Configuration :: Multi-project Deployment?

Feb 14, 2011

I need to deploy 3 projects using one single installer. The first project is a web project the second and third project are windows services.I need to use the .Net Deployment project to deploy all the project is a single installer. I have managed to create a installer and a custom action which gets the primary output of the both windows service but I am having problems installing the Web application.

If I create an output for the web application it gets installed in the application's folder and not on IIS folder and its not set as an application.

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Similar Messages:

Configuration :: Web Deployment Project Not Working?

Jan 9, 2011

I built the solution once in release mode and it created all the necessary files in the release folder. I then deleted all the contents of the release folder. Now when I buid it for the second time, the release folder is empty. The dll is in the debug folder.

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Configuration :: Unresponsive Controls In Web Deployment Project?

Apr 28, 2010

My web application functions as expected when using non-compiled web pages. When I used a Web Deployment Project to build my solution (creating a separate assembly for each page and control output), the web application does not function (e.g.: pushing a button does not result in any action).

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Configuration :: Web Deployment Project (wdproj) Not Deploying In VS 2010

Jun 21, 2010

Have been searching for a while but am having no luck fixing this. I am running VS 2010 on a Win XP machine. My agency's developer converted our web app with no problem, and i can open it and compile the code in VS 2010. I am trying to run my wdproj to build the site to a local directory, and it will not. I get an output error:

Error 2
Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.
76 1 pct.deploy

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Configuration :: Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Project Add-In?

Feb 12, 2011

According to this website, I can go to Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Projects, and download the add-in, but I am not finding what I need. I have searched other sites for the add-in as well, but with no luck. where I can download the add-in?

If not, can someone provide documentation on how to properly deploy an ASP Web application? I have tried on my own, but I am apparently doing something incorrectly or incompletely, as I have several different problems with my current deployment. So I am looking to start over with the help of this add-in or by following more detailed documentation.

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Configuration :: Difference Between Web Site Deployment And Web Project In VS2008?

Jun 7, 2010

Is there a difference between the Web Setup Project in VS2008 and the Web Deployment Project that I keep reading about on this site? More importantly, how much of a help is the deployment project over just using the setup project?

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Configuration :: How To Add A Post Build Event To A Web Deployment Project

Apr 22, 2010

I need to know how to add a post build event to a Web Deployment Project.

How can it be done?

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Configuration :: Webapplication Deployment / Making Project Setup

Nov 25, 2010

Now i want to deploy that application without any interaction of IIS. I want to make setup of my project so that i can directly install it in client's pc. I have tried many ways of doing this. I have tried Xcopy method and even tried of adding web setup project.

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Configuration :: VS2010 Web Deployment Project Rebuilds Constantly?

Jun 6, 2010

I just upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010, and now my web deployment project keeps rebuilding constantly. Even if I have a WinForms application set as the startup project and hit Ctrl+F5 to run it, the web deployment project rebuilds every time I hit Ctrl+F5. It didn't do this in VS2008. Does anyone know what's causing this?

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Configuration :: Web Project One-Click Deployment And Creation Of IIS Virtual Directories?

Oct 28, 2010

I have an ASP .NET web project; let's call it XYZZY. On my development machine I test and debug it using IIS. Under the IIS virtual directory for XYZZY, I have several "sub" virtual directories which I reference for downloading documents. Let's call them Doc1, Doc2, Doc3. These virtual directories reference a shared folder on another machine. Everything works great on the development machine.

Now I would like to publish the XYZZY web application to the production machine using One-click deploy. I have told it to include all IIS settings as configured in IIS manager. When I deploy XYZZY to the production machine, it properly creates the XYZZY application directory under c:inetpubwwwrootXYZZY and copies all files there and creates the XYZZY application in IIS. However, when it creates the sub virtual directories Doc1, Doc2, Doc3 under XYZZY in IIS, it doesn't use the shared folder I have them
set up as on the development machine, it points all 3 of them to c:inetpubwwwrootXYZZY.

I've examined the metaproperties in the archive.xml from the zipped deployment package, and it correctly has the IIsWebVirtualDir virtual directory folder Path settings correct from the dev machine, but for some reason they are overridden when the app is deployed.

I have found the instructions on customizing the deployment settings complicated and confusing. Surely this requirement for creating IIS virtual directories during web package deployment must be common. Can anyone explain clearly how to get the deployment package to create the IIS virtual directories with the proper targets on the target machine? Ideally, it would be nice to be able to set them to different values based on the configuration just as Web.config can be customized, but that's not a requirement just yet.

View 4 Replies

Configuration :: Web Deployment Project 2008: Exclude Large Folder From Being Copied?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a large folder (1.5 GB) in my ASP.NET Web Site, called Downloads, which contains media files, graphics, etc. No code that needs to be compiled or even deployed on every build.

I use Web Deployment Projects to compile and deploy. Every time I build the deployment project, the Downloads folder gets included and copied to the output location. This is taking a significant amount of time, because the folder is copied twice.

I've tried modifying the wdproj file like this:


I've also tried not adding the * after the folder, but then I get a message that says the directory is not empty during the build process.

I've also tried this approach:


<RemoveBeforeMerge Include="$(OutputPath)Downloads*" />


And that still did not help. (also says: The directory is not empty.)What is the proper way to tell WDP not to consider a folder at all?

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Configuration :: Can Create An Incremental Deployment Package Using Either Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects

Mar 27, 2011

Can I create an incremental deployment package using either Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects or Web Deploy (Web Deployment Tool) .

I need to automatically select changed files from a source and destination or a change set on TFS and build a deployment package only with the changed files.

View 9 Replies

How To Structure A Utility/companion Project In A Multi-project Solution

Aug 4, 2010

Let's say I have a Visual Studio solution with a Web project, a BLL project, and a DAL project. I'm trying to follow the repository pattern keeping my SQL code in the DAL with an interface that is referenced by the BLL.

I have a handful of common solutions for things such as error handling, usage logging, and other things that can be considered utility functions (i.e. not in the business spec). I'm keeping these in a Common project.

Here are a few ideas I've had with regards to structuring the Common project...

Bundle SQL with logic in a given class

Create a layered solution within the Common project

Discard the Common project and put utility functions in with BLL/DAL

Is one of these ideas better/worse than the other? Does anyone have a better solution?

It's worth noting that these utility functions will be reused in a variety of other applications.

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How To Obfuscate A Dll When Using A Visual Studio Deployment Project

May 5, 2010

I need to obfuscate a dll that is used in a ASP.NET project, the deployment project pruduces a setup.exe which I want to distribute. I have the VS 2008 Dotfuscator installed but when I build the deployment project the project that creates the dll is rebuilt before it is added to the deployment project and added to the setup.exe.

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Missing Master Pages When Using Web Deployment Project?

May 16, 2010

I am trying to deploy an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application to my production server and I am using the Web Deployment Project for this purpose. I have a folder named MasterPages in the root of the application which contains all the master page files. When I build this project in the release mode and deploy it on to the server I am getting the below error message:

Directory 'C:inetpubwwwrootMasterPages' does not exist. Failed to start monitoring file changes.

I am using ASP.NET AJAX and the ToolkitScriptManager is on the master pages. I have noticed that the MasterPages folder is missing from the release build.

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Deployment - Deploying 3.5 Project To IIS 6 On Windows Server 2003?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a project which involves a database (sql server 2008 express) class library, webservice and a website which I want to deploy on a windows server 2003 with IIS 6. I look ed on the web and how to do this for the website mostly but unfortunately not that much for the webservice, classlibrary and database.

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VS2010 : Merge WebSite Assemblies As In Web Deployment Project

Jan 26, 2010

is it possible to make a single assembly for whole WebSite in Visual Studio 2010?

With Web Deployment Project i can do this in VS2008, but it is not compatible with new version.

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Visual Studio :: Adding A Web Deployment Project To The Website?

Jan 16, 2010

i have a project which runs fine when I build it and run it. But when I add an web deployment project to the same, it throws out a "server block is not well formed" error in Default.aspx page

through googling i found out that it may have something to do with page/server directives. but i cant figue out what is wrong with this code.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="KnowledgeBase.Web.UI._Default" %>

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Visual Studio :: Web Deployment Project Not Creating DLL From ASCX Controls?

Jan 27, 2011

I am trying to get VS 2008 SP1 to precompile a development site using the Web Deployment Project method. I've done this previously with a different site containing ASPX pages, with success. However, this is a third party example web application containing a set of ASCX controls. The idea is that I want to create a precompiled DLL containing the controls, that can then be distributed as a library DLL. I thought the the use of WDP should allow the compiler to compile all the ASCX controls, and then optionally merge them all into a single DLL.

The problem is, the WDP build reports that it succeeds, but the only file generated is the precompiledapp.config file. On closer inspection of the reporting, it seems that the only error reported is:

aspnet_merge : warning 1013: Cannot find any assemblies that can be merged ...

which I assume refers to the DLL merging process at the end of the compile. This that the compiler was unable to find or process any of the ascx controls in the web application, and so didn't produce any DLLs from them.

I don't really understand what is going wrong here. Should I be able to run a Web Deployment Project like this to compile ASCX controls in this way, and if so, what is likely to be going wrong here? Could the ASCX files somehow be protected from the compiler, to prevent redistribution?

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Guidelines For Multi User / Multi Session / Multi Tab Cookie Enviroment?

Jan 18, 2011

Our current application is working fine but when you try to misbehave like we found out that When login with same user in multiple tab with different organization(there is a organization dropdown in the master page which sets the cookie whenever it is changed.) in tab one it is org 1 and tab 2 it is org2 , cookie has the later org 2 in it but when we go back in tab1(which had org1) and save the record org 2 will be saved with the record So can some one share some sort of a checklist with us which address these types of problem.

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Installation :: Don't Have Publish Or Add A Deployment Project In Visual Studio Express 2008?

Jun 15, 2010

Why I don't have publish or add a deployment project in my visual studio express 2008?

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Generating Deployment Package For A Application / Structure Takes Project Path?

Mar 18, 2011

I've created a deployment package in visualStudio, the package is generated, but it has an awfull structure, which is basically, the path where I've my project(e.g "CONTENT/D_C/WorkSpace/MyCustomer/TheProjectName/TheDevelopmentBranchFolder/TheCurrentBranch/TheWebApplicationName/obj/Release/Package/PackageTmp/TheSiteIsFinallyHere!!!"

It's problematic, because with the web deployer of IIS, it recreate this path.

So how can I avoid the "D_C/WorkSpace/MyCustomer/TheProjectName/TheDevelopmentBranchFolder/TheCurrentBranch/TheWebApplicationName/obj/Release/Package/PackageTmp" part in visual studio?

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Web Forms :: Tree Structure For Nodes - Multi Level Marketing Project

Jan 27, 2010

I am developing an ASP.Net web application for my client which is into Multi Level Marketing Business. I need to show him the treeview of the members under any member he chooses. For eg. he selects 'Member A' from the DropDownList, and clicks Submit, he should get a treeview of all the members under 'Member A'

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Configuration :: WIX For Web Site Deployment?

Jan 7, 2011

I am using WIX 3.6 for VS2010 to create our MSI's for our web application setups. This is all working fine and all in terms of deployment and uninstall.

I recently allowed the user to specify the virtual directory and application pool names to support side by side installs. This is all fine as I have created my own setup bootstrapper.

The issue is with uninstallation.

If the user does not specify the names and leaves the default values, it will install successfully.

The minute the user updates the names from the defaults, the install process will not remove the app-pool and virtual directory. This is what I have found consistently with my testing.

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Configuration :: Best Deployment Method?

Jun 4, 2010

We are working on an project. There are 5 developers in the team. The team size might increase in future. Deployment of the project, often creates some problems for us. We are using svn (very much like vss) to update and commit our codes to a common location.Apart from all these, the changes made by one developer sometimes affects the changes made by another. We usually move only the aspx files and dlls to the server. This causes lots of issues to the testing team as the testers need to check the entire application whenever a dll is updated on the server. We are now looking for a deployment method, that includes both pre-compilation as well a means that enables us to do patch releases (like making a change to the aspx.cs alone without having to update the entire dll) If it is not possible, what is the best deployment method that would suit our requirements?

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