CSS Is Not Effecting Immediately After Change?

Jun 18, 2010

In Visual studio 2008 I changed css methods (like font size increase). Which is not effecting when I run immediatly. If I publish to server. I can see changes. Why it is not happing in from VS 2008?

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State Management :: How To Change Dll In Bin Without Effecting The Application

Jun 7, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Set Calendar Caption Font Size Without Effecting The Rest Of The Control

Oct 24, 2010

Using the Calendar control, is it possible to set a custom font style and size independent of the rest of the control?

I presently use the following in my page;


How can I, if possible, set the Caption font to a new font without effecting the rest of the control?

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Web Forms :: Without Effecting Quality Reduce Image File Size While Resizing Saving To Folder

Aug 31, 2013

I have uploaded a .jpg image and resized as Small and Large thumbnail. The small image is (135 X 173) but after resizing the small thumbnail image file size is of 40.8 KB. And mostly all images (around 64) thumbnails having file size more than 40 KB. Due to which thumbnails taking lot of time to get display.

Is there a way through which we can reduce the image file size upto 8 to 12 kb, but without effecting image quaity??

Below is the source code that i am using for resizing an image:

If FileUpload1.HasFile Then
Dim stream As Stream = FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream
Dim x As String = IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToLower
If x = ".jpg" Or x = ".jpeg" Then
Dim image As New Bitmap(stream)

[Code] .....

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VS2008 Changes Don't Update Immediately, C#?

Mar 13, 2010

When I make a change to a form, add a control, or text, etc., the updates don't appear immediately in the web browser after I run the application again. I have also tried saving the changes before running it again. Same results in either IE or FireFox.

I have also set my browser to check for updates everytime a web page is loaded again.

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ADO.NET :: Reflecting Database Changes Immediately On Page?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a web site that is highly dependant on a SQL Server 2008 database. I am using linq to sql to connect to the database and require the website to reflect database changes immediately. Currently the changes are only reflected once a postback occurs and the database is requeried.

Is there a way to get the asp.net page(s) to be alerted of an database change and then to reflect it immediately, or within seconds, on the display? I am aware that one can use the SQLDependency class and ADO.NET to do this, but am not aware of any linq to sql possibilities.

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Entity Framework Getting Objects Not Immediately Related?

Jun 24, 2010

I am using Entity Framework for my .NET application. I have been able to return objects and their directly-related objects as well (very convenient), but I am having trouble getting the objects of those objects.

IEnumerable<Lot> i = (((ObjectSet<Car>)_carRepository.GetQuery()) .Include(a => a.CarTypes).Take(10).ToList()

This works and I can access carTypes, however I cannot figure out how to access tables associated with CarTypes (e.g. tables which have fields associated with the car types). I tried to use a Join however I was unable to figure out how to get it to work right.

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Web Forms :: How To Immediately Refresh The Data Stored In IE

Sep 14, 2010

In all browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera), act immediately to update.

If the "IE" save data, I have to manually refresh the page - F5, or do I need to log off and then login

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Access :: Cannot Immediately Delete New Data From Database

Apr 17, 2010

I have an asp.net application that was working fine on my old dev machine that run XP pro and Access 2007. Although I did have problems getting the ACE OLEDB provider to work and so stuck with the old Jet provider.

I was given a new Windows 7 pro computer that also has Access 2007, I had no problems moving my app to the new dev machine. No problems that is until I had to add a new column to one of my database tables since then my app has been very weird when deleting rows (I am using the OleDbDataAdapter to access the database).

Existing data within the database deletes just fine, however if I add new data and then immediately try to delete it nothing happens, no error, no delete, nothing. This is the weird part; if I navigate away from the page I use to maintain the database (i.e. click my link back to the home page) and then revisit the database maintenance page the new data can be deleted just like old data. I add Response.Redirect() into my code to see if that would work but no, only navigating away from the page and then returning allows me to delete the data I had just added.

This problem did not occur until i added the new column to the database table. There is no problem with my code, the same code worked fine on the old machine and on the new machine right up until i added the new column to the database table. My thoughts are that it must be some combination of using Jet and IIS7. Oh and both the app and the database are on the same machine.

Heres my code:


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Why Is Cookie Available In Request Immediately After Setting Using Response

Aug 4, 2010

In pageload, if you do Response.Cookies.Add(..., immediately in the next line, you can access that cookie via Request.Cookies(... I know that under the covers, the cookie is added to Request.Cookies by .net, but the original request never had that cookie.

If what I'm saying is correct, why is it this way? Shouldn't the cookie be available in the following request? Shouldn't the immediate access to Request.Cookies(... be null?

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AJAX :: Accordion Immediately Collapsing On Safari?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a relatively simple AJAX accordion control running on a C# website. It works perfectly on Firefox, Chrome, IE, but not on Safari. On the iPad and iPhone, the accordian expands, but then almost immediately collapses again. It is supposed to stay open (and does so on the other browsers). After expanding, the page looks like it is refreshing (I can see the bar at the top).I have other Ajax controls on the page that all seem to work fine. I have not put in any other code to expand or collapse the accordion control. This page uses a masterpage, if at all relevant.Here's what the properties look like up to the start of the panes:

<AjaxToolkit:Accordion ID="AccordionStat" runat="server" SelectedIndex="-1" RequireOpenedPane="false"

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AJAX :: Popup Appears And Then Immediately Disappears?

May 17, 2010


AJAX popup appears and then immediately disappears

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To Show The Textbox Value Immediately In The Dropdownlist After Hit The Add Button?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a dropdownlist populated by a table containing ID and Name field. I am showing a textbox and add button if the user selects "Other" option from that dropdownlist. When a user fills the textbox and hit that button it binds the dropdownlist. But I am struggling to figure out how to show the textbox value immediately in the dropdownlist after they hit the add button. I don't want my users to scroll down the list to find the newly added item. Please provide sample code.

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MVC :: Get JQueryUI Datepicker To Update View Immediately?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a view that displays an appointment schedule for the logged in user. It defaults to today's date and schedule when first navigating to the Index action for the controller. I have added a jQueryUI DatePicker to the view and when the user selects a new date I would like the data to be refreshed and the view to be refreshed immediately. Following are partss of the code. The javascript for the DatePicker that sends the new date back to the controller:


This works fine and the Index function of the controller gets the date back as a parameter. Code for the controller is:


When I run this in debug it seems to be working fine also. The model calls a stored procedure with input parameters and the new date gets passed just fine. The correct data is coming back but the view does not re-render with the new data on the first pass through. I had to put a button on the view to prompt the user to refresh the view after selecting the new date to get it to work at all. So here is the scenerio:

User navigates to view and gets today's schedule. User selectes new date from DatePicker

In debug the Index controller is fired immediatly and the new data is retrived and returned to the view but this is not reflected in the UIUser clicks the "Go" button.

In debug the controller is again fired immediately with the same date and the data is retrieved and returned to the view and this time it renders correctly.

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AJAX :: Redirect To Another Page Immediately While Using Updatepanel And Asp:UpdateProgress?

Jan 4, 2011

I am using UpdatePanel and UpdateProgress on my webform. On my page_Load, I am checking some of the session variable if thats null then I have to redirect to my other page. Now, as I have updatePanel, we cannot use Response.Redirect so I have this code to redirect to my other page after checking that session variable.


But the problem is that my page continues execution after this line. I want to immediate transfer my page to this other page just like Response.Redirect but it keeps executing and redirects at last. If it comes to this line of code, I immediately want to redirect to my other page.

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.NET, Asynchronous Call To Another Page, Return Response Immediately?

Feb 13, 2010

An external server sends incoming SMS messages converted to HTTP requests into my sometimes very time-consuming .aspx page. If no response is returned to the external server in 20 seconds, this is considered as an timeout and the same message is sent to my aspx page again (and maybe again....The optimal solution for me would be that the aspx page reads the incoming message (as an HTTP request to the aspx page), starts the processing of the message in another thread, and immediately renders response back to the external server. The external server has no interest in other stuff than the HTTP status (normally 200). When the processing of the message is completed this results in an entry into the log file of the application.

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Web Forms :: Internet Explorer Getting Closed Immediately After Opening?

May 29, 2010

i have hosted a website on local IIS, when im trying to run the application by typing the url the webpage is getting closed itself.

The same thing is working fine on other system.

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Button1.Disable=false Doesn't Happen Immediately?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a Wizard which has a FileUpload in one of the steps. It also has an "Upload" button. When the user browses to a file, and clicks Upload, I upload the file into SQL.

There seems to be some synchronization problem for very large files, and I would like to disable the Wizard's Next button until the Upload of the file to SQL completes. It can take a while, especially on a wireless PC.

In my OnClick event for the Upload button, I am trying to disable the Next button. The code, which is below, appears to be correct, but the Next button doesn't actually disable until the Query completes. Can I get the Next button to disable immediately instead of after the SQL Update completes?

Here is my code:

Protected Sub JustificationDocUploadButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles JustificationDocUploadButton.Click
If RequestJustificationAttachment_FileUpload.HasFile Then
Dim obj As Object = Wizard1.FindControl("StepNavigationTemplateContainerID")
Dim startButton As Button = obj.FindControl("StepNextButton")
startButton.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

View 9 Replies

Incorrect Component When Querying Immediately After Insert Using NHibernate?

Apr 5, 2010

I have the following mapping for my table in MySql:

<class name="Tag, namespace" table="tags" >
<id name="id" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="native"></generator>


As you see the record_dates property is defined as a component field of type DateMetaDate. Both created_at and updated_at fields in 'tags' table are updated via triggers. Thus I can insert a new record like such:

var newTag = new Tag()
name = "some string here"
Int32 id = (Int32)Session.Save(tag);
ITag t = Session.Get<Tag>(id);
ViewData["xxx"] = t.name; // -----> not null
ViewData["xxx"] = t.record_dates.created_at; // -----> is null

However when querying the same record back immediately after it was inserted the record_dates field ends up null even though in the table those fields have got values.

why the Session.Get ignores getting everything back from the table? is it because it caches the newly created record for which the records_dates is null? If so how can it be told to ignore the cached version?

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Putting Javascript Source Then Immediately The Page Not Working?

Jun 15, 2010

When I put the following code on my page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js" />

Then anything below will became nothing.

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Security :: How To Prevent New Users From Logging In Immediately / Account Approval

Jul 17, 2010

I am implementing strightforward membership provider. I do not want new users to be able to login without being approved.

I have tried the setting on the registration wizard called DisableCreatedUser="True" and this does not work.

I also set LoginCreatedUser to False, and the user still gets logged in.

If I look in the SQL membership table, 'IsApproved' is set to 0 for the account, but they can still login.

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender Displays Time And Immediately Disappears

Jun 29, 2010

I have made a calendar extender that is hooked to a textbox and is activated when you click on a img button. But when ever you click on it the first time it shows and then immediately disappears.

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AJAX :: Show New Image In Slidehow Extender Immediately After Uploading It?

Sep 17, 2010

On my aspx page I have a slidshow extender.

In the code behind I am filling a data table from the datbase and using GetSlides() Method to show the images in the slideshow.

The problem is I have a file upload control on the page as well. When I upload a new file I am expecting it to show in the slideshow after

postback but it does not. Only when I click refresh again or cause another postback the second time does the new image show.

My code behind

DataTable tblData =


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