Configuration :: Access Application Through Public (live) IP?

Jun 11, 2010

I have application deployed on local server what i want is to access application remotely through public(live)[We have one)..

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Configuration :: Deploy 1.1 Application On Live

Feb 8, 2011

We have a web application on ASP.NET 1.1. I have made some changes on the application on local & i have to deploy it on live. How do i do it? Can i copy the pages that i have changed on live & re-compile the entire project there? Is it good idea as we dont have any test server.

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IIS Configuration :: Can Access Local Host Through Internet Using Public IP

May 7, 2015

I hosted my web application in localhost.Now i need to test it from any where.Can i access my local host through internet using public IP?

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Configuration :: Live Application Is Not Loading After Some Time?

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Configuration :: Access Denied While File Uploading On Live Server?

Nov 25, 2010

While uploading file on live server i get this error.

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'xxxwork-max.comTelecomimageslogo.gif' is denied.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

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file uploading.

[URL] - with reference to this post grant permissions to NETWORK SERVICE user will solve the problem but granting permissions will

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Security :: Windows Live Delegate Authentication And Emails / Access Emails (New, Read, Unread Etc) from Live Account?

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Configuration :: Application Is Working Fine In Local Environment But Not Working After Push Code In Live

Aug 19, 2010

My application is working fine in local environment but not working after push code in live. My locale environment and hosting environment both are having same configuration. Same app working fine 2 month before but in different domain but same hosting server.

how to check the both config / any possible to run debug mode in hosting server please let me know. below code used in all page for checking user session status but when I click on any link page redirect to login.aspx I think session got timeout. I don't know why session got time frequently, but this issue not happening in local environment (desktop).


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Configuration :: Can't Access Mvc Application Remotely

Sep 9, 2010

have deployed an mvc 2 app to a local iis server. It works fine when i go to http://localhost/MyApp. However when i insert my ip address in the place of localhost and try to go to it i get an 'oops google chrome can't connect'. I have all firewalls disabled. I can view the default web site at, just not my mvc app at

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Configuration :: Anonymous Access For Published Web Application?

May 5, 2010

I check WindowsPrincipal.Identity.Name against Active Directory security groups before allowing the user to edit data. If the user is not authorized I just present a read-only version of the data.

When I run my web app from the IDE everything works fine. I published the web app, made sure anonymous access was disabled, and invoked it from IE. The read-only page came up.

I then added code to write to the event log to display the WindowPrincipal.Identity.Name and saw that instead of displaying the user name, it was instead showing the server name. I verified again that Anonymous Access is disabled and integrated security is on.

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Oct 7, 2010

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May 26, 2010

i have a virtual directory in iis for my project. so that my application is accessible in other pcs as well. Now i want do debug the project when somebody is requesting the page from the other pc. i am not running application using (F5) Start Debugging. But still i want to debug when somebody is requesting the page. Netbean IDE has this feature.

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Configuration :: Moving A Web App Live With A Database?

Aug 26, 2010

The DB I am working with is for memberships. Looking forward, I will load the website to a host provider. I think that the process requires that I also load a database with the hosting company on their server as well. Meaning that I will have two applications, with a connection string to connect the two (the web app, and the database). Is this the normal process for bringing a website live?

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Configuration :: .NET 1.1 Code Changes Not Reflecting On Live?

Nov 2, 2010

I had made some changes on the aspx page & on the aspx.cs page(code behind). It works fine on my local machine, but when i uploaded those pages on the live server, the changes are not reflecting over there. The site is not compiled & i have been replacing the files on the correct folder, but somehow the changes are not reflecting. I can see my changes on the aspx page, but the changes applied on the aspx.cs page are not taking effect. I even tried to put Response.Write on Page Load but nothing happened.Do i have to refresh the IIS server or some other tricks that might make the changes take effect on live

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Configuration :: Making A Server Live?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a developed a new website for online document management. I have setup everything on the local network and the site is available on localhost. What I want to do is to make it available on internet. Its my first web project and configuring IIS and resolving database problems after publishing was real headache for me apart from development work (thats another long story). But i have made it up to here and now there is one more step.

How to make a web server live?

I am using asp .net 3.5. The server is in my home (windows xp, IIS 6, microsoft sql server 2005, 10MB bandwidth for internet connection).

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public string message { get; set; }

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Configuration :: Making The Website Live - What Changes Reqiured

Jan 5, 2011

I was working on some website in ASP.NET 3.5 on VS 2010. Though, some of the work is left, I intend to make it live. I have a domain and a host. But are there any chnages to be done in web.config etc before uploading? or how does this process work?

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Aug 17, 2010

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Sep 20, 2010

So in my project i need to display charts in an admin panel. I tried MSCharts first, works locally but doesn't work on live server, found later that it's a host permissions issue and most hosts won't accept it.

Then i searched around and found a control called WebCharts, used it and it worked locally, but on live server i got the same permissions issue.

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Configuration :: Website Slow In Live Server?

May 22, 2010

I am using the 3.5. i have development a website using master page, user control, update panel, ajax such as loading box and message box etc. when i testing the site in my local, it show with the normal speed. but after i upload the website into the live server, the loading box and message box is slow loading.if there is a popup of messagebox, it is slower and when i click the ok button on the message box. it seem close in very slow and have a duplicate box come out. i have no idea on it. why it is so slow when uploaded to the server?

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Jun 8, 2010

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How To Access A Public Function In .ascx File Using C#

Mar 9, 2011

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