Configuration :: How To Encrypt Email Setting In Webconfig
Jan 25, 2011
How to encrypt email setting in webconfig ?
<smtp from="">
<network host="" password="xxxxx" userName="" port="25"/>
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<hello:someControl id="asdf" />
Now I need to access a config setting in the web.config's appsetting and give access to it to the control.
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How can I do this?
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And here is the one I'm trying to integrate into the one above:
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Mar 22, 2011
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Note: All the above are fake.
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Jun 29, 2010
I have added few assemblies of microsoft through:-
right click on project name->add reference->com tab
Its get added and are shown in web config like:-
<compilation debug="true">
<add assembly="Microsoft.....">
Whatever I want to do using all this, its Working fine locally..
BUT when I upload it, this web config file shows error and doesnt proceed at all and my website goes down.
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Dec 27, 2010
I am facing strange problem. I have a database connection string in web.config. I am not able to read web.config file. Its perfectly working in our server and my system also. After hosted in outside server, i am not able to read web.config file at all. What could be the problem.
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May 11, 2010
how can i access 2 external config files from web.config file.
i have done it for one external file like this in webconfig:
<appSettings file="........">
Now how can i access the second external config file from same webconfig.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have created a webservice, which debugs fine with no errors, and published this on my localhost server for testing.
I have created a windows app which calls the webservice but am hitting problems as soon as I reach the point where the webservice tries to connect to its database.
The connectionstring is held within the web.config file of the webservice as
<add name="MyConnectionName" providerName="System.Data.ProviderName" connectionString="server=MyServerName; database=MyDataBaseName;uid=MyUser;pwd=MyPassword;"/>
and called within the code by using the statement
>> System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionName"].ConnectionString
, and as I said before, this works perfectly when debugging the webservice application directly.
However, the windows application is not seeing the connection properly, if I use the statement as above I get a debug error stating that it is a NULL reference. If I change it to
>> System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ConnectionString
I no longer get a debug error, but the connection is not made. On testing the above code it believes the name for connection 0 is "localSqlServer" and in both the web app and the webservice the error below is returned.
>>An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file \MyServerMyDirectoryMyProjectMyProjectApp_Dataaspnetdb.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
why the windows application see's the correct connection string code as null? Is there additional security I need to add for the web.config file to be accessible? Or does the connection strings need to be relicated within the app.config of the windows app?
Both applications are written in C# and I use Visual Studio 2010, ASP.Net version 4.0.30319
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I'm trying to programmatically encrypt the connectingstrings section of my web.config, using the below code, which I have gotten from here.
The problem is that nothing happens when I click encrypt.
This is my code.
And this is the web.config
Has I understand is the section should be encrypted, but it never happens.
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System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Object already exists.
why is this happening. How to tackle with this problem.
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I'm currently studying the Asp.Net VB in TAFE too.
[URL] ....
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<mailSettings >
deliveryMethod="Network" >
The code is not working and not bringing me an error.
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