Configuration :: Add Subfolder To Main Website Folder In Iis?

Apr 21, 2010

I currently have a dedicated server running a number of sites, one of these sites I would like to add a subfolder to which runs a seperate index.html file, so effectively it looks like a different site.

I am struggling to acheive this, can anybody give me the steps involved to make this happen?

To clarify, i have a web address for example and would like users to browse to and open up a sub folder.

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Similar Messages:

Configuration :: Put Site In Sub Folder Of Main Website?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a .net website that I've built but here's the catch - when it's deployed I don't know whether it will be deployed to the root of the site or to a sub folder of a larger site (and it needs to be able to move around between places)

And - here's the important bit - we will have zero access to IIS on the live server so this just has to run straight away.

So far I've managed to find work arounds for things like paths to resources but I now need to use a 3rd party component (.dll).

Normally this would go in the bin folder and, if I run my site in the root of the website it works fine but, as soon as we move the site to a sub folder, the reference to the 3rd party component wont work.

Now - I know normally you'd suggest creating a virtual directory under IIS but remember - I HAVE NO ACCESS TO IIS.

So - is there a way to still use 3rd party components in my project and have my project all run in a sub folder of a website?

And no - I can't move just the bin folder to the root of the site - it all has to sit within its own folder.

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Call To Page In Any Subfolder Calls Main Page?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a handler CsvExport.ashx that resides in the root of my web application, the problem is it is called from a javascript include so I can't use ~/ how can i have it so that any call to a file name CsvExport.ashx in in folder in the web application get sent to the proper file?

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Configuration :: Can Store Website Contents In A Folder That Is Located On Website

Apr 27, 2010

I need to have a copy of all my pages, bin fold, data folder, etc stored in a folder in the root of project called installation.

Once I have copied the contents of my web site into the installation folder how can I tell the complie/run process to ignore that folder ?

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Security :: Cannot Access Subfolder Files In Secured Folder

Mar 7, 2011

My restricted files are all stored in ~/Secured folder on the root. Authorized users have no trouble accessing aspx files in that folder. Recently I added a part of an application whose files I wanted to keep separate and created a ~/Secured/HR folder. I am getting a "resource not found" error trying to use any aspx file in HR folder even after user successfully logs in, as if the file does not exist at all. Here is my web.config security settings:


Do I need to configure security for that folder separately?

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Configuration :: Cannot Delete A Folder In A Website

Dec 13, 2010

On our website, we have an application within our website. The following is the folder structure:

website1 (main website)
bin directory1
website2(an application)
bin directory2

There are other folders under each of the main folders which contain other pages, images, etc.

We're trying to upgrade the website and are encountering some difficulties. We want to remove the website2 from the main website to see it it's causing the problem.

However, we cannot remove the bin folder and so we can't remove the website2 folder. We've been able to delete everything but the bin folder itself. We've tried downing the website and the application pool but we still get the 'access denied' error message.

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Configuration :: App_GlobalResources Folder In Publish Website?

Oct 18, 2010

i am developing a multi language website,

in the App_GlobalResources folder i put the 3 folder for the language that contans .resx files. its works fine when i test it from visual studio.

i have VS2008 SP1 with .net frameword3.5 SP1

when i publish the project and configure it to IIS, i found this error.......

Server Error in '/' Application.

Could not find a part of the path 'D:PrismWebPrecompiledWebPrismWeb2App_GlobalResources'.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:PrismWebPrecompiledWebPrismWeb2App_GlobalResources'.

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Configuration :: Exclude A Folder When Build The Website?

Aug 5, 2010

VWD 2008 Express.

I have a folder in my project that contains files I do not want to process (they are only for reference) when I build the web site. These files produce errors because they reference things I do not have in my site. How can I exclude a folder so that it is not processed during a build?

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How To Host MVC Website In A Subfolder

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to run a little ASP.NET project in a subfolder of my hosting. My domain is [URL], but i want to run my app in ASP.NET MVC runs with no problems on the top level, but not in subfolders.

The server says this (line 58 is colored red):

Line 56: ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
Line 57: -->
Line 58: <authentication mode="Forms">
Line 59: <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880" />
Line 60: </authentication>

What can I do to make this ASP.NET MVC website work? This isn't hosted on my computer, so I don't have access to IIS configirations.

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MVC :: Getting The Files From The Main Folder ?

Jan 4, 2011

how i sepuse to run mvc 2 there ?

at the moment im just getting the files from the main folder and placed it on the wwwroot folder (for my domain)

View 9 Replies

Configuration :: Give Website Permission To See Folder On The Server?

May 13, 2010

How can I give my website permission to see this folder on the server? C:PVSWin. The website is actually running on a virtual path D:WebSitesAdco.We are running IIS ver 6.The website uses a table from Pervasive to locate Vendors. The SqlDataSource works from the VS2008 IDE which is running on the server, but if a user logs into the website remotely they get this error:ERROR [IM003] Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 1114 (Pervasive ODBC Client Interface). This error generally indicates that the path to the DB components is not found, or is not available to the calling program, so I guess that the website does not have permissions.

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Configuration :: How To Change The Subfolder Attributes

Mar 20, 2010

Using VS 2010, RC, VB, how do I change the subfolder attributes. When I publish and choose to delete all the files and folders, I have to recreate the security levels for them manually. I assume that I can have Web Config do that for me.

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Configuration :: Subfolder Not Picked Up By IntelliSense?

Mar 14, 2011

Why is it Intellisense only seems to show a file when it is directly in the app_controls folder:


If the file is put into a subfolder:


it will not show in the Intellisense list.

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Configuration :: Deploy Site Into Subfolder?

May 14, 2010

I've been working on site for a client who has just informed me (having completed the work) they want to deploy the site into a subfolder of their exiting domain. The site uses a number of class files in the App_code folder and as well as references to several XML files and and siteMap that uses localised urls for navigation. Obviously all of this stops working as soon as you put it in a sub folder. Is there any way I can configure the site to treat the sub folder it will be placed in as the root?

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C# - Add The View Into The Views Folder In Main App Project?

Jan 29, 2011

I've got my Controllers in its own project, my Models in their own projects, and the Main App in ITS own project, which contains the Views folder.

So when I open up my controller cs file and right click on, say for example, the Details action and choose "Add View", it creates a Views folder within my Controllers project, and adds the view there. I want it to add the view into the Views folder in my Main App project. How in the world do I do this?

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Configuration :: Site Works At Root Of Domain But Not In A Subfolder?

Mar 26, 2011

So my website works great on my local computer. It also works fine when I use the Copy Web Site feature in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. But I do not want all of my files and the default.aspx to be sitting at the root of my domain name. I want it to be in a subfolder.

So again, it works fine when it's sitting at

But when I use my FTP program to move the files to:

I get an error when I try to visit the site. It's just a general runtime error and does not display the specific error message. It obviously must have something to do with when I MOVE the files/folders from the root of the domain to the subfolder?

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Architecture :: Admin Website And Main Website Under Same Solution?

Jan 7, 2011

I want to put my website project and admin website under same project as I want to use session and authentication of the main site. Also I want to show the admin, the page, where he has made changes. But the problem is whenever I will change anything in admin pages, I've to build the entire website. I don't want to do that. Can I build that separately?

I don't want to choose the option of building all pages separately as well.

Is there any alternatives of doing that. Separate projects for admin and website will come up with many other challenges. So I would like to avoid that.

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Configuration :: Create New Application Pool And Assign It To Site Subfolder On Remote Host

Feb 28, 2011

I have a web site running on IIS7 on a remote server. I would like to do the following: Create a new subfolder under the root virtual directory. Create a new app pool. Add this new app pool to the new subfolder Normally, I would do this manually in IIS by first creating the app pool, and then right-clicking the sub folder an choose "add application", but I need to do this programmatically in C#. I've managed to make the above points 1 and 2 work, but I can't find the way to adding the application to the sub folder. This is the code I have used so far for 1 and 2:


So, I need to add "MyAppPool" to the "NytSite" folder. Is this even the correct way to do this?

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Hudson Continuous Integration - Can Copy Contents Of A Folder To Another Folder Or Website

Feb 9, 2010

Im trying out the Hudson Continuous Integration. After the build is executed i want to copy the content of the ReleaseBuild to another website on the server.This should be possible i guess but i cant seem figure it out.I know this can be done in nAnt and msbuild but i need to make Hudson do it, eg plugin or something.

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Security :: Best Way To Access A Admin Area Of A Website From The Main Page?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a simple online store where there are products that can be put into a cart and purchased. There is a admin page that can be logged into so that new products can be added or existing products can be removed or edited. To get to the admin area I need to put a /admin/index after the main page loads up. If I want to give my friends (from any location) the ability to add new products should I create a link to the admin area on the main page (like at the bottom) of the main page or should I just tell them to type in /admin/index after they go to the webpage?

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Web Forms :: Folder To Store WebControl, Without Actually Creating That Folder On Website

Dec 16, 2010

I want to create a folder to store some web controls, so the site structure doesn't have a zillion files in the root.

Except that if I create an ordinary folder, that folder is also visible on the web site. MSDN said you cannot put it in App_Code, and it doesn't really make sense to put it in other special folder like App_Data or App_Theme.

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Configuration :: How To Read Write Folder Contents Outside Project Folder

May 15, 2010

We store backup archives in subfolders of a folder on one of the server's external USB drive. I would like to have an ASP.NET app read the contents of this folder so the manager can view the backup files to confirm backups are working and optionally delete these backup files when an old drive is reconnected so it can be used for the next weeks backups.

This backup folder is oubviously outside the server's webroot. Is there some way I can grant authority so the ASP.Net app can access this folder for this purpose? I would be using VS Web Express, so can't create any signed packages and such.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Upload Pictures In Main Website Directory

Feb 3, 2011

i will upload my pictures in image folder located in admin folder ,but because admin folder will be visible only to site administrator ,so web site visitors cant see these pictures in each page that are inserted.

i do save pictures in a editor :my code is:


how can i upload my pictures in any folder in main directory not in admin folder?

how can i get path of a folder in main website directory for save image in it?

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Configuration :: How To Publish The Cs File Into Root Folder Instead Of Bin Folder

Mar 14, 2011

When we select pull down menu Build -> Publish .... website. The cs extension file dropped into bin folder instead of root folder.

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C# - Can Use Reflection To Find The Bin Configuration Folder Instead Of The Temporary Folder

Mar 11, 2010

I have an ASP.NET website and I want to find the /bin/[Configuration] folder to use an external tool (an exe file). When I use reflection to get calling assemblies location it returns something similar to:

C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework\...Temporary ASP.NET Filesa1388a5e\

Since each dll has its own directory under the temp ASP.NET Files this fails for me. How can I get the location of the compiled binary folder where the dll's and the .exe is (i.e. bin/) instead of's temporary cache?

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