Configuration :: Exclude Files From Web Setup Project?

Aug 4, 2010

I try to create a web setup project. Following this example ttp:// everything was perfect. Now I need to find how going trought the wizard exclude some files from Content files Output.

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Configuration :: Web Deployment Project 2008: Exclude Large Folder From Being Copied?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a large folder (1.5 GB) in my ASP.NET Web Site, called Downloads, which contains media files, graphics, etc. No code that needs to be compiled or even deployed on every build.

I use Web Deployment Projects to compile and deploy. Every time I build the deployment project, the Downloads folder gets included and copied to the output location. This is taking a significant amount of time, because the folder is copied twice.

I've tried modifying the wdproj file like this:


I've also tried not adding the * after the folder, but then I get a message that says the directory is not empty during the build process.

I've also tried this approach:


<RemoveBeforeMerge Include="$(OutputPath)Downloads*" />


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C:Program FilesRebexFile Transfer Pack for .NET 4.0FTP SSL for .NET 4.0inRebex.Net.Ftp.dll In the above mentioned source path directory there is an Rebex.Net.Ftp.xml which gets pulled across to the release folder as well. I couldn't really get my head around where this can be referenced so that it puts this .xml file in the release folder of the project when I do a build?

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but it didn't work and my MSI stopped installing alltogether.

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VS 2008 - Configuration Files - Fetch The Connection String From The Data Project?

Nov 3, 2010

I ahve a solution with a few dll projects, a winforms testbed and a WCF webservice project. In the data project, I have a base class that does the following:

public class BaseDAO
private const string CONNECTION_NAME = "OracleConnectionString";
protected static string GetConnectionString()
ConnectionStringSettingsCollection settings =
string conStr = "";
if (settings != null)
foreach(ConnectionStringSettings setting in settings)
if (setting.Name == CONNECTION_NAME)
conStr = setting.ConnectionString;
return conStr;
throw new NotImplementedException("The connction string can't be found");

You might ask, why do I need to loop and check the name against a constant? Well, I have defined the connection string in the service project's web.config, but this above code always find two connection strings, one is a sqlexpress which I guess is a default database of some sort. So, to separate that one against the one I really use, I have to loop through all entries and pick out the one I plan to use. How do I prevent this? Is there a better way to fetch the connection string from the data project?

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Apr 12, 2010

I was merging my web.config file and one I downloaded for open source forums, as it told me to. I copied the different lines myself, but now I'm getting three compile errors in my file.

Here are the errors:

1- The 'compliation' start tag on line 47 does not match the end tag of 'system.web'. Line 205, position 4.

2- Tag was not closed. (On line 47, column 4)

3- Expecting end tag </compilation>. (On line 205, column 3)

I'll also post my web.config file below.


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Configuration :: Exclude A Folder When Build The Website?

Aug 5, 2010

VWD 2008 Express.

I have a folder in my project that contains files I do not want to process (they are only for reference) when I build the web site. These files produce errors because they reference things I do not have in my site. How can I exclude a folder so that it is not processed during a build?

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Sep 30, 2010

My Web.config customErrors section is given below


How can I exclude a aspx page from DefaultRedirect, if errors occur in that page?

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Configuration :: Web Setup Package Not Creates The Setup.exe And Only Makes .msi Package

Oct 5, 2010

I have a web setup package project alongside an old .asmx web service. When I build it I only get 'MyService.msi' and not the 'Setup.exe' in the 'Release' folder after build. Normally the .msi suffices for installation, but on Windows Server 2008 R2 I am getting denied from installing the .msi pacakge. I can only install .exe packages after right clicking and stating "Install as Administrator".

The server admin is still new to 2008 R2 and not sure why I can't install an .msi because I am an admin, so for now if I knew how to get that web setup package to generate the Setup.exe file as well I see my other VS.NET setup packages create.

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1. the hide the code from the user(dll)

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Project Setup For An ADO.NET/WCF DataService?

Apr 3, 2010

I'd like to implement a ADO.NET/WCF DataService and I am wondering what's the best way to setup a project in VS2008 SP1 for this purpose.

Currently I have an ASP.NET web application project (not of "WebSite" project type). The data access layer is an Entity model (EF version 1) with SQL Server database. I have the Entity Model in a separate DLL project and the web application project references to this assembly for all data accesses.

The ADO.NET/WCF DataService needs to communicate with the Entity model/database as well. It has to be hosted on the same web server (IIS 7.5) together with the web application.

Since the DataService is not directly related to that specific web application (though it will provide and modify data from/in the same database the web application uses as well) my basic idea was to separate the DataService in its own new project (which also references the Entity Model DLL).

Now I have seen that there is no project type "ADO.NET/WCF DataService" in VS2008 SP1. It seems only possible to add a DataService as an element to other existing projects, for instance Web Application projects.

Why isn't there a separate DataService project type? Does this mean now that I have to add the DataService as an element to my Web Application project? Or shall I create a new Web Application project and add a DataService to it? (I could delete the pregenerated default.aspx since I do not need any web pages in this project.)

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C# - MVC, EF Layer, And Automapper Setup For A Project

Jan 17, 2011

I'm trying to figure out the best approach to architecting this project. Basically, it's a "band" profile site. I'm using ASP.NET 4, EF, and Automapper (structuremap too, but that's not important). I'm running into performance issues I have a EntityFramework repository class that interacts directly onto the EF objects using LINQ:

public class EntityDataRepository : IRepository
static EntityDataRepository()
// other mappings removed
// Data. objects are EF objects, mapping to my DTO classes

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Setup For Project

Dec 21, 2011

I want to create a set up for a web project in 3.5. How can i do it? What are the steps involved? How to include database?

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