Configuration :: Application Not Working In Port 80 But In 82?

Jan 4, 2011

I have we have deployed an ASP.NET applicatio (3.5 framework ) in IIS 6.0. It works fine in port 82 but it gives error in port80. we have installed follwoing KB969612 for IE8 issue to make it work

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Configuration :: Application Is Working Fine In Local Environment But Not Working After Push Code In Live

Aug 19, 2010

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Do I need to tweak the IIS to make it work.

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I am developing a website in ASP.NET. I wanted to know how can I give a static path to my website on my local mahcine such that it will always be deployed on port number. For eg: in php, the path can always be http://localhost/websitename

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Configuration :: Getting The Components / Application Working Properly On The Webserver?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm quite new to ASP and I can't seem to figure out how to get the application/website to work properly on my webserver. The first thing I had done was to build the solution, shortly followed by 'build website' and at last, to 'publish website'. It saved the files to C: -> Documents -> MS VS -> Projects -> My website.

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Account [folder]; App_Data [folder]; Scripts [folder]; Styles [folder]; bin [folder]; Web.config; Site.master; Default.aspx; About.aspx and PrecompiledApp.config.

I then uploaded these via FTP to my webserver and accessed the appropriate URL. Seems nothing showed up in root beside "Index of/". When I tried to access /Default.aspx, nothing but text appeared (which would be the code displayed in Default.aspx).

I've also read some tutorials regarding this matter where they instructed me to upload directly from Visual Studio to the FTP server, but I'm kind of afraid that it'll delete everything in said folder, as I don't know what the structure of said direct upload should be like.

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Sep 21, 2010

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Configuration :: Change Default Setting In VS2008 So IIS Can Deploy App With Port Number?

Nov 18, 2010

In the past I deployed my apps using IIS running on IE6 and VS2008. When deploying using IIS a port number was attached to the localhost something like: [URL] then after deployment the website could be accessed from any other machine using the url. Recently VS2008, IIS and IE8 was installed. But now when I use IIS to deploy the app no port number is attached to the localhost which means that the app cannot be accessed
by another machine.

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Configuration :: Application Moved To ~/Account/ Path, Not Working Anymore?

Jan 23, 2011

I created an application that basically takes the values from a bunch of fields on the page and adds the data to a SQL database table when I click the 'submit' button. However, I created the file directly under the website path, and I created it while it was like that and I tested it without any user authentication going on.

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I've found that in a few forums they are talking about using Wildcard Mapping, but none of them provide me with a good explanation of how to achieve this. Added to this, what are the security risks of doing such a modification on IIS Level (if there are any?)

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Jan 2, 2010

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I will be having computers connected in LAN and a web application which resides on server. Each client computer will be connected to a external machine using serial port and is ready for reading data, external machine measures equipment details and sends through serial port.Now I need to read the same data using my web page, is it possible?

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Sep 13, 2010

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[EndpointNotFoundException]: There was no channel actively listening at [URL]


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I am using XAMPP to publish my a .net application. The server is working fine. I created a sample login.aspx file, and it works fine. I deleted the sample login file, and I build and copy all the files to the XAMPP directory. When I tried to acces the page, it gave an error message "Access forbidden! You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server. If you think this is a server error, contact the

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Configuration :: Application Configuration With Sticky Session On WebForm

Dec 8, 2010

We are going develop a web application using This applicaton is going to server 50 users per day and 40 users concurrently. As the user count is less, we are planning to have two webservers clustered under a webfarm. We are planning to go for a Sticky Session. Netscaler is the load balancing and reverse proxy we are using at hardware level to route to the same webserver till the end of the client session.

1. Do I need to implement any handler at level to route the session or to provide browser cookie details of session to NetScaler? If so, what should be implemented in detail. Any sample code will also be helpful.

2. I need to maintain a big chunk of object information in session. Does a webserver can handle it?

3. At the hardware level how ReverseProxy works to navigate it to the same webserver? I want conceptual details of it from a web application end.

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State Management :: The Service Seems Not Working Correctly - Application Pools Recycles The Application Loose The Session?

Jul 7, 2010

we are experiencing big difficulties in the configuration of ASP.Net state service and II7. The service seems not working correctly because when the application pools recycles the applicatio loose the session.If we try the same configuration in IIS6 it works correcly.What is the correct way to configure the aspnet session state service in iis7?

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Configuration :: Deploy Application That Uses Application Services Membership Provider

Aug 25, 2010

Apologies if this seems obvious, but after a week searching I can't find a clear answer to my problem.

I have developed an application in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express that uses the application services membership provider. It works well in development on my machine (data in the ASPNETDB.MDF database).

I packaged my application and deployed the relevant files with FTP to my shared hosting provider.

I took a copy of the ASPNETDB.MDF and restored it to the SQL Server 2008 on my shared hosting. I can connect to this through the Database Explorer in Visual Web Developer, but it doesn't contain any schema or data.

I know once I have the database in production I will have to make sure the connection string in web.config is poiting to it, but I don't know how to get the DB to production in the first place.

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