Configuration :: Registering A Custom Section In Web.config?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm getting an ConfigurationErrorsException when trying to load a custom section from my web.config.

I'm trying to register a custom section in web.config to load it later using a "Section Class".
Suppose my section is orderService, and I register it in web.config as shown:
<sectionGroup name="system.web.extensions" type="System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebExtensionsSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
<section name="orderService" type="orderService"/>
<orderService available="true" pollTimeout="00:01:00" location="abc">

Then I try to load it with:

Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(Request.ApplicationPath);
OrderService custSection = OrderService)config.GetSection("orderService"); <== The exception is thrown here (OrderService is a class that inherits from the class ConfigurationSection, and that defines a property for each orderService property, in this case: available, pollTimeout and location)

The exception says: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for orderService: Could not load type 'orderService'. (my web.config path line 23) Does anybody know what am I doing wrong here? (I got it from the book APress: Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C#)

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C# - App.Config Custom Configuration Section

Dec 14, 2010

I've created a custom config section for my application. For some reason Visual Studio 2010 isn't picking up and of my custom properties. I'm getting warnings similar to this for all the "add" keys: Could not find schema information for the element 'urlFilterSection'

<section name="urlFilterSection" type="BotFinderApp.Models.UrlFilterSection, BotFinder" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
<add url="" numberOfIpsToExtract="10" />
namespace BotFinderApp.Models
public class UrlFilterSection : ConfigurationSection
public UrlFilterSection()
[ConfigurationProperty("urlFilterCollection", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
[ConfigurationCollection(typeof(UrlFilterCollection), AddItemName = "add", ClearItemsName = "clear", RemoveItemName = "remove")]
public UrlFilterCollection Urls
var urlsCollection = (UrlFilterCollection)base["urlFilterCollection"];
return urlsCollection;
namespace BotFinderApp.Models
public class UrlFilterCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
public UrlFilterCollection()
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
return new UrlFilter();
protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
return ((UrlFilter)element).Url;
namespace BotFinderApp.Models
public class UrlFilter : ConfigurationElement
public UrlFilter()
[ConfigurationProperty("url", DefaultValue = "", IsRequired = true)]
public string Url
get { return (string)this["url"]; }
set { this["url"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("numberOfIpsToExtract", DefaultValue = "0", IsRequired = true)]
public int NumberOfIpsToExtract
get { return (int)this["numberOfIpsToExtract"]; }
set { this["numberOfIpsToExtract"] = value; }

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IIS Configuration :: Adding Add Section In HttpHandler Section In Web Config Results In Blank Page?

Jul 12, 2013

with this code website works perfect


but when I add

<add path="ThumbHandler.ashx" verb="*" type="Delshad.WebControls.ThumbHandler,Delshad.ThumbPic"/>


<add verb="GET" path="CaptchaImage.axd"
type="MSCaptcha.CaptchaImageHandler, MSCaptcha" />

in httphandlers section when I go in my site it is only a blank page!

before In other two host there wasent problem but this is a new host and I face with this problem.also in local there isn't any problem.

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Configuration :: Registering Custom Controls From Assembly?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm having some difficulties registering a custom control from a class library in my webapplication's web.config file (or directly on a single page at all). These are the steps I've taken thus far:

1. I have a class library that generates a dll called "Core" and my webapplication has a reference to this "Core" assembly.

2. The Core class library contains a class called AjaxTable which is of namespace "Core.Presentation.DataViews".

3. AjaxTable extends System.Web.UI.Control.

4. I have added the following to my webapplication's web.config file.

<add assembly="Core" namespace="Core.Presentation.DataViews" tagPrefix="core" />

5. Since the previous didn't appear to work I tried the following variant:

<add assembly="Core" namespace="Core.Presentation.DataViews.AjaxTable" tagPrefix="core" />

It seems like I must be doing something small wrong or missing a step. Can anybody give me any advice? Thank you all in advance.

View 10 Replies

C# - How To Create And Use A Custom Section In Web.config

Jul 10, 2010

how to create and use a custom section in web.config ?

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C# - Implementing A Custom Section In The Web.config File?

Jun 19, 2010

I've been working on implementing a custom section in the web.config file for a little something I'm working for the past few hours, but I can't seem to get it working. The following is what I'd like to use as my XML structure:


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Is Default Value Necessary For The Validation To Fire Properly On Custom Config Section's Properties

Jul 26, 2010

i have the following property which takes an IP address as its value and defined in my custom config section as follows and To validate the IP address i am using a Reg expression.

[ConfigurationProperty("SMTPServer", IsRequired = true, DefaultValue = "")

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Configuration :: Encrypting A Custom Section Programatically

Aug 11, 2010

I have a custom section in a web application that I am having trouble encrypting. I have written an external .NET program that will encrypt both .NET 1.1 & .NET 2.0 web/app configs.Up until this point in time, I have never had to encrypt any custom sections for either type of application. Anyway, the way I set it up for my web application is I wrote a class library that I import into the web application which allows me to set up and read from the custom section in the web.config. That all works fine... I added the custom section, and the web pages are able to read the values fine.

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C# - StringValidator Always Fail For Custom Configuration Section?

Aug 27, 2010

I have created a custom configuration section in a c# class library by inheriting from ConfigurationSection. I reference the class library in my web application (also c#, ASP.NET), fill in the appropriate attributes and everything works great. The problem starts when I start adding validators.

For example, this property:

[ConfigurationProperty("appCode", IsRequired = true)]
public string ApplicationCode
return (string)base["appCode"];
base["appCode"] = value;

As is it works fine, but as soon as I add this:


It bombs with the following error:

The value for the property 'appCode' is not valid. The error is: The string must be at least 1 characters long.

I get this error even though a valid appCode value is in my web.config file. If I remove the validator it works perfectly.

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Configuration :: The Configuration Section ConnectionStrings Cannot Be Read Because It Is Missing A Section Declaration

Mar 17, 2010

Detailed Error Information
IIS Web Core
Not yet determined
Error Code

Config Error The configuration section 'connectionStrings' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration Config File \?C:inetpubvhostscno-o.comhttpdocsweb.config

View 9 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Unable To Create A Forgot Password Section Within Login Section

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to create a forgot password section within my login section and it doesnt seem to work.

In my forgotpassword.aspx page my code looks like this:


According to our records, you have requested that your password be reset. Your new password is: <%Password%>

If you have any questions or trouble logging on contact a site administrator.

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ::1:25

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ::1:25

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Configuration :: Error "The Configuration Section "connectionStrings" Cannot Be Read Because It Is Missing A Section" When Loading Page

Mar 5, 2010

I have this error: The configuration section 'connectionStrings' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration on my site when loading this page [URL]. The rest of the site works [URL] Setup:The server is a hosting company - Mocha Hosting. [URL] contains a phpbb forum. This has been installed via the hosting company's web tool (Plesk). There is a root web.config, but there isn't in the /forum/ folder. The forum folder has been set by the phpbb installation wizard to be a virtual directory and application - and it appears to not have configured on it. The forum worked BEFORE uploading the root web.config file, and again if i temporarily remove the root web.config.

View 5 Replies

Configuration :: Custom Config Files Encryption

Mar 24, 2011

I have a couple of configuration files flxConnection.config and flxSecurity.config files which are being referenced from the Machine.config file like below.

<securitySettings configSource="flxSecurity.config" />
<connectionStrings configSource="flxConnection.config" />

I would like to encrypt the files (a) flxSecurity.config and (b) flxConnection.config using the RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider using a custom RSA key, which can be deployed to other servers. How is that possible? If possible, looked at a variety of stuff in the internet and they all seem to be referring to either Web.config or Machine.config encryption which is pretty straight-forward. This is how the flxConnection.config looks like,

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated
Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

This is how the flxSecurity.config looks like,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<add key="APC_APP_ID" value="apcrpt"/>

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Configuration :: Read Custom Tags In Web.config In C#?

Sep 1, 2010



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Configuration :: Custom Errors For 404 Pages Not Working In Web.config?

Feb 2, 2010

For some reason the Custom Errors for 404 pages are not working on my production server, but they work fine on development. Instead of going to the custom 404.aspx page, it goes to the ugly IIS 404 page.

Here is my Custom Errors protion of my web.config:


I changed the defaultRedirect to also go to my 404.aspx page just to make sure I was catching everything, but still it does't work. I know I could change the IIS 404 error to also point to my 404.aspx page, but that will not work for me because I need to capture the "aspxerrorpath" in the querystring for .net 404 errors. The IIS method will not give me that.

I am just hoping it is a server configuration I missed somewhere, but everything on production looks the same as on development.

View 9 Replies

Configuration :: Create A Custom Error Page In Web.config File?

Apr 14, 2010

If I create a custom error page in my web.config file, how do I retrieve error details in the error page?

So with ...

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/error/error.aspx">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/error/404.aspx" />

I am referring to errors generated by my For example I created a sample page and wrote 'throw new Exception("some error")' as a test. How can I retrieve an instance of the exception or exception details in my "/error/error.aspx" page? Currently in my error page if I query Server.GetLastError() the return value is null.

View 6 Replies

The Configuration Section "system.web.extensions" Cannot Be Read Because It Is Missing A Section

Apr 14, 2010

My system: I have installed Windows 7, VS2010 and .NET40 and ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi I'm getting the error below.

Error Summary. HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

View 13 Replies

Registering Custom Controls Fails?

Sep 14, 2010

I am attempting to register my user controls within the webconfig file because I am receiving the Element does not exist error, but I am receiving the following error when I try to register them in webconfig:

Invalid or missing attributes found in the tagPrefix entry. For user control, you must also specify 'tagName' and 'src'. For custom control, you must also specify 'namespace', and optionally 'assembly'

The following is the code within the webconfig file:

<add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI" assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, [code]....

The pages that are having this issue are also referencing MasterPages if that matters at all:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/programs/MasterProgram.master" CodeBehind="~/programs/wim2011/default.aspx" Inherits="IPAM.Website.programs.wim2011._default" %>

and they are each within their own folders.

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Configuration :: Configuration Error / Unrecognized Configuration Section System.serviceModel?

Mar 10, 2010

I am getting this error on a website. does that mean the server is not competible with 3.5

Configuration Error
Description:An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section system.serviceModel.

Source Error: [Code]....

Line 236: </assemblyBinding>Line 237: </runtime>Line 238: <system.serviceModel>Line 239: <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />Line 240: </system.serviceModel>

Source File: D:Inetpubvhostsmuratmalli.comhttpdocsweb.config Line:

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VS 2010 Registering Custom / User Controls

Feb 23, 2012

I have a WebUserControl, let's call it "BaseControl.ascx" that acts as a base control for a custom control (a class that inherits BaseControl). Inside BaseControl I have a couple of regular controls (for example a DropDownList called 'dropdown'), which I try to populate in the inheriting control:

csharp Code:
namespace ProjectName.Controls{    public class SpecializedControl : BaseControl    {       
public void SetupList()        {            dropdown.DataSource = "ABCDEFG".ToCharArray();           
dropdown.DataBind();        }    }}

As far as I know, the only way to register a custom control (eg, not a .ascx control but a class inheriting a control) is to use this syntax on the page:

<%@ Register Assembly="ProjectName" Namespace="ProjectName.Controls" TagPrefix="custom" %>

This seems to work, I can place a SpecializedControl on the page with this:

<custom:SpecializedControl runat="server" ID="test" />

However, when I now call the 'SetupList' method on this control, from the Page_Load event, it seems that 'dropdown' (the DropDownList control in BaseControl.ascx) is null, it seems it is never instantiated.

To test what is happening I just created a simple TestControl.ascx (note: an ascx file again, so a WebUserControl and not a custom control), also with a dropdown and the same SetupList method.

When I register this control using the following syntax, everything works fine:

<%@ Register Src="~/Controls/TestControl.ascx" TagName="TestControl" TagPrefix="custom" %>

I can call SetupList and the list is populated just fine.

When I register the exact same control however with the other syntax, it does not work, and 'dropdown' is null:

<%@ Register Assembly="ProjectName" Namespace="ProjectName.Controls" TagPrefix="custom" %>

In this test case I can choose which syntax to use, but in my actual case I can't. The control I want to put on my page is not an ascx file, it's a class that inherits another control (a custom control), so as far as I know I am stuck with this second syntax. So, I cannot get this to work...

I also tried creating the control dynamically using LoadControl, but that gives the same problem.

Long story short: it seems like I have to use the first syntax to register a control (with a 'Src' tag pointing to the control ascx file), but I can't since there is no ascx file... How can I do this properly?

View 6 Replies

Why Can't Add Section To Machine.config

Mar 31, 2011

I would like to add this section to my machine.config in exactly the same way many articles and microsoft are suggesting:

<add name = [URL]/>
<add name = "*" maxconnection = "2" />

[URL] As soon as I do it though, I get this exception when trying to hit a page hosted on the IIS on the same machine: Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section Source Error:

Line 9: settings that differ from their defaults.
Line 10: --><configuration>
Line 11: <>
Line 12: <connectionManagement>
Line 13: <add address="*" maxconnection="24" />

Source File: C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFramework64v2.0.50727Configmachine.config Line: 11 Where is the problem and how can I modify the machine.config so that I can finally control the maxconnection value?

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Configuration :: Error Occurred Creating The Configuration Section Handler?

Jun 4, 2010

Excuse me this common error. I´ve found a lot of info in Google but I´ve not found my error. I´m trying to read some data from a custom section in web.config and I don´t know which is my error?


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Security :: Encrypting Section In Web.config?

May 3, 2010

I am wondering how to encrypt the below information in the "web.config" file of the "Account" folder (where we have the secured pages):


My issue here is that even after I compiled my application (using "aspnet_compiler -v /reports c:
eports"), the information inside the web.config file of the Account folder still not encrypted, and I want to publish my site to the customer server. So, since this server is a customer server, then they can access this "web.config" file and change our web-application security behaviour (correct me if I am wrong). Basically, I don't want the customer to even have access to our secured pages when they access our web-application using the web browser. How to solve this issue?

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C# - Best Way To Get The Proper Modules Section From The Web.config?

Jan 19, 2011

The code I've used to get the HTTP Modules is basically

HttpModulesSection modules = ((SystemWebSectionGroup)config.GetSectionGroup("system.web")).HttpModules;
// Depending on what we need to do...

This worked fine up until IIS7. The migration command %SystemRoot%system32inetsrvappcmd migrate config "website/" moves the modules into system.webServer, so my code is now updating the wrong section. Is there a built in way to get the proper module section that should be modified? Or do I have to add a check for the Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] and return system.web/system.webServer depending on the string I get back?

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MVC :: How To Respect Namespaces Section In Web.config

Nov 18, 2010

I am referencing some classes in my _layout.cshtml file and I have the namespaces in my Views/web.config <pages><namespaces> section and the layout page does not resolve. If I put @using statements in the layout page, it works fine. Shouldn't the layout page respect the web.config section?

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