CompareValidator Control To Accept Date In Format Month / Day / Year
Jun 3, 2010
I have the following template defined within DetailsView ( DetailsView is bound to object data source ):
<asp:TextBox ID="txtReleaseDate" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("ReleaseDate", "{0:d}") %>'>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="valReleaseDateType" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtReleaseDate" Type="Date" Operator="DataTypeCheck"
Display="Dynamic" > *
Assuming I enter into TextBox txtReleaseDate a date in format month/day/year, then upon clicking an Update or Insert button, a CompareValidator control complains that date format is not valid. But if I enter date in format day/month/year, then object data source throws an exception Cannot convert value of parameter 'releaseDate' from 'System.String' to 'System.DateTime', while CompareValidator doesn't complain. I need the two controls to accept the same date format, so:
a) Since my DB stores date in format day/month/year, the best option would be for ODS to also accept this as valid date format. Can ODS be configured that way?
b)Can CompareValidator be configured to also accept month/day/year format?
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lblperiod.Text = " period " + "01/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedItem.Text + "---" + System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedValue;
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May 7, 2015
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protected void ddl_day_from_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
txt_exhib_dateFrom_add.Text ="";
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txt_exhib_dateFrom_add.Text = day_from +"/";
[Code] ......
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<asp:TextBox id="txtDate1" runat="server" />
<asp:CompareValidator runat="server" ErrorMessage="The date must be greater than today"
ControlToValidate="txtDate1" type="date"
ValuetoCompare="DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()" />
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December 2013 10000
January 2014 20000
February 2014 60000
March 2013 40000
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lblDate.Text = "Today";
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string query= "SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS Month FROM HolidayTable";
DataSet ds = new DataSet(query)
int month = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
string query2 = "select date from HolidayTable where date= '" + month + "' ";
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Apr 30, 2010
comparing two dates Compare 2 days, last date of the month with first date of the next month!
example! 30-04-2010 with 01-05-2010 (or with datetime 30-04-2010 01:00:00 with 01-05-2010 01:00:00) If txt_remdate.Text < Now.Date Then
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