C# - Datetime Format For Month And Year

Aug 18, 2010

DateTime ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt32(ddExpMonth); ---- DropDown(user selects a month)
DateTime ExpYear = Convert.ToInt32(ddExpYear); ---- Dropdown(user selects year)
Datetime ExpDate = ///// I want this part to be saved as Datetime 02/2012

How is this possible?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Year Month And Day Parameters Describe Unrepresentable DateTime

May 20, 2013

 I use below code to showing date in Persian in my site

DateTime miladi = DateTime.Now;
System.Globalization.PersianCalendar shamsi = new System.Globalization.PersianCalendar();
DateTime shamsidate = new DateTime(shamsi.GetYear(miladi), shamsi.GetMonth(miladi), shamsi.GetDayOfMonth(miladi));
Lbldate.Text = (shamsidate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

But below error happen

Server Error in '/behtop website' Application.

Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.

Source Error: 

Line 43: DateTime miladi = DateTime.Now;
Line 44: System.Globalization.PersianCalendar shamsi = new System.Globalization.PersianCalendar();
Line 45: DateTime shamsidate = new DateTime(shamsi.GetYear(miladi), shamsi.GetMonth(miladi), shamsi.GetDayOfMonth(miladi)); Line 46:
Line 47:

it worked correctly before but suddenly it make an error Why?

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Date Format Followed By Month / Year In String

Feb 17, 2010

I want to date format like this 1-Apr-2010 in asp.net (1st date followed by month in string and followed by current year....).

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CompareValidator Control To Accept Date In Format Month / Day / Year

Jun 3, 2010

I have the following template defined within DetailsView ( DetailsView is bound to object data source ):

<asp:TextBox ID="txtReleaseDate" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("ReleaseDate", "{0:d}") %>'>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="valReleaseDateType" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtReleaseDate" Type="Date" Operator="DataTypeCheck"
Display="Dynamic" > *

Assuming I enter into TextBox txtReleaseDate a date in format month/day/year, then upon clicking an Update or Insert button, a CompareValidator control complains that date format is not valid. But if I enter date in format day/month/year, then object data source throws an exception Cannot convert value of parameter 'releaseDate' from 'System.String' to 'System.DateTime', while CompareValidator doesn't complain. I need the two controls to accept the same date format, so:

a) Since my DB stores date in format day/month/year, the best option would be for ODS to also accept this as valid date format. Can ODS be configured that way?

b)Can CompareValidator be configured to also accept month/day/year format?

View 2 Replies

Data Controls :: Get Data In GridView Of Month And Year Less Than Current Month / Year

Jan 30, 2014

I am having one table in whic there is monthyear column and amount column..i want the data in gridview of monthyear less than current monthyear ...

my table entry is like this

Monthyear                Amount

December 2013        10000
January 2014            20000
February 2014          60000
March 2013               40000

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Web Forms :: How To Display Full Month Name With Date And Year In Date Format

Aug 5, 2013

I want to display the current month name,date and time like this "August 5, 2013 06:30:58 pm" using ajax. 

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Forms Data Controls :: In Visual Web Developer 2008 In "Query" Can I Format The Date To Display Only Month And Year

Apr 12, 2010

in visual web developer 2008 in "Query" Can I format the date to display only Month and year ?example: I have Complete date in my table like 05/04/2010. In Query in need to display only Month and year Like 04/2010 Or April/2010

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Get Start And End Date In A Month Based On Month And Year

Jun 7, 2012

lblperiod.Text = " period " + "01/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedItem.Text + "---" + System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + drpsmon.SelectedValue + "/" + drpsyr.SelectedValue;

i want the daate ie the 1st to  the end of month when page is loaded i get the current months 01/06/2012 - 30/06/2012  but i want it on dropdown changed

i mean whever the user selcts in dropdown for month & year i want the period for the same

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How To Get Current Month And Year

Oct 8, 2010

how i can get current month and year and show it in a lable in asp.net

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How To Add Date/month/year From Dropdownlist

Feb 11, 2011

I am developing a project in asp.net using c# coding. I m new to this field.

I need to add day/month/year to a text box in asp.net.

I hv 3 drop-down list. when i m selecting 3 dropdown list, its value must de shown in a text box.

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C# - How To Get The Number Of Days In A Particular Month And Year

Jul 29, 2010

how to get the days for particular month and year

Given the following method:

GetDaysPerMonth(string monthName, string year);

And the values "1" and "2010", how can I return the number of days within the specified month?

View 3 Replies

SQL Server :: How To Get Both Month And Year Together From A Date

Jan 10, 2011

I have a column in report that should display month and year together i.e single column will have both month and year(this is the first column of the table).

Ex: JAN/11

How can I do this?

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Two Buttons For Next And Previous Month And Turn Next Year?

Jul 4, 2010

I have 2 button links and 1 text like this:

Previous JULY Next
Every time i press Previous, a variable mymonth subtracts 1 , and when if i press
Next , the variable mymonth adds 1.
Previous LINK: <%# mymonth - 1 %>
Next LINK: <%# mymonth + 1 %>

All the schedule from the DB is shown, using the following SQL:

SELECT DISTINCT day(mydate) FROM schedule WHERE month(mydate)=" + mymonth + " AND year(mydate)=" + myyear + " ORDER BY day(mydate) ASC"

But my problems are:

- i want to show 3 months backwards from th actual month

- when mymonth is 1 (January) 2011 for example, it would show December, November and October from 2010

- If for example, we are in JULY, it would show until APRIL backwards, and when on APRIL it wouldnt show the PREVIOUS button.

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VS 2008 Building An Array - Month / Year?

May 26, 2010

I am building an array by month and year. Present format is mm/yyyy. I need the format to be mm/yy.

Dim myNewdate As DateTime
Dim myMonthArray(11) As String
Dim i As Integer = 1

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C# - How To Find Year And Month Difference Between Two Dates

Jan 20, 2011

DateTime dayStart;
DateTime dateEnd;

TimeSpan ts = dateEnt - dateStart;

Print : ... Year(s) and ... Month(s)

how can I calculate it?.net framework 2.0c# asp.net project.

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AJAX :: Add Dropdown For Selecting Month And Year

Mar 24, 2011

Is it possible to add dropdown for selecting month and year within ajax calender.

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Extracting Month / Date Or Year Only From Textbox?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox that gets the date from an AJAX Calendar extender. What I need to do is extract the "month," "day," and "year," and put them into seperate string variables to use in my code to do various things based on the month, day or year respectively.

Here is what I have so far:


But I don't want the year NOW, I want the year from the textbox.

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C# - Populate Drop Down List With Month / Year?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a date and I need to populate a drop-down with the months/years between that date and today. For instance, if that date is 10/14/2010 then the drop-down should contain October 2010, November 2010, December 2010, January 2010.

The way I'm thinking of doing this is to pass that date to a function, loop from today backwards step 1 month while adding each month to a collection until we reach that date and finally return a collection of strings. Then, populate the drop-down control on page load. Finally, use some ajax with a page method to parse back the string and trigger a partial page reload.

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Web Forms :: How To Make Year And Month As DropDown In Web Calender

Aug 2, 2010

Is there any way that we can make year and Month as DropDown in Web Calender.

View 8 Replies

AJAX :: Calendar Extender With Year And Month Dropdown

Aug 3, 2010

Is there a way to show year and month drop down on the calendar extender like the jquery ui calendar, If so could you kindly post it for me. If not would you be willing to show me how to do the jquery ui calender with Start Theme.

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AJAX Calendar Extender Select Month And Year?

Mar 9, 2010

Is it real and how can I think about it.To make so the user will select only the month and year, not date, because he need a period on full month, not some date. here is simple control ...

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" />
<asp:CalendarExtender ID="TextBox3_CalendarExtender" runat="server"
Enabled="True" TargetControlID="TextBox3" />

but Calendar selects the day ... I need select the month.

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SQL Server :: How To Get The Data In A Table Based On Month And Year

Jan 8, 2011

I have a requirement that I have to retrieve data base on month and year.I am using the below query

<pre lang="sql">SELECT SUM(areasft),DATEPART(year, sdate),DATEPART(month, sdate) FROM storedata
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, sdate) ,DATEPART(month, sdate)
ORDER BY DATEPART(year, sDate) ,DATEPART(month, sDate)</pre>

The above query is retrieve data like below.

51013 2000
30970 2007
NULL 2007
900 2007
807 2007
NULL 2007
1756 2007
7535 2007
NULL 2008
1193 2008
4230 2008
350 2008
2200 2008
4660 2008
6685 2008

But I need to display including all the months of the year along with year irrespective of SUM . My query only displays only some months in a year.

View 12 Replies

SQL Server :: Display The Sum Of Hours And Month Year Using Query?

Sep 10, 2010

I have,hours(in varchar),Id in table tbl_x ,i need the sum of hours, monthyear(eg. mar 2010)for the last three months.But with two separate queries i am getting these results.but actually i need in the following format

Month/Year TotalHours
----------------- ----------------
Mar 2010 0400
Apr 2010 0450

to get month/Year i am using this query


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C# - Get Total Number Of Days In A Month Based On Year?

Jan 20, 2011

I am using a drop down lists for selecting the month and year in .aspx page. I have to get last date of the selected month of particular selected year in .aspx.cs page. (some months have 30 days and some have 31 days)

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Web Forms :: Add A Drop Down Month And Year For The Calendar Object?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to do a drop down for the year and month for a calendar object. How would I go about that:


Using: VB.net code; Visual web developer 2008; Asp.net; SQL server 2008 db

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