Comma Separeted Check In .net?

May 31, 2010

Its Working perfectly...But i have small issues.. when i enter in text box like c,c++,4-5 yrs it have to check in database like either c,c++ skills and 4-5 yrs experiecne and then the reult has to be shown... Burt as per ur query it just show results whether any one of keyword satisfy database ...I want to compare year also how? -

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Check Comma Separated String Contain More Than 1 Different Value?

Jan 18, 2010

Is there a faster way to check is a comma seperated string contain more than 1 diffrent value?

str = "String1, String2, String1"

I want the above str to return TRUE as it contain 2 different value. How can I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Date Field When Check Box Check In Detailsview

Jul 15, 2010

I have a detailsview with an update button one of the update fields is a checkbox which when is checked I want to automatically update a date field of when the checkbox was checked, am I going the right way with this code....... as I am getting a number of errors

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Avoiding Comma Separator For The Last Value?

Jan 18, 2011

I am generating an output on a webpage in a format like this


For this, basically this is the code I am using

Response.Write("(" + "{");
for (Int32 i = 0; i < k.Length; i++)
Response.Write(Convert.ToString(k.GetValue(i)) + ",");
Response.Write("}" + ")");

Notice my output, after Michael" there is a comma which I do not want since this is the last vaue but this is appearing since , is in the for loop. How to prevent this/remove this last comma from appearing?

My output should be ({"1":"Jeff","2":"Tom","3":"Michael"}) (There's no comma after last value here)

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Web Forms :: How To Also Add A Comma Within A RangeValidator

Jan 4, 2010

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C# - Replace Dot(.) With Comma(,) Using RegEx?

Aug 4, 2010

I am working on ASP.NET (C#) application. I want to change number decimal figure with comma(,) where i have dot(.) using regular expression.

For example:

Price= 100,00.56

As this international rule of representing numeric values but I Sweden they have different ways for numbers Like

Price= 100.00,56

So i want to change dot(.) into comma(,) and comma(,) into dot(.) using RegEx.

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Validate Numeric Value With Allow Comma

Apr 10, 2010

I would like to validate my text box should allow the numeric value and/or allow the comma , dot and $ (,.$) how to validate.

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SQL Server :: Remove The Last Comma?

Mar 14, 2011

I am returning a table row like so:


One, Two, Three,

But i'm not so sure how to remove the last comma, i have looked at the LEFT and CHARINDEX operators but can't quite figure out the syntax.

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Web Forms :: Add Comma In Decimal Value?

Nov 2, 2010

how to Add comma in my Decimal value 11000. i want to result like this 11,000.00

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VS 2010 - Returns A Comma Instead Of ID

Aug 5, 2014

My problem is that all of a sudden the __EVENTTARGET isn't working. It returns a comma for some controls (that arent given that ID of coure). At first I didn't have the energy to investigate this, I just made sure the comma was handled. But that was before I needed another control (asp:button) to behave in a certain way. Now the button returns a comma as ID, which triggers an event that I don't want for the button_click.

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Use Comma - Hyphen - Apostrophe In String?

Mar 12, 2010

I reading a string. That string is Name like Johnny. If this "Johnny" contains comma, hyphen or apostrophe, I have to throw a error. I m able to read, if that string has numeric data. but I m unable to read this

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Get Last Element From Comma Separated String?

Mar 29, 2010

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Oct 23, 2010

i have a string, and i want to replace the last comma with something else. For instance this is my string;

"Monday, December 6, 9:00 PM"

How do i replace that last comma so it can look like this;

"Monday, December 6 2010 9:00 PM"

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Web Forms :: Trim Comma From End Of String?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm trying to trim a comma from the end of a string. I've tried the following:


I've also tried:

char[] CharToTrim = { ',' };

Neither option is working. why?

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Adding Comma Separators To Numbers?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm trying to add comma separators to a number. I've tried the advice here: add commas using String.Format for number and and here: .NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number but I can't get it to work - they just return the number without commas. The code I'm using is here:

public static string addCommas(string cash) {
return string.Format("{0:n0}", cash).ToString();

Where am I going wrong?Update: Hi all, thanks for your help, but all of those methods are returning the same error: "error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'BishopFlemingFunctions.addCommas(int)' has some invalid arguments" (or variations therof depending on what number type I'm using.)

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AJAX :: Comma In Textbox When Postback?

Jan 21, 2010

I use AjaxControlToolkit 30930. I use modalpopupextender with textbox control and I found that there is a comma append textbox value every postback. Are ther any solution for me. I don't want to use previous version because I need AsyncFileupload.

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