Configuration :: Need To Change The Port Or Use A Virtual Directory / Running On Vista?

May 18, 2010

I have setup a new site in IIS Manager and set the Host name to the actual website address, so everytime I try to access the site via the web it takes me to the site hosted on my pc. Do I need to change the port or use a virtual directory? Running on Vista.

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Configuration :: Web Setup Project Change Virtual Directory Physical Path?

Apr 9, 2010

I created a web setup project. When the users install it, the virtual directory gets created and all the files are created under "C:Inetpubwwwroot<myvirtualdirectory>".

How to customize the web setup project so that I can change the virtual directory physical path? I had followed the tutorial


but it didn't work and my MSI stopped installing alltogether.

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Configuration :: 3.5 Deployment Without Virtual Directory?

Nov 2, 2010

First of all, I am trying to deploy a web application, without virtual directory. Yes...I have no other option but to try this due to some non-tehnical constraints.

Now, I have developed an ASP.NET 3.5 Web application, which works fine on my local ASP.NET Development Web Server. Then, I published the application to the actual webserver using the VS2008 Publish... option. When I got some error messages related to web.config, I removed the corresponding items from the web.config.

When I can access the page but the code inside the page doesn't really work. When I open the Default.aspx, which is directly under the website, I keep on getting this error:

Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DynamicLoadControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This DynamicLoadControl is a class that I have developed and is present in App_CodeDynamicLoadControl.cs file (in the same namespace).

I have searched a lot and tried everything except creating a virtual directory. First of all, is it possible to have 3.5 website without virtual directory.

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Configuration :: Creating The Virtual Directory?

Jan 12, 2011

m new to .net framework 4 and iis 7.I created a webapplication in VS2010 with C#.I created the virtual directory for that web application in my IIS (IIS 7).when i tried to open the page by using virtual directory, it is displaying the following problem.Server Error in '/' Application.

Configuration Error
Description:An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.Source Error:


Source File: E: estweb.config Line: 12 Show Additional Configuration Errors:

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Configuration :: How To Create Virtual Directory In IIS

Jun 3, 2010

I'm new to IIS, I just want to create a virtual directory in IIS. I'm using WINDOWS7.When I Browse my Default file it throws the folling Error,Error SummaryHTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server ErrorThe requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

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Configuration :: Virtual Directory Is Not Working?

Mar 22, 2011

I have made a virtual directory in IIS 7.5 but still unable to catch the required path. I need to save uploaded files inside a folder which i created as virtual directory but still it is showing error like- "Could not find the path..

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Installation :: Change Virtual Directory Using Web Setup Project?

Oct 14, 2010

I made Web Setp Project for a web application, I need to change virtual directory property for the web application.

This virtual directory is linked to TARGETVDIR property which is disabled in the property grid.But I need to control it, I searched for this and I found that the only way is to use orca.exe and change msi using it.

Can I amke another solution to avoid making modification on nsi after build???

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Configuration :: Rename Virtual Directory In IIS Like Domain Name

Aug 13, 2010

At my pc, i developed one application that can be used by my other family members too. Lets say application name is XYZApplication. I have put this appl in virtual directory with same name. So now it can be accessed by the link [URL]. Is it possible by any way to make it accessible by link

1. [URL] OR

2. [URL]

I doubt on second one but atleast 1st one?

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Configuration :: Virtual Directory Path Is Not Valid?

Mar 5, 2011

I have created a setup for my application which is having both website and desktop application. i m supposed to changes connection string in both the config files at runtime. i used following code :


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Configuration :: Created A New Virtual Directory On IIS To Host Website?

Apr 11, 2010

I am developing an ASP.NET 3.5 website using Visual Studio 2008 professional on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. The website is hosted on the local machine IIS with no problems at all. I got a new server (Windows Server 2008 R2), I created a new virtual directory on IIS to host my website. When I try to publish it, I get this error: "The Web server does not appear to have FrontPage Server Extensions installed." I have searched online and it appears that FrontPage extensions have been removed from IIS 7.5

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Configuration :: IIS Manager - Virtual Directory-property Missing Tab

Jun 1, 2010

i tried to set up a virtual dir within default web site. When I navi to property dialog, I could not see "ASP.NET" tab.

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Configuration :: How To Give C# Worker Access To Virtual Directory

Sep 29, 2010

I'm totally stuck. I've tried many ways. I have a webapplication deployed on Win2003 with IIS 6.0. The website needs to access:

D:data on another PC.

I've sucessfully created a virtual directory (using local credentials to the data PC) in IIS and I am fully able to browse and view all the files. So now the webserver is: WebserverData.

In my behind code, I call filestream f = (Server.MapPath("WebserverDatasomedata.txt")));

and it tells me access to that location: \webserverdatasomedata.txt is DENIED. BUT I am able to browse on the Win2k3 IIS server.

I've set impersonation to true and used local username and password of the data PC. I've configured IIS to use the same username password.

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Configuration :: Change Default Setting In VS2008 So IIS Can Deploy App With Port Number?

Nov 18, 2010

In the past I deployed my apps using IIS running on IE6 and VS2008. When deploying using IIS a port number was attached to the localhost something like: [URL] then after deployment the website could be accessed from any other machine using the url. Recently VS2008, IIS and IE8 was installed. But now when I use IIS to deploy the app no port number is attached to the localhost which means that the app cannot be accessed
by another machine.

This is because of the default setting being installed. There is a way to go into properties and change the default settings to make IIS deploy the app with the port number. How you change the default setting to make IIS deploy the app with the port number attached again so the app can be accessed by another machine using the apps url?

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Configuration :: Unable To Save Graphic File On Virtual Directory?

Nov 25, 2010

I am really stumped on this. I have IIS setup on my local box, and a virtual directory pointed to the folder MapBuilder. IUSR and IWAM have been given full access. When I run this through web developer, everything works great. When I access it through IIS, the following error is generated:


The line of code that generates the error is:


If I change the code to use a virtual directory I get the same basic error on the Overview.Save call:


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Configuration :: IIS6 Virtual Directory And Separate Application Pool?

Feb 17, 2011

Our website has all of the publicly accessible pages at the root and private pages (login required) in a folder below the root (call it "private").Private pages are accessed as want to run the pages in the private folder in a separate application pool without changing the URL for private users.I tried making the private folder a virtual directory but then the pages in the private folder did not render(I think because it did not find a web.config in the private folder).Is the answer to simply put a copy of the web.config that resides at the root in the private folder or is that problematic?

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Configuration :: Virtual Directory Targeting Newer Framework Version Than Parent Site?

Mar 25, 2011

There is an existing 2.0 app on an IIS 6 server. I need to add a feature/page to this site (third party app, don't have source code). I'm creating my tool in VS targeting dotnet 4. For end user convenience I need my tool to be available within the same url namespace as this .net 2.0 app. I assumed I would just create a new virtual directory within this existing app to put my app. But I hadn't thought about the different framework versions.... the web server does have v 4 installed. So can I create my virtual directory and host my v4 tool there, within the v2 website?

anything I should be aware of to make that work?

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Configuration :: Doesn't Work When Published To Virtual Server Running Windows Server 2008 R2?

Feb 26, 2011

Does anyone know of any requirements to get the Ajax Control Toolkit (Calendar Extension in particular) working in this OS? I have it working on my local macjine (VS 2010 Development Server) but it doesn't work when published to my Virtual Server running Windows Server 2008 R2. No errors are reported, just nothing happens when I give focus to the Calendar textbox (no Calendar appears).Anyone know of any configutrations that need to be made in Windows Server 2008 R2?Is there a 32-bit/64-bit issue with the Toolkit?

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WCF / ASMX :: GetUser() Is Null When WCf In Virtual Directory Is Called In Parent Directory

Nov 10, 2010

I have a WCF service in a virtual directory that is called in the code behind of a page that is in the parent directory, when i debug the code i can see the wcf service is being called, however when the service calls Membership.GetUser() it alway returns null. The user has already logged in to the site. When i call the service via jquery it does pick up the correct user, but i need to be able to call it via the code behind as well. I am developing in .Net 3.5 how i can make the Wcf pick up the logged in user?

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Installation :: Development To Web Movement: Directory Listing Denied - This Virtual Directory Does Not Allow Contents To Be Listed

Oct 27, 2010

I made a web form on a development website of mine (we'll call it and tried to publish it out to the web (we'll call it [URL]) in a subfolder. I named it default.aspx like I was supposed to and it worked flawlessly on the dev site. When I published it out the web, I wound up getting the following error when trying to get to the subfolder: [URL] Directory Listing Denied

This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. Confused and flustered, I tried to go to [URL], but I wound up with some error that won't tell me the problem. Instead it tells me to change the my web.config to read <customErrors mode="Off"/>.

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Why Necessary To Create Virtual Directory In IIS When Website Content Is Placed In IIS Root Directory

Feb 13, 2010

As virutal directory points to physical path of the application, so if the IIS root directory is C:inetpubwwwroot and the application is stored at D:websites, than we need to create a virtual directory but if the application content is placed at C:inetpubwwwroot, then why still need to create virtual directory.

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How To Change Website Port From 80

May 20, 2010

I have a web site developed in framework 3.5 , OS 2008 Server and iis 6.0 My web site running on port no. 80 and accessible in Lan network but it is not accessed when I changed to any port no like 8060 or 88. how to change port no so that I can access it in LAN network

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C# - Get Name Of Virtual Directory?

Jan 30, 2010

I'm using Request.ApplicationPath to learn the name of the Virtual Directory in which I'm running. Is there a more reliable way?

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Configuration :: How To Publish Web Application In Windows Vista Home Edition

Oct 8, 2010

iam working in a project i have windows vista home eidtion , and i have iis 7 installed , how to publish my web application.

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Configuration :: .NET Authorization Feature Icon Missing In IIS 7 Manager (Vista)

Jan 5, 2011

After installing IIS 7 using Web Platform Installer 2.0, the .NET Authorization icon is missing from features view. Installed Recommended settings + ASP .NET + ASP + FTP Publishing + Administration Pack 1.0 + Basic Authentication + Windows Authentication + URL Authorization packages.

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How To Change Port For A Website Project

Feb 1, 2010

I got a website project and found I couldn't assign a fixed port number for the application in development server. (When I debug, the port number following localhost:1194 always changes)

I've been googling it for hours, but the closest one is how to configure port number for web applicaiton, with a web application I know go to property-web-specific port, but with a web site project I can't find such an option anywhere.

All I can get from a website property is

4.start options
5.silverlight applications

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