Can Values Or Parameters Be Passed Into User Control
Mar 10, 2011
I haven't used these in awhile. I was just wondering is it possible to pass values or parameters to a user control from the aspx page. Say you register a control and then use it using something like
<uc1:SampleUserControl id="SampleUserControl1" runat="server"></uc1:SampleUserControl>
style syntax. Can you pass parameters in there?
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Jul 26, 2010
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<tr style="border-style: none">
<% ViewDataDictionary dictionary = new ViewDataDictionary();
<td colspan="4" style="border-style: none">
<% Html.RenderPartial("Pager", Model.hangTagPagedList,new ViewDataDictionary(dictionary); %>
Is there any way to get it.
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Nov 30, 2010
I'm having trouble figuring this error out. I have a grid on an ASPX page that displays data from a stored procedure in an SQL Server 2008 database. When the page loads, I get the following error:
"Procedure or function <sp_name> has too many arguments specified."
Here is the code for the grid and the datasource:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" ShowFooter="True" OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound"
Here's the code from the stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GatewayMerchants]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@StartDate DateTime,
The datasource is passing 4 parameters, and the stored procedure is accepting 4, but when the page displays I get the error mentioned above.
EDIT: Here's the code behind for the template column. But I'm not sure how this could be causing extra parameters to the SP.
protected void Command_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var merchantID = Convert.ToInt32(((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument);
If I remove the ASP:LINKBUTTON the code works. So why would a LINKBUTTON be causing this?
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Jan 10, 2011
Assuming a static method like below is called from ASP.NET page,can a different thread(b) overwrite the value of s1 after the first line is executed by thread(a)?If so, can assigning parameters to local variables before manipulation solve this?
public static string TestMethod(string s1, string s2, string s3)
s1 = s2 + s3;
return s1;
Is there are a simple way to recreate such thread safety related issues?
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May 22, 2010
I may be putting this wrong. I have an ASP.NET web page which has a GridView, a CheckBoxList and some buttons and textboxes on it. The CheckBoxList and the GridView get their data from an SQLDataSource.
I would like to turn this Web Page into a User Control (which I think I know how to do with the MSDN information). How would I set up this User Control to use the SQLDataSource from the Web Page it is placed upon?
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Jan 15, 2010
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Here's a short snippet: (hopefully I'm formatting this correctly)
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Mar 18, 2011
I wanted to know if we can pass values from Parent page (in this case from Default.aspx page) to the user control and maintain those values on subsequent "Add/Load" of user control.
So in short, if I click the "Add" button it loads my "webusercontrol" and also I am able to pass my default.aspx dropdownlist value to this dynamically loaded user control and assign it to a "Label or Textbox" which resides in my "webusercontrol", now the problem is that the value doesn't persists! What I meant is , when I click "Add" button again the "webusercontrol" gets loaded again perfectly but now all my "Label's" in webusercontrol has the new selected value from the default.aspx dropdownlist.
So say for instance I have a Dropdownlist in Default.aspx page with Values "Apple, BlackBerry, Nokia" and initial value to be passed is "Apple", I click the "Add" button, now my "Label" inside webusercontrol has the value "Apple", perfect! Next when I click "Add" button again and select a different value to be passed this time say "BlackBerry" now I have 2 webusercontrol loaded on the page, so that means I have 2 "Labels" with different ID's, but now my first Label initially had the value "Apple" because that's what I had passed and now when I passed the value "Blackberry" both the labels of my webusercontrol has the value "BlackBerry" instead of one being "Apple" and another "BlackBerry"
Is there a way to resolve this issue? may be Dictionary List?
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Jun 21, 2010
Basically I want to call a user control from a master page. However, I need to pass an object (a List of objects to be more specific), to the user control. I'm generating the list of objects in the Page_Load of the master page. Here's the line in my master page that calls the user control.
<cu:Eventlisting1 runat="server" id="eventListing1"></cu:Eventlisting1>
This user control has a parameter called CalendarItems that accepts the list of items. However, if I try to set this inside of the Page_Load method, my control executes before the Page_Load and throws an exception saying CalendarItems is null. Is there any way around this?
EDIT: I have a drop down list on this page that determines what the list of CalendarItems is so when I populate the CalendarItems list I need to be able to read the selected value from the drop down list.
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Sep 6, 2010
My gridview has hyperlink field which will redirect to another page when clicked. Is there any way to hide the values from being shown in the URL? I do not wish to have encrypted values as well.
Any way to show it as
http://localhost:3042/Customer/CustomerDetails.aspx only?
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Oct 1, 2010
iam really new to Crystal Report XI Release 2..iam using multiple subreport in mainreport and onclick of particular subreport it would list out all items related to it..for example if u have customer chart(subreport) in mainreport and onclick of this it would list all customer on demand and subreport is binded and onclick of single customer it would list out single customer which sholud be passed as parameter it would get customer(full Contact details) in another subreport.if this can be done. how it can be done and explain in steps how it can be and if possible with screen shots
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Feb 25, 2013
i have passed the values from clientside using querystring. Below link displaying like URL>..i want to encrpyt the following code
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Feb 10, 2011
i have a usercontrol called navigationmenu whose data is static but varies with loged in1.empID 2.empType 3 Country my question is how can i cache the data of usercontrol based upon combination of these 3 parameters
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Feb 1, 2011
i have two user controls uc1 and uc2. uc1 as button and uc2 has label, so default.aspx contain both uc1 and uc2, How can i change value of label by clicking on button??? remember both are in the different user control.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have an 2.0 application on an IIS6 server with a second server running SQL.
The problem I have is that I can't use Integrated Windows Authentication to authenticate against the SQL server, instead the IIS passes its machine name (DOMAINMachineName$) to the SQL server. Of course I can add the necessary permissions to the machine name account on SQL, but I want to use the local user credentials in Integrated Windows Authentication to authenticate against SQL.
I have tried to find some reading/articles online but apart from a basic understanding I can't find the details I need to implement into my application. All I have found is that IIS doesn't pass the credentials onto a remote machine when using Integrated Windows Authentication, and Kerberos should be used instead. I have no experience of Kerberos or how to use it in so I am hoping it can be done using Integrated Windows Authentication or be pointed to some good easy to understand articles on using/implementing Kerberos.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a user control on a web page . I want to use the values of the web page on my web user control.How can i do this
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Jun 4, 2010
I am using 3 web controls ,two are cascading dropdownlists used to filter gridview control bound to a datasource.
My question is , How to define multiple queries in stored procedure that takes parameter values from the controls declared using sqldatasource.Also, return all data when i set default control value to say 'null'.
NB: one paramaterised query for cascading dropdownlists and another for other control.
View 8 Replies
Dec 17, 2010
I am very new to think this should be very straightforward, but it's not working for me. I'm tyring to pass a variable between pages (actually it's from the same page, but same idea) to query a database and fill a grid.
I'm using this line to call the page:
<a href="Webform2.aspx?letter=A">A</a>
and this for the query and grid
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="database.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT [Hyperlink], [Type], [Language] FROM [List] WHERE [Alpha]=@letter">
<asp:querystringparameter DefaultValue="B" Name="Alpha" QueryStringField="Alpha" Type="String" />
I want it to fill the grid with values where [Alpha] = "A" (passed value) but it fills it with values where [Alpha] = "B", my default value.
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a very simple user control with 5 radio buttons on it, and 3 properties (ID, RatingSetID, and Rating). On the initial load of the page they are on, the code acquires data and places the data into the 3 properties. However, when the submit button is clicked the page reloads and the 3 properties get reset to 0, they are in the !IsPostBack as well.
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May 15, 2010
i have a multiple user controls, each user control has multiple properties, i am loading those controls dynamically in my aspx page,i save the user control name in a hidden field in my aspx page,so i can know whats usercontrol are currently loaded,now i want to set/get some values for Currently user control properties,how can i know the properies available for that dynamics loads control ?also how to know the class for that control ?
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Apr 21, 2010
I have got One Problem I have one aspx there are two user control usercontrol are inside in multiview and there is two option in each user control previous and next when we click previous then all data are removed i want to preserve all value of each control i have also done enable viewstate=true. plz give me a innovative idea. or suitable post
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Mar 14, 2011
I have a user control I am adding dynamically. It has a link button and a text area on it. The containing div is hidden via style sheet (client side), and I use some jquery to pop it up in a modal. It is getting added in the init and the button click event is firing on the server. BUT the textareas value is not being set. On further inspection the field value is not even being sent in the form POST data. why the value is not being sent. The rest of the form values are being sent with no problems.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a user control that i add at run time like:
PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(mycontrol) because i want to make it appear when i click Checkbox control
Checkbox_changed IF CheckBox2.Checked THEN
PlaceHolder1.Visible = TRUE
The problem is that i want to get values from the page and use them within User Control page
View 7 Replies
Jun 17, 2010
I have a simple user control which toggles between the visibility of a few images depending on the UserId. When the page is loaded for the first time, the userID is being assigned correctly (I'm debugging). However, there are two other buttons on the page for filtering the type of users, they are perform their functionality via Ajax (not the toolkit, but the normal javascript ajax) When one of these buttons are clicked, the user control cant get the userid, it always comes up as Zero. Oh, btw, the usercontrol is in a DataRepeater, so it occurs for each of the user.. all the time.. or thats the Idea. I have several other pages like this, (none of them have ajax) and the user control has no problems whatsoever.
My User control code:
And the Data Repeater is something like this:
Here, Immediately after the userControl <ucAB:....> line, I am printing the userid just to see if its valid (by <%# Eval("UserId") %> and the user id's are valid too. I dont understand why the User Control cant pick it up on ajax postback?
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