJAX Calls In JQuery

Nov 19, 2010

I am trying to make 2 separate AJAX calls using buttons. What I want to happen is: when Button1 is clicked ProductsTable shows data from the webservice; when Button2 is clicked OthersTable shows its own data from the webservice. But right now, when either button is clicked, nothing shows up. I know the code works if there's only one of them and it's not wrapped around a .click function.

No error messages. ASP.NET 4.0, JQuery 1.4.4. Not using ScriptManager. Not using UpdatePanels.

Code below:


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MVC 2 - Views In Separate Assembly - No Intelligence

Feb 17, 2010

I have two projects in my solution: a) MVC Application b) Class Library. The class library acts as a plugin, so it contains views. The main problem is that I have no intellisense in the view's markup for my classes contained within the class library (the same assembly as the views). In the beginning I couldn't even write <%= Html.RenderAction... %>. I've solved that by adding a Web.config file to the class library with the following section:

<compilation debug="true">
<add assembly="System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
<add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add assembly="System.Web.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add assembly="System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
<add assembly="System.Data.DataSetExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
<add assembly="System.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
<add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>

Now it recognizes Html.RenderAction, etc in the view's markup. However I've no idea how to get access (with intellisense) to my classes contained within the same assembly as the views

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JQuery :: Menu Does Not Work For Pages Which Are In A Separate Folder Pages

Oct 24, 2010

I have added a jquey menu in my master page its working fine for those pages which are at the same level as master page.

But this menu isn't working at all for all of those page which aur in Editor's and Admin's folder. In these pages menu is displaying as simple html menu and unfortunately no jquery effect is shown on it.

I'm very confused why this menu isn't working for the pages which are in a seprate folder while the master page is added at the root level outside of all these folders.

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MVC :: Storing Controllers & Views In Separate Assemblies?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm building a CMS type of application in MVC. I want to reuse my views and controllers for adding/managing content in at least two other MVC sites. Obviously I dont want more than one code base for the CMS stuff. I figured out a way to do so:


Controllers are easy. Nothing more than creating a new Class Library Project and adding your controllers. Be sure to reference System.Web.MVC. In your MVC project just reference your controller assembly.


Views are a bit trickier. My solution was to add the folder structure to my assembly


Then start adding my view pages. For each page, you have to set the 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Copy Always' (right click -> properties)

Then I created a new class which inherits from 'WebFormViewEngine'. In the constructor I call the base() and then I add paths to the base.MasterLocationFormats and base.ViewLocationFormats to specify the new locations to look for views.


Setup in MVC project:

To get the controllers and views to work from the assemblies, you have to add two lines of code in the global.asax. Under the RegisterRoutes() method, add

then under the Application_Start() method add:
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new YourAssemblyNamespace.MyViewEngine());

What I dont like is that the Views get put into the Bin directory when published and you have to make sure to set the Ouput to Copy Always which is going to be a PITA for larger projects with lots of views.

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Web Forms :: Using Themes And Multiple Master Pages To Make A Template/profile Based Website?

Oct 21, 2010

I have atleast 10 websites that have different css,html,javasacripts and webconfig. But the same code behind files.With this design everything is hard to maintain. So I decided to work on it and I started moving all the queries in the code beghind file to stored procedures. Since every website uses the same database.

What I have decided is to make use of themes and multiple master pages? IS this the best way to go about it?

Also lets say I have two templates. There is site A and site B. both using different templates. And have pages Home About Us and Contact.

Now would I be creating three different masterpages? for each template so 6 in total? ( since none of the templates are supposed to look the same)

or Should I just create two masterpages? if so how would I manage the html of the page so it looks different?

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Forms Data Controls :: Aligning Columns Of Two Separate Grid Views?

Jun 10, 2010

I am using two Grid Views to display data. One (headersGV) is used to show custom headers which change depending on the device type in the second table (dataGV).

The second displays device data and is bound to db tables. This table has a sort mechanism enabled, the functionality of which is in the header cell of the table, hence the need for the headerGV for column headers.

I need to align these two seperate tables so that the headers align with the data columns in the other table. The dataGV columns dynamically resize depending on the data displayed.

I have tried inline styles, css bound to both tables at different levels of priority, onbind methods, and overriding DataBind() method.

View 6 Replies

Architecture :: How To Run Code In A Separate Process

Nov 3, 2010

I am not sure exactly which topic this post should go under...

Here is what I am doing.

I have a web form where a person will edit their blog article. At some point, once they are done editing, they can click a button "Publish Blog Now".

Once the blog is published in the click event on the server side I am doing a query to get a list of subscriber email address.

These are people who subscribed to this blogger and wish to receive an email notification whenever this person publishes a new blog.

What I just realized today is that my hosting provider only allows me to send a maximum of 200 emails per hour. Which means in my loop I need to sleep for roughly 20 seconds between each email notification sent. But I dont want the user who clicked the publish button to have to sit there and wait while that process is going.

How can I return to the user but yet continue to run some code on the server side to send out the emails in the background even if user closes web browser?

This is an ASP.NET web application targeting .net 4.0 and I am using c# as my back-end language and VS2010 as my development tool.

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How To Separate Userlist Into Pages

Nov 22, 2010

I have a list of users on my MSSQL database that I want to display on a page. But it's like 500 users and it takes a little while to load it. How can I get started with making it create seperate sets of user so that it has like a page 1 page 2 etc?

The list is not bound to a server control, I am just getting the data using JSON from JQuery AJAX so theres not really much ASP.Net involved at this point, except that the JQuery calls WebMethods in the code behind. The table is then created using Javascript.

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What can I do to 'enable' this in VS 2008 Prof? I have also installed mvc 2.0 and would like to reflect this in my 'vs studio sharp environment'.

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How To Link Layout Pages To Views MVC 3

Apr 4, 2011

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C# - Create Pages With Different Permission's Views?

Feb 21, 2011

Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to write code for me, I just want to know what I'll need to implement. I'll detail what I need: Ex: Facebook page. If I'm at my profile's page I have one type of view, I can edit all my data, see even not set data and add more information. If I'm visiting a friend's page I can only see what he wants me to and interact with his pages as far as he allowed me.

Ex2: One user posted info on some blog. He and all the people with privileges can edit that info, the other can only read and post comments as their permissions allow. Was I clear enough? I wasn't able to find Google references because I don't know the name of this technique and the keywords I typed didn't take me anywhere.

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How To Redirect Logged In Users To Separate Pages

Apr 21, 2010

I have basic login functionality implemented using SQL Server and the LoginView, LoginStatus, and LoginName controls.I have two roles defined: one for Administrators and one for Users.I have two users defined, one for each role. I would like to redirect those authenticated as users to one page and those authenticated as administrators to another. Do I need to define RoleGroups to do this? Is there a good, basic way to accomplish this? I'm not sure what to do next.

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Php - MVC Architecture Decision - Refactor Existing Approach Into Controllers / Views And Database Access

Feb 12, 2011

Consider the following scenario: Page written in classic ASP or PHP, which is rendering a data report (series of HTML tables for simplicity). There is one main database query and then multiple sub queries as the page renders. The report is split into sub panels, which correlate to a sub query. Therefore:

Main database query. Loop over result. For each row, execute sub query and render report panel. How would you architect a similar report using the MVC pattern? This can be split into two parts: Efficiency at database level of multiple queries, which are dependent on values from an outer query. If all data was processed and prepared in the controller, would this also be deemed inefficient if looping within the controller and then again in a view to render. Could sub controllers be used or sub panels, which encapsulate smaller sections of logic i.e. loading data and rendering report panel.

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How To Make Rich / Compound Views

Feb 7, 2010

I have recently started to examine mvc. I have studied quite a few examples and common to these are that they contain quite simple scenarios, where a view will map to either an instance of a type in the model or a list of a paritcular type from the model.

I'm looking for guidelines to compose/composite views. In the long term I would like Ajax to be part of the equation, but for now I'm looking for a simpler non Ajax setup.

The problem:

Here is a description of a contrieved problem. A domain model contains the types A and B.

class A
{ String ID, String Name, int Age
List<B> ListOfB
class B
{ String ID, String Name, String Url}


Since the solution has to allow for different combinations of data and functionality, I think it would be smart to have a parent view (not to be confused with a masterpage) that contained placeholders for parital views. Then, the parent views controller could make up the right combinations of model data and partial views and feed these to the parent view.

Finally; the questions:

Is my way of thinking in accordance with the mvc methodology? Can you explain/show (not necessarily all of it) how the controller can compile the right combination of partial views and feed these to the parent view?

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C# - Create Pages With Different Permission's Views For Different Types Of Users?

Mar 3, 2011

I need to create different page views for different types of users. I already asked that here: How to create pages with different permissions' views And even though Aldeel's answer works, it does not seem the best solution for me. I'll explain why. I need to show different views but it's not only like that. Each user can have access to different parts of the page.

Imagine a page 'X' with this structure

Field A
Field B
Field C
Field D

When user U1 from group G1 visit page X the system checks the DB for that group's permission on page X. User U1 can see Field A and Field B, but only edit Field A. User U2 that is set to no group visits page X. The system checks for his permissions on page X. User U2 can see and edit all fields. When user U3 from group G2 visit page X the system checks the DB for that group's permission on page X. User U3 can see Field C and Field D, but can not edit any.

I coudn't find a way to do that instead of filling ViewData with lots of data about that specific user's permission. In my example there are only 4 fields, but in my current project I have no screen with less than 20 fields. So I guess you can see how ugly and not productive that is. The idea is similar to a social network, as I said (facebook example). When a user visiting UserX's page can only see what UserX has allowed him to.

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Web Forms :: Direction - Splitting Received Faxes Into Separate Pages?

Feb 1, 2011

Like many organizations, our customer service department receives faxes and process them in many different ways. The faxes come in through a queue. The faxes are presented to the user through a windows interface.The user ties a customer number to the fax and is allowed to split the fax into several different pages if necessary. They then send these different pages to different people in the organization.Currently the windows application that process these faxes uses a product that use to be part of Windows called KODAK.

The hope is that the current windows tool could be converted into a web application that provides the same functionality that the windows application offers. a tool that could be utilized inside an ASP.Net web application that would allow the user to receive a fax and split it like KODAK does? This application needs to be built in-house because of the custom needs of our customers. Something imbedded in the ASP.Net application would work for us.

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Web Forms :: How To Make The Separate Code File Work

Oct 21, 2010

I am using some code I found that generates a random password. I am in the habit of putting code in a seperate file. The code was written in the same file and I'm trying to move it to a seperate file and get the following message. Also, below, I posted
the original code (code on same page as aspx) and what I did (code in seperate file).what adjustment needs to be made to make the seperate code file work?

Compiler Error Message: BC31143: Method 'Public Function GeneratePassword(length As Integer, numberOfNonAlphanumericCharacters As Integer) As String' does not have a ignature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)'.

Source Error:


ORIGINAL CODE (with code on same page)





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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Master Detail On Separate Pages?

Nov 14, 2010

I made my own master-detail pages using a listview. Rather than url, I use a listview event to set a session variable and response.redirect to the detail page, which on Page Load, loads the data from the database using the session variable, where it can then be edited. The details page is basically just text boxes and dropdownlists, but I used some third party controls and it all looks really sharp.

Here is the corner I pained myself into. Several dependent dropdowns on the master page filter the main listview. If I go back to the master page using response.redirect, the user would have to use the dropdowns again just to get back to where they were before they went to the details page. This is just not going to work.

To further complicate things, I wanted the master page to have paging on it. So if a back button reloads the page, they would have to set the dropdowns again, and page through the data again if needed. Egads.

The closest I have come to working is using a javascript back back button, but this fails after some postbacks on the details page (that are needed). And of course, the master page isn't refreshed when you go back to it (but I could probably live with that).

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How To Make A Class Recognize That An Interface Found In A Separate File Exists

Mar 8, 2010

I've made an interface called ApprovalEvent in a separate file with the namespace myproject... I've also made a class called PurchaseOrder... it's also in the same namespace, just in a separate file. Whenever I try to make PurchaseOrder implement ApprovalEvent it always says that ApprovalEvent is undefined...

How can I make the class recognize that the interface exists but is in a different file?

Here's some code:


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MVC :: How To Do Multiple Projects With Common Views

Mar 9, 2011

I'm looking at doing a pair of MVC applications. One of the application will be a public website and the other for a POS kiosk. There will be some common views between the two applications. I'm considering having a single Visual Studio solution that will contain the two projects. But, I'm not sure how I can go about sharing the common views between the two projects, without just copy and pasting.

Is there way of doing it? Or should I be looking at using a different approach?

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MVC :: Multiple Views Render As A Single Page?

Mar 20, 2010

I have an MVC 1.0 project and I have created an IView extension so I'm able to render also xslt in addition to normal view form.

the content of each page must be dynamically changes (more or less a CMS), so I write some slots of content (xslt views) and I want to render one or more of this slots into a single page.

It easy to render just one, withe the viewextension or via partial render .. I dont know how to render more than 1. In classic asp the first option should be a virtual include. How can i do that? or smoething similar?

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MVC :: Create Views That Perform Multiple Tasks?

Oct 3, 2010

This is my first forray into ASP.NET MVC, having been doing WebForms for nearly 6 years now. I've read through various tutorials and guides on getting started with MVC, but I've a few questions about how you're meant to do things:

UserControls for entities

In an application I wrote a few years ago (using WebForms) there were many entities that had an associated postal address (which existed as an instance of an Address class), so I created a UserControl that contained fields for working with addresses. During the page lifecycle I would pass the business object's .Address property to the UserControl for display and for population upon a successful and valid postback. How would I do something like this in MVC? My current project has a similar situation where common sets of fields are repeated throughout the application and all 'map' to the same class.

Modifying the page/view on 'postback'

Say I'm working on a data-entry form for an online B2B ordering system, where the user manually enters order items into a series of textboxes arranged in a table. The system can only provide so-many textboxes at a time (usually 5 or 10). If the user ran out of textboxes they would click an "Add more rows" button that performed a postback that was caught by that button's server-side .Click event handler. The page's class would then add more rows to the page; ASP.NET's stateful nature made this easy to implement. But in MVC there is no ViewState and I haven't found much information about how you'd do this, or anything like this. All of the tutorials and guides assume a form posting is only for data submission.

Multiple tasks per page/form

In a similar vein to the above, how do you create views that perform multiple tasks? In my above example I cited a webform that had two buttons: one to submit the form for actual processing, and another button that just modified the page (by adding more data-entry rows).Given that Controllers' actions are bound to URIs rather than what combination of fields were submitted, does this mean that I would have to interpret the posted data myself and branch based on that?

Componentised self-contained controls (e.g. sidebar forms)

Finally, in many web applications you have the main form in the middle, but also things on the periphary of the page (e.g. a sidebar) that might have their own logic. For example, in one WebForms application I wrote last year there was a 'Quick contact' form in a UserControl located elsewhere on the page. When the user clicked the form's button the UserControl's logic handled the postback details independently of the page containing the UserControl (but there was only one <form> element in the whole rendered page). The user was returned to the page they clicked the button on, with everything in identical state as to how it was before, exccept for the UserControl which reported that the email was sent. Again, MVC's stateless nature would make something like this hard to implement, unless there are some techniques not covered in the tutorials?

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C# - Separate Table Column Into Multiple GridView Columns?

Nov 19, 2010

I am retrieving a column from a table using an SqlDataSource in ASP.NET/C#, which contains multiple 'values' separated by commas. I'd like to be able to separate this values into multiple columns in my GridView, and also allow them to update them. Is this easy to accomplish?

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Create Separate Variable Instant For Multiple Users?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using 2005 with vb and developing MCQ program.

I am reading question information from a database and array . the array is "public shared" one. the problem is when two users are login to the system both are getting the same array.

my reqrement is give seperate instances for the diffrent users.

as an example the first user can open paper with 25 questions and second user can open paper with 10 questions. First it display no of questions as 25 and when then second user open the site, then the first site also display the total no of question as 10.

I tried to use variable declareing with DIM statement then they are unable to access from other events.

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