Forms Data Controls :: Setting The ID Parameter To Form Parameter Source And Have Entered The Grid Views Name In The Form Field

Mar 11, 2010

How do you use the http POST method with a Grid View on another page. I am trying to use the POST method to send the ID from the selected row of a Grid View, I am using a link button set to fire the select command and it has the Post Back URL set, from one page and then retrieve the ID value on another page using an Object Data Source. Also, under the Defining Parameters, I am setting the ID parameter to Form Parameter Source and have entered the Grid Views name in the Form Field.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting An Insert Parameter Programatically In Formview?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a formview bound to a sqldatasource control. I want to set one of the insert parameters when I click on one of several buttons (outside the formview).

In my sqlDS I have:


I want to set the "benType" depending on which button I've pressed (I don't want/need it to be visible in the InsertTemplate). I tried adding this line to the codebehind for the button click:

formview1_datasource.InsertParameters(0).DefaultValue = 2

This doesn't work...what is the best way to set the insertParameter from outside the formview?

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C# - How To Specify Form Parameter When Using Webclient To Upload File

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Mar 17, 2010

I have a SQLDataSource on an ASP.Net C# page. I want the ability to add a Control Parameter based on a DropDown List that will either display records that are either NULL or Not NULL In a Column. I have the following Code Snippet:

SelectCommand="SELECT [PATID], [LastName], [FirstName], [UIN], [Rate], [Account], [Project], [Supervisor], [HireDate], [Assistantship], [Hourly], [FundingStartDate], [FundingEndDate], [TerminationDate], [Citizenship], [TitleCode], [Email], [Notes],
[SupervisorUpdateEnabled], [SupervisorTargetSemesterCode], [PATCertDate] FROM [PATAccounts] WHERE TerminationDate @Terminated ORDER BY [LastName]"

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Databse Value To Asp:parameter Field?

Jan 11, 2010

i m using Datalist control on that i have one section as a "Qty" which come from database .now how i can pass two values in <asp:parameter from database

look at my code

<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ItemID")%>"Name="mItemNo" Type="String" />

if i write anywhere in datalist then it worlks , but not in this DefaultValue parameter , coz whenever that datalist item get bound one by one row then DefaultValue may get change and depend on that Default value my Quantity section also get changenx

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Dropdownlist Parameter Value From Different Template Field In Detailsview

Mar 22, 2010

I've been struggling with trying to figure out how to do this for about 2 weeks now. I have a DetailsView with several template fields in it. The first field (Unit_Code) is a dropdownlist item where the user would select a Unit based off the Unit_Code's Unit Name. Further down I have a field named (System), system needs to get it's value from the selectedvalue or selectedindex that the user selected in the (Unit_Code) dropdownlist. I have another dropdownlist item (Component) that will need to get the selected value from System to sort on, so once I have the first Unit_Code to System figured out I should be able to figure out the System to Component part seeing as it will basically be doing the same thing.

My aspx page code is below:


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Attach Login Form's Username Into URL As Query String Parameter?

Jul 13, 2010

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<asp:Login ID="lgnExcel" DestinationPageUrl="login/data.aspx" OnAuthenticate="Login1_Authenticate" runat="server">

Is it possible to attach the Username as a query string with the DestinationPageUrl or reference the value in the code behind. I've tried lgnExcel.UserName.ToString()

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MVC :: Route Parameter Reversed On Form Submit Button Click?

Jan 25, 2011

As the title says when I click the submit button on my form, instead of taking me to the next form with a url of controller/action/id or /action/id I am getting a nice 404 with a url of /id/action

The offending action is called IntakePage2. Typing the correct route manually works.

My routes are as follows:


The relevant controller code is as follows:


The partial that IntakePage1 loads:



IntakePage2 main page (The partial it references just has the text "boo" in it at the moment. It is intended to take an InsertViewModel object at some point.)


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Setting Focus On Text Field On Initial Load Of Form

Apr 15, 2010

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<form id="Form1" defaultfocus="TextboxTelephone" method="post" runat="server">

I have to tab to get cursor in first textbox telephone.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Dynamic Value To Detail View Of Grid Through Object Selecting Parameter

Oct 4, 2010

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Web Forms :: Pass Selected Value Of DropDownList Select Parameter Of SQL Data Source

Sep 20, 2015

I am binding a control which is inside Gridview, using SqlDataSource control as below.

<asp:ComboBox ID="ddlCompany" runat="server" Height="200" Width="240"
DropDownWidth="310" EmptyMessage="- Select Product -" HighlightTemplatedItems="true" CausesValidation="false"
Filter="Contains" AppendDataBoundItems="true" AllowCustomText="true" AutoPostBack="true"
DataTextField="Title" DataValueField="Code" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlCompany_SelectedIndexChanged">


In above SqlDataSource control, I had to pass the SelectParameter (whose value is coming from a ComboBox i.e., whatever comboBox value I selcect from ComboBox, its SelectedValue I had to pass it to the SqlDataSource SelectParameter. I am first time using "SqlDataSource". How to pass the SelectedValue of ComboBox into SlecteParameter of SqlDataSource control ?

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May 7, 2010

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How To Set A Server Side Parameter On Entity Data Source

Oct 6, 2010

I have a gridview which I databind to EntityModel

This typically looks like

something a
something b

on Login I get and set the compnay which has the ID so what in essence I want to do is on databind set the Where clause of data source to what the server side paramter for company ID is.

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Web Forms :: Post Back A Page Preserving Data Entered On The Form With Added Error Messages

Mar 6, 2011 with vb. I thought this would be easy but have been reading for an hour and not found out how to simply repost a page where form data has been entered and return the page with some error messages about what was entered. I want to return the page with all input controls with the data just as the user entered them before submitting. the error messages are labels that were blank when the page is first loaded. preferably the page returns focused to the topmost error error message. if that can't be done I would populate some label at the top of the page with something to the effect that 'errors were found, scroll down to see the errors'

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And I want to save it as a parameter for an accessDataSource but I'm not finding anywhere that tells me how to do this properly. My attempts thus far have been


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Forms Data Controls :: Using Hyperlinked Field To Go To Form / Does Not Work?

Oct 18, 2010

i have a form with a gridview that does the edits. I have a detailsview that does the inserts. If I test the run the form using default values as parameters the form wors fine. If I use a the hyperlinked field as below to go to the form the form does not work.It


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MVC :: Pass ID Parameter To Other Views?

Sep 16, 2010

I took the MVC 2 template that comes with VS2010 and modified it to my needs.

There are now 5 different tabs in the menu, I've implemented models and controllers and that works.

But actually, the entire site should show data based on and ID (it pulls data from a webservice).

For example account info for id=1: http://localhost:49925/AccountInfo/details/1

This is always the URL where one enters the site (page will be linked to from another site, so the ID will be passed from there) So how can I pass the ID to the other Views (let's say I also have a 'Contact' tab: http://localhost:49925/ContactInfo/details/1 ) I've solved it now by storing the ID as public property, so I can retrieve it in other Controller classes, but I think there must be a better way to do this..

Also I would like to have a title in the header of the master page that shows the current account (e.g. "Showing data for account FooBar"), how can I set this from the AccountInfo controller/model(?)

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Php - Any Reason To Place The Session ID Within A Form As A Hidden Form Field?

Apr 2, 2010

is there any reason for me to place the session ID within a form, as a hidden form field?

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DataSource Controls :: Link 2 Objectdatasource Together Using The Control Parameter Source?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm trying to link 2 objectdatasource together using the Control Parameter Source.However, I'm stuck at the screenshot below. The Next button is disabled.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Drop Down List Control To A Grid And Form View...

Jan 18, 2010

Once again something for a new bee... I have 3 questions -

1. I wanted to add a drop down list instead of a text box to my grid control (which should come up on clicking editing)

2. Similar control for form view

3. On click "select" in a grid view, I want to open a new web page which will show a form view attached with the same "select" index.

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Forms Data Controls :: Moving From One Field To Another In A 'Detail View' Form?

Jul 1, 2010

I am using a "Detail View" to edit the data in my "Customer" table. The fields are "CompanyName", "ContactPerson", "StreetAddress", and "City". If I type data into the first field ("CompanyName") and then press the "tab" key, control moves to the second field "ContactPerson". However, if I type data into the first field ("CompanyName") and then press the "Enter" key, instead of control moving to the second field ("ContactPerson") the program closes the form.

Is there someway that I can control the action of the "Enter" key so that this will not happen?

Also, is there any way that I can have control move from the first field ("CompanyName") to a field other than the seconc field ("ContactPerson") if the content of the "CompanyName" field contains the value "Internal"?

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MVC :: Request.Form Collection Does Not Contain Form Hidden Field Value?

Jul 5, 2010



Request.Form collection does not contain Form hidden field value.

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DataSource Controls :: Set The Parameter Source Of An SqlDataSource To A Variable From Visual Studio?

May 19, 2010

how can i set the parameter source of an SqlDataSource to a variable from visual studio?

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Data In Grid Or Table Form In Sql Server2005?

Oct 16, 2010

I want to insert data in grid or table form in sql server2005. Which control is better to use?

gridview or repeater

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Profiles In Form Of Hyperlink Field In Gridview?

May 21, 2010

I have stored users external profiles e.g twitter,facebook,youtube... in DB

And what i want to do is to show those profiles in form of hyperlink field in gridview..

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