C# Split Function - Splitting String Delimited Files

Jun 19, 2010

I am having problems with the .split function.

token_list = line.Split(',');

My input data is a CSV file that contains numbers and strings totaling 5 columns. The strings are string delimited...

1, 2, "Test", 1, "Test" 5 columns
1, 2, "Test", 1, "Test" 5 columns
1, 2, "Test, Test", 1, "Test" 6 columns!!
1, 2, "Test", 1, "Test" 5 columns

The split function as it is written above is splitting the third line into 6 columns because there is a comma in the data. Is there a way for me to tell the split function to ignore commas in strings?

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Response.write("Ref: " & MyString(x) & "<br>")


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Ref: 456
Ref: 789

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d00 d04 WinMain
d00 d04 lpCmdLine: '/UNREGSERVER'
d00 d04 Run
d00 d04
d00 d04 nCmdShow: 10
d00 d04 leaving WinMain


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string [] SplitWithSeparators( string inputText, string[] separators)


inputText: passed string

Separators: passed string[]
string [0] : TRINATH
string [1] : SHARATH
string [2] : SRIDHAR



string [0] : TRINATH EMPCODE 001
string [1] : SHARATH EMPCODE 002
string [2] : SRIDHAR EMPCODE 003

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Protected Sub BtnEmailList_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnEmailList.Click
' StringBuilder object
Dim str As New StringBuilder()

' Select the checkboxes from the GridView control
For i As Integer = 0 To GrdVwClassEmail.Rows.Count - 1
Dim row As GridViewRow = GrdVwClassEmail.Rows(i)


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Split String On Basis Of Html

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/><meta name="generator" " /><xml>

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