Are Content Web Forms Able To Access Variables Declared In The Code Behind Section Of It's Master Page
Dec 1, 2010
I have a Master Page which controls the styling of my site. In the Code Behind, there are a few class instances instantiated as well as variables. These classes validate user access and then create user objects
I have a few Web Content Forms which carries out instructions based on the user objects. So far it seems that on each Web Content Form I have to create new instances of the classes found on the Master Page. This is doubling my work for every Web Content Form.
Is there anyway I can inhereit Classes and objects instantiated in the Master Page Code Behind?
How to access a control declared in a Master Page in a content page.I have a ModalPopUpExtender in Master Page and i want to access it from a content page, how can i do that.
My project has the following repeater menu shown on the Master Page. I need this menu to remain hidden until the user logs in. How do I access from content page?
I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?
I created one method in master page, I want to use that method in some other page(Child or Content page).I tried this method but No luck, it's not working in Master Page:
public partial class TestMaster : System.Web.UI.MasterPage { public void XXXX() { } }
it is very easy to access master page control from content page like
but how could i access controls of content page from master page. suppose a textbox there in content page and one button is there in master page. i want that when i will click on master page button then i want to show the text of textbox in the content page in the label of master page. how to achieve it.
Does any know why I can't access the my custom user control StatusBar which is declared inside a masterPage?
In the ContentPage, I tried referencing the control this way "this.Site.stastusBar" and "this.Master.Status" and neither one works. Both instellisense warns me that "statusBar" does not exist.
on master page, i have declared a label control & set value to on content page, i m able to find the control, but the value is alwasy null & not the one which was set.when i debugged, content page's load event is called first, after that the master page is where should i access the master page control so that i get the set value.
Here's the scenario: A class based on System.Web.UI.Page has been created. A number of content pages derive from this class. All of these content pages use the same master page. The content pages define controls which need to access things on the master page (in code-behind). This is fine - no problem. In particular, each content page has its own data grid. The grid on each page has the same name, so that common code can reference it. In fact, some event handling for the grids on each content page is identical, so would like to factor that code to the base class. Interestingly, I can actually define the event handler entirely in the base class, with no stub in the content class at all, because the wire-up of event handlers uses the event-handler name defined in the grid, and that name happens to be found in the inherited base class. All good and dandy... very cool in fact. The problem comes when the code in the base class needs to access any of the common elements from the content page's master. Remember, the master is the same, and I know the type of the master. I would like to do something like this in the base-class code:
The problem is, that myMasterType - the type of the master page the content pages are using - is not available at compile time, at least not from a class definition for a base page. I've found articles that claim that the class name of the master is available - and it is, but not from a separate class. I CAN see it and compile with the master's class name from, for example, the code behind of the various content pages. But the actually class simply isn't available, it seems, from a pure class (the base page class). Judging from other times this question has been asked, here are common misunderstandings offered as solutions: 1. Use a page directive to declare the master type. This is not even vaguely a part of the problem, as the issue is not code in the content page, but in a separate base class which content pages inherit from. That base class is a pure class -- no .ASPX file at all. 2. Pass a reference to the master object from the content page to the base class. This can be done, but is pointless, because I can already get it, using "this.Master" from the base class! But because the type of the master is not available at compile time from the base class, it can't be passed from the content page either - unless it is passed with type MasterPage, thus losing all the properties/methods publically defined in the specific master page class. 3. Move the base page class out of the App_Code folder because the app_code folder is compiled before the other classes, and thus before the master page class. Doesn't work -- put the master page class file right in the same folder with these content pages and their master page, and the master page class is still not available at compile time from within the class. Re-summarized: Base page inherited by content pages. Content pages all use a common master page. Want to access the public properties of that master page from the base page, at runtime. Barrier is that I can find no way from within the base class to cast the master page object to the actual master page subclass being used.
Today I got a strange problem,that is I am unable to access master page controls in its code behind,I am wonder because,I can able to access master page controls in their code behind of other projects/applications's master pages.
I know we can acess like this Label lblText = (Label)this.FindControl("lbluserName"); in that situation but I need to access div controls which are set to run at server.
I have a control in a content page that I want to find the width and left attributes of the style. I am trying to find this from Javascript code that exists on the Master Page. How do I do that?
Is there any way to access code behind for controls in content pages??
Actually i've a content page and i've added some controls(say button) to it. Now, if i want to write some code on button_click , how do i do it? because i'm not able to get to the code behind for these controls. I can only see Page_Load in the code behind aspx.cs page