Attach Login Form's Username Into URL As Query String Parameter?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a standard Login form

<asp:Login ID="lgnExcel" DestinationPageUrl="login/data.aspx" OnAuthenticate="Login1_Authenticate" runat="server">

Is it possible to attach the Username as a query string with the DestinationPageUrl or reference the value in the code behind. I've tried lgnExcel.UserName.ToString()

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Attach The Existing Query String From The Url?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using Html.ActionLink<Controller>(p => p.Action(), "action link") syntax for generating urls in views.In one of the cases I need to attach the existing query string from the url. How would you recommend doing this?

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Pass Membership Logged In Username As Parameter To SQL Server Datasource Query

Jul 23, 2012

I have an ASP.NET VB website in which I am using the Membership functionality to authenticate users. I am doing this through the Login control on the HTML page. I have working that it will authenticate the user and then opens a welcome screen in which I have a button they can push to open a Reports.aspx page. On that page I have a dropdown box that is being populated from a datasource connection query to my SQL Server database table. It is a hard coded query but want it to query the table off the username text value that the user provided on the login (i.e. select <something> from inventory where username = <username>). I have not behind code but only HTML at this point. Here it is ... 

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="Login" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">

[Code] .....

Here is the Reports form that has the dropdown on it:

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Report.aspx.vb" Inherits="Report" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">

[Code] .....

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Login Form Not Progressing After Entering Correct Username And Password

Oct 16, 2014

My Login.aspx form in Visual Studio 2013 just seems to be 'static' after I enter the correct username and password. I don't get any errors. My Login.aspx.vb code looks like this:

Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Web

[Code] ....

Don't I need a file name/URL to direct the user to after he has successfully logged-on? How would I script that? Finally, I only have one Web.config file (associated with Register.aspx) and that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<customErrors mode="Off"/>

[Code] ....

I don't need another Web.config file for Login.aspx, do I?

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Security :: Username And Password Are Being Passed In The Query String

Dec 9, 2010

Need to recognize that the username and password are being passed in the query string before generating the out put of aspx page.

Actually i wanna block unauthorized acces of my aspx page. That's why i set login.

My Login.aspx code is :



Asp will need to recognize that the username and password are being passed in the query string before generating ouput of page

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Passing Through Query String Parameter?

Jan 20, 2010

how to pass through a query string parameter of an assignment id and then checking and validating this as a number and displaying the information returned on screen. At present I have code which displays the information on screen but this is by entering in the assignment id and by triggering the button click event, I've shown the code for this below:

<b>Current Assignment</b>
<br />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtAssignmentID"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Get Assignment" />
<br />
<b>Date Started:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentStart"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Status:</b> <asp:Label runat="server"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Current Achievement Level:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentLevel"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Date Last Calculated:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentCalcDate"></asp:Label>
<br />
protected void cmdGetAssignment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Check the assignmentID is an integer
int AssignmentID = 0;
AssignmentID = TypeConv.CInt(txtAssignmentID.Text);
if (AssignmenttID > 0)
//Create new TCAAssignment object by passing the ID
TCA Assignment Current Assignment = abc.TCA Assignment (AssignmentID);
lblAssignmentStart.Text = Current Assignment.dDateCreated.ToString();
lblAssignmentStatus.Text = CurrentAssignment.rTCAAssignmentStatus.dDescription;
if (!CurrentAssignment.dTCAAchievementLevel.IsNull)
lblAssignmentLevel.Text = CurrentAssignment.rTCAAchievementLevel.dDescription;
lblAssignmentCalcDate.Text = CurrentAssignment.dAchievementDate.ToString();

Code example passing through a query string parameter of an assignment id would be great.

View 11 Replies

Dropdown List Query String Parameter

Oct 5, 2010

I have a dropdown list that won't populate data values from database using sql datasource. When i use the code behind, i was able to populate the data to the dropdown list. I dont know how to pass the Query String Parameter using code behind since i am new in This is the code behind:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class PhotoAlbum
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim oConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;" & _
"Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim oCmd As New SqlCommand()
Dim oDR As SqlDataReader
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
oCmd.CommandText = "SELECT [CategoryID], [Name] FROM Categories ORDER BY [Name]"
oCmd.Connection = oConn
oDR = oCmd.ExecuteReader()
Me.categories.DataSource = oDR
Me.categories.DataTextField = "Name"
Me.categories.DataValueField = "CategoryID"
End Sub
End Class

I will like to include the following information from sqlDatasource to the codebehind:

SelectCommand="SELECT [CategoryID], [Name] FROM [Categories] WHERE ([UserId] = @UserId) ORDER BY [Name]">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="UserId" QueryStringField="ID"/>

As you can see from the code behind, i was able to add :

"SELECT [CategoryID], [Name] FROM Categories ORDER BY [Name]".

But i will like to add all of this:

SelectCommand="SELECT [CategoryID], [Name] FROM [Categories] WHERE ([UserId] = @UserId) ORDER BY [Name]">

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Web Forms :: Hide The Query String Parameter In The URL

Oct 28, 2010

how can we hide the query string parameters in the URL in . but i am not interested to use url rewriting.

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SQL Server :: Set The Query String Value In An Insert Parameter?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a stored procedure that is close to working. It takes the values of a details view puts them into the respective table 'entity' then should also put the @@identity into 'entloan' and should put the LoanID which is in the query string of the page the detials view is loaded on, into the LoanID field of entLoan as well. Everything works except for getting the querystring value to pass to a insert variable on my stored procedure.

Stored Procedure


I do not have a LoanID Insert parameter set as it is not in entity table:


I have been playing around with different code in the backend but always get errors:


View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Have A Function Which Returns A Value From A Query String Parameter?

Mar 18, 2010

i have a function which returns a value from a query string parameter, i use it in more than 10 places in the webapp thus i have to rewrite the code every time, again and to make it short, is there any way i can embed the code somewhere and keep referring to it through out my app?

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State Management :: Adding Parameter To Query String?

Aug 24, 2010

how do i add a new parameter to an existing query string?


now i need to add a new parameter say, showsearch.

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MVC :: How To Send Parameter In Query String On Ajax Call

Oct 8, 2010

I want to send selected page value on querystring while navigating through paging. URL that is generating on paging are like this


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Web Forms :: Hiding Query String Parameter Values In URL

Aug 7, 2013

Need to hide query string values from web URL, So that no one should be able to recognize what values are passing from one page to another.

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Web Forms :: Calling Page - Pass Parameter In Url Query String?

Apr 14, 2010

We are using a page to submit data to server. what we do is we will pass as parameter in url Query string) and in page load we take that values and submitting to database I have these following doubt

1, What is the default event happening while we call a ASP.NET page is it a POST or GET? We tried to call this url from a mobile application, it is not happening , we are not getting any error also in the mobile application.

2, IF we are calling the url to submit data from mobile applications which one we have to use (GET or POST)

3, IF we are calling this url from an application running in PC to submit which one we have to use ?

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Data Controls :: Append Query String Parameter Values In URL?

May 7, 2015

Append Query String Parameter Values in Current URL.

I have added Hyperlink in data list.which is Bind with their Respective data.When I Click that Hyperlink it Will Pass Url like this.

Area_id,Cuisine_Id and Veg_Id Bind in Datalist


I want to Built a Filter Page Which Includes Area_id, Cuisine_Id and Veg_Idso when i Click to Hyperlink of Area then url like this. [URL] And then After i click to hyperlink of Cuisine then URL Like this.


Similar Way


So Basically I want Filter Data With Clickable query Strings Parameter Values

Problem : How can i Make Url Like this and it is Dynamic


I want to Do Something like this SitePage Filter


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Forms Data Controls :: Invoking A Handler With A Parameter In Its Query String

Mar 22, 2010

I'm having troubles passing a parameter to a handler in it's query string. I have a gridview with an image column, this column is defined as a TemplateField, as:

runat="server" ImageUrl='~/ImageHandler.ashx?ID=<%# Eval("EmployeeID")%>'

As you can see, the ImageUrl is a call to a handler that receives the EmployeeID in the QueryString, under the name ID. When I run it, the ImageHandler method receives the following query string "ID=<%" instead of "ID=<the result of Eval("EmployeeID")>", and of course, it throws a FormatException when using it as an int to get the EmployeeID. (If I type ImageUrl="~/ImageHandler.ashx?ID=<%# Eval("EmployeeID")%>" (using " instead of ') the compiler returns the error incorrect server tag) The complete markup is:

ConnectionString="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [Photo] FROM [Employees]">
runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
HeaderText="ID" SortExpression="EmployeeID"
HeaderText="LastName" SortExpression="LastName"
runat="server" ImageUrl='~/ImageHandler.ashx?ID=<%# Eval("EmployeeID")%>'
Could anybody tell me what am I missing here?

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MVC2 : Modifying Master Css Property Depending On Query String Parameter

Sep 17, 2010

In the original site, master page has code-behind to check a query string parameter value. Depending on this value, code-behind dynamically modify some CSS property to hide / display master page elements.

As MVC2 has no code-behind because we are supposed to perform everything in the controllers, how should I proceed in this case ?

I see this : [URL]

It partially answers my needs but the query string processing is common to all pages. How can I move this processing in a common code section ?

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Show Same Page In Different Templates, Based Upon A Query String Parameter

Mar 9, 2011

I've a page in ASP.NET, whose appearance can change based upon a given parameter(say query string),

How can I achieve this in ASP.NET, Master pages concept won't work here, as even the contents of the page and positioning of the controls on the page can change based upon the parameter.

One solution I can think of is using XSLT, but is there any other solution I can use to solve this problem? Is there any concept of templates I can use here?

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Setting The ID Parameter To Form Parameter Source And Have Entered The Grid Views Name In The Form Field

Mar 11, 2010

How do you use the http POST method with a Grid View on another page. I am trying to use the POST method to send the ID from the selected row of a Grid View, I am using a link button set to fire the select command and it has the Post Back URL set, from one page and then retrieve the ID value on another page using an Object Data Source. Also, under the Defining Parameters, I am setting the ID parameter to Form Parameter Source and have entered the Grid Views name in the Form Field.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Web Form Is Adding /null/ To Query String

Jul 21, 2010

I am using IIS 7 and have URL rewrite turned on for a friendly URL.

The problem is that in side that pages repeater (right under the captcha) when I click on the images in there the page redirects to /null/ which then throws a 404 error. I have turned off url rewrite and removed all rules and that didnt solve the problem so I dont think its related to that.

I have also noticed that in my master page if I use <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">

then the client side ajax fails to load, sys becomes undefined and that may be the problem here

I'm at a loss, this is the first time I have seen these problems occur.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Send Values In Query String Using Windows.form

May 19, 2010

i am working on a web form. now i am opening a pop up window using Now i want to send the id to that new window. the link button is in my Data list view so that my code is something like this:

<asp:LinkButton id="checkdetsail" runat="server" Text="Show Image >>>" OnClientClick="'Images.aspx?aid=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.StoreCode") %>' ,null, 'height=550, top=100, left=200, width=900, status=no, resizable= no, scrollbars=
yes, toolbar= no,location= no, menubar= no')"></asp:LinkButton>

but this is not working. solve my problem.

View 5 Replies

Mobiles :: How To Use Query String With Local Html File In Windows Mobile Web Form

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to display a local .html file in a web page. The file uses javascript to display some information about my phone. In the executable, I am retrieving two values out of the registry. I would like to pass these values in a query string (I think that is the correct terminology). Something like file://\Program Files\TestTest.html?type=newtype. I have attempted this with using webbrowser.navigate, but that is giving an unhandled exception when it tries to pass the URI string. Obviously, I have no experience with this and am using the wrong method. There has to be a simple way to open a new webpage in a form and pass it this type of string.

how to implement such a function? I have been attempting to implement this with Visual C# using the .net CF for Windows Mobile.

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State Management :: Maintain Query String Parameter In All Pages - It Gets Lost In Subsequent Pages

Aug 9, 2010

In my Application_BeginRequest I have code that gets query string value ?c=FR or ?c=US and store it in cookies.Based on query string value I have either US or FR,locale is selected from locale table.If ?c=FR then locale will be fr-FR and if it is US then locale will be en-US.My code is below.

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
LocalizationInfo loc = GetLocalizationInfo();
if (Request.Cookies["Localization"] == null)
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("Localization"));
Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"] = loc.Country;
CultureInfo objCI = new CultureInfo(loc.Locale);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = objCI;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = objCI;
public static LocalizationInfo GetLocalizationInfo()
string countryCode = "";
string sLocale = "";
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"] != null)
countryCode = HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["c"]))
countryCode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["c"];
if (countryCode == "")
countryCode = "US";
sLocale = HertzRent2Buy.DataProvider.ListData.GetLocale(countryCode);
LocalizationInfo ret = new LocalizationInfo();
ret.Country = countryCode;
ret.Locale = sLocale;
return ret;
public struct LocalizationInfo
public string Country;
public string Locale;

Now when I run the project and in query string I set [URL] then for the very first page(home page itself) it shows me French translation,but on subsequent page,that query string parameter ?c=FR is lost and hence it shows be English translation not French translation since it does not pickup French resx file.If I manually append ?c=FR in subsequent page then it shows the French translation.Is there is way how I can make that query stringparameter available in all pages.Structure is there to hold Country and locale variables. In all pages I am calling GetLocalizationInfo() method as follow

LocalizationInfo info = some.DataProvider.Globalization.GetLocalizationInfo();

And I create instance info to pass locale and country as parameter. GetProductDetails(id,info.Country,info.locale). why my query string parameters get lost on subsequent pages.

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Security :: How To Make Login Control Allow Users To Login By Either Username Or Email Address

Oct 12, 2010

how to make login control allow users to login by either username or email address

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Security :: Form Aunthetication / Show Admin Pages Only After Logging In A Form With Username And Password?

Jan 27, 2010

Me with C#

I want to show the admin pages only after logging in a form with username and password and also want to logout from the admin pages, if in the browser history select a admin page after logout it should not be shown

how can I do it.

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